the night elves never changed their symbol, in a history of 15000 years, they didn´t change it, cenarion Circle have the tree as banner, the night elf as a race have their own banner for over 15000 years. And btw, nightborne steal from them, suramar shouldn´t exist in the first place
Your race should not have existed at all. But well guess what? You do.
The modern Night elves have created their own version of the empire, without the past.
Therefore, they should not have used it for them.
why? Because you don´t like it? What a joke.
Nostalgia is a strong feeling sometimes. Maybe that’s their new path - accept this part of the history instead of running away from it.
That seems to be a commong theme of the alliance lately. Draenei reuniting with the lightforged after thousands of years apart. Night elves and highborne. Reunion of the 3 hammers. Same with gnomes. Re-appearance of Kul Tiras. Old faces coming back, like Turalyon and Alleria. And maybe even more in the future.
gl hf
Highborn is a name givinen to the noble, which are the Nightborn and the Blood elves.
In fact, High elf is the Thalassian name for ‘‘Quel’dorei’’ which mean Highborn in Darnassian. The Highborn which joined and live with the Night elves, are nothing more than arcane user Night elves, the modern Nightelves have no nobility. Highborn was never a race name, it was a meaning, which applies 1000x more to Blood elves and Nightborne than any Alliance elf race.
Night elves are not noble, they are savage.
The Highborne were the upper classes of the ancient kaldorei civilization, at first a nameless caste made up of night elves who had unusual intelligence, strength, skills, or wealth and thus found favor with the ruling monarch. Their vast arrogance and greed, garish and multicolored clothing, and decadent habits did not endear them to other night elves. In fact, these powerful families became convinced that they were superior to the rest of their race, and so they began to call themselves the Highborne.
They don’t have nobility, but shen’dralar are about as highborne in their origin as one could be. They so far are not playable and only train those of the night elves who is willing to study the arcane.
Now, can you imagine telling that to a draenei?!
My apologies, mage, but the arcane secrets of the Highborne will forever remain secrets to you.
Anyway… Even in game they are referred to as such.
Tenaron Stormgrip (Precious Waters):
The moonwells hold the waters of the Well of Eternity, the ancient source of magic that has wrought so many horrors upon our world.
The druids take advantage of its properties, the Sentinels revere the wells as shrines to Elune, and now even the returning Highborne look to the wells longingly.
That might be an interesting story in the future, interactions of shen’dralar and shal’dorei. Maybe. But we’ll see if anything comes out of it.
gl hf
Ah yes, of course you do.
the nightborne are just 10.000 year old relics who hid behind a bubble while everyone else did the heavy lifting so if anyone is worthy of those flags its the night elves
You do realise this game has massive communities of RPers on the servers designated for roleplayers, and is the main reason a lot of people play the game? Argent Dawn EU, Wyrmrest Accord US; both have sizable populations. This ain’t the hot take you think it is.
Highborne were self proclaimed society of heavy Arcane users - game doesnt depict any lineage of high borne blood. Those who stayed behind the bubble including Suramar and those who joined back in NE society had outdated society.
It is plausible that both cities used the old Highborne banners and can be explained how it ended up in Warsong Gulch walls. That’s lore explanation. Gameplay wise its a overlooking the details pretty much.
The steadfast Alliance is driven by tradition. They are staunch defenders of justice and duty who protect the realm of Azeroth against any aggressors, including the savage Horde.
The indomitable Horde is driven by unity. They are fervent keepers of freedom and hope, relentlessly opposed to any who threaten these ideals, including the stringent Alliance.
These are the new descriptions from the website, what was written there is 15 year old text.
Lady Liadrin:
The Sin’dorei are also scorned by Tyrande and her prideful lot. Yet for many ages her people slept in dens or hid in the trees while my people fought to save this world.
Sure we were hiding.
When you make a Exile’s reach character and go into Stormwind. It says the following: Stormwind city. Capital of the Noble Alliance.
And that screenshot I sent you was from the Shadowlands character creation screen.
The alliance is Noble. Accept it
But saying saying noble does not mean your race is noble, how can you be noble if you are living on a rock in the sky?
How can you call yourself a noble if you are living in a tree?
Never said it was a hot take, a lot of nerds indeed play this game.
Nobility is not associated with how big is the city you live in.
We are living on that rock temporarily until we can recapture Silvermoon and turn it Voidy.
The only reason you still have your city is because you’ve been hiding for 10,000 years and then asked the alliance and horde for help. Lol
Uhm not really. Tyrande had no hassle with Elves in WC3, their only rivalry is the magic usage and the risks it brings. I cant remember Night Elf leadership caring much about Elves. Even with Lorash Malf tried to dissuade him from giving in thousand years of old grievances.
Night Elves have reason to distrust magic and be cautious around it and Elves have whole culture revolving around it. But the fact that Tyrande or Malf scorn Sin dorei, I cant just recall it.
Man. Two invasions of Legion threatening the world was fought by Night Elves. In mount Hyjal battle Elves were not there - the so called Sin’dorei at least.
Quraji battle was fought by Night Elves.
When was one time that Sin’dorei fell in battle to save the world?
These are not my words, it is Liadrin’s.
In your dreams, but still do not go offtopic. There is a far more bigger issue.
Noble savages.
wild ones, even your kin is more noble then those, thus your race smells a bit bad.