What is going on?

Why does the modern Nightelves use the old banner of the acient Kaldorei aka Highborne/Shal’dorei since BFA 8.1?

What happened?


Yet in the WoW anniversary event, in the Caverns of Time, the same banner represents the Shal’dorei, not the modern Kaldorei.


Is it another identity stealing?


No, it’s Blizzard recycling old assets.

What do you mean?

Isn’t it obvious? The old Nelf banners are too low-quality for modern WoW, so instead of creating new high-quality banners, they just recycle the Legion banners they created for the Broken Isles Night elves. Blizzard has done this MANY times. Not everything has a lore explanation.

This particullar banner have no connection to the modern Nightelves.

It is something that belong to the Suramarians.

I understand the fact that the modern Kaldorei flag is old, but it is just unfair to steal our identity.

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Ok, why would Blizzard care? You really think they’d put effort into making an actual new model just because of a minor lore detail, which is known only by 10% of the Night elf fans in the game?

That’s not how developers think.

Amazing explanation Daelinna.

Only 10% of playerbase knows the lore so let’s steal and put it there because it looks Nightelven, people don’t care anyway.

And we will use the same banner in the Holiday, and we will remove it.

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To be exactly

To be precise, this is their WC3 banner. They changed the banner once in WOW, for Teldrassil and back to their WC3 banner now.

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This was never used as the modern Kaldorei flag, in the WC3 they were using completely different banner.

This banner was forgotten after the Great Sundering, only in the Legion it was brought back. Due to the Suramar being back.

Also, in WC3 Suramar was in ruins.

Since the story is presented in a way that the horde betrayed the trust of night elves after relatively calm period, and the alliance is perceived by them as betraying them in the time of need, one could say that maybe the days and ideas of the Empire are not completely unreasonable.

After all there was a ptr-only line from Azshara that in the end, elves will serve again.

Thalyssra. So the Horde sends its sorceress to plunder the treasures of Zin-Azshari–and seize the Tidestone for your warchief, no doubt.
Would you entrust it to Tyrande? Perhaps she needs it to invoke yet another forbidden ritual.
It breaks a queen’s heart to watch her subjects squabble. Such a futile argument. In the end, you will all be mine again–one way or another.

Though our kingdoms stand divided, we share contempt for you, Azshara.

You see? We have found common ground already. Dear children, it is only a matter of time until you kneel before my throne.

It did not get out of ptr-stage, and maybe it’s a good thing, given that instead of killing we just let her walk away (I can imagine faces of Jaina & co. should they learn about it), but the idea was presented… in ok-ish manner.

It might be just a natural progression of the story, given that formerly exiled highborne are now a full-time part of the alliance.

gl hf

look at the centre, thats their wc3 banner in high quality. thats their original banner from wc3


im having loreorgasm reading this. Sad they cut it off.

I would like to see her return, to be honest.

The Highborne of the Alliance are the Highborne of the Eldre’Thalas the banner or the Eldre’Thalas is different.

Also, Eldre’thalassians had nothing to do with this banner, as they haven’t kept anything from the Highborne empire of us.


Go to your Highelven threads please, you have no knowledge of the ancient Nightleves nor Kaldorei. How is that and the banner I have sent are similar? Just by the moon shape? Have a walk in the Suramar.

I have no knowledge about it? don’t make a fool of yourself just because you don’t like my opinion. The moon, or rather the scythe moon, has always been the night elf symbol. It has been since their creation and when they named their capital after the moon goddess, 15000 years ago.


It is lore of my race.

Watch your mouth lowborn scum.


See, the fact that you are unironically RPing proves you need a new hobby. Or need to get a job. One of the two really.


luneara, then you have to learn and read your own lore better

thats the highborne banner, from 10.000 years ago, azsharas empire banner.


For you information I have 2 jobs. Your “lifeless” joke does not work with me.

Azshara’s Highborne are from Zin’Azshari, therefore this is the banner used by the Zin’azharian Highborne, who are now Naga.


And this one is Suramar banner, and you can find this by doing Suramar archaeology.

That was the banner of the Empire, and that was the banner of the Highbornes themselves, because Azshara was their queen. But the moon was embedded there too, as I said, the moon has always been a night elf symbol. And to say that the night elves have now stolen your banner is just laughable, because it has always been theirs.

The lying crescent moon was already on the WC3 cover, for example, as Tyrande’s forehead chain.


The banner was kept till these days by the Suramarians, and the it can be found in the ruins of the Azsuna.

What happens now is direct stealing, as the modern Kaldorei have no connection to the old Kaldorei empire, they have made their own empire, moreover have made their own banner, with tree on it.

They have no right to take it, even though we were same race before.

Suramar’s all statues have that scythe, and the banner of the acient Kaldorei. Even our new flag with Arcan’dor tree have the scythe, we have an arcane magic-infused tattoo which gives the moon scythe tattoo on our forehead.