I agree that she does not specicially refer to the Empire, the only other instance that comes to mind would be the war the night elves waged on the twin empires of the trolls, which was during Azshara’s reign. One or the other, both would be related to the Empire in some way or another.
Azshara calls the NW ritual a forbidden ritual, so either she forbade it, or the sisterhood did at the time. This is likely because the ritual killed most people.
I haven’t heard about this phrase, but we know for example that she had a hand in the creation of Lathar’Lazal, which is quite the distance from Zin-Azshara, so I imagine she did get out of the capital (at least early in her reign, as it’s noted she grew inward after some time).
There are some discussions about who actually might be in the story of Azeroth those “cursed lovers”. The final phase is Stage Four: My Palace Is a Prison. Which may be about N’Zoth, but it’s not the only thing it fits.
I looked up for this thing, and it’s a part of PTR dialogue with Shandriss and Thalyssra for 8.2, but it did not make it to the retail. Currently the character who refers to it as a “forbidden ritual” is Ysera in one of early Ardenweald covenant quests.
To be honest, I do think it’s her referring to N’Zoth. Blizzard isn’t exactly subtle with these things.
It seems you are correct. She did not say it after all.
Still, there are very few candidate instances where the ritual could have been used. The phrasing “legend goes” implies that Maiev wasn’t there at the time, and she was a senior priestess by the time of the War of the Ancients. So it must have happened before then. And that leads once more to either the war against the trolls, or the carving out of their empire.
So OP, what exactly is the point of this thread other than you wanting to antagonize anyone who doesn’t intend to completely fall in line with your half in-character interpretation of lore?
You have been answered. The crescent moon has been a Night Elf symbol forever, it was never exclusive to the Nightborne and given the fact that both Night Elves and Nightborne share origins, lore and history, it actually makes sense that some symbols are shared. It is one of the few times that Blizzard’s understandable cutting corner’s method isn’t lore unfriendly, to be honest.
I mean that is an opinion you are welcome to have. But the Nightborne don’t use it. I doubt they’d be offended, anyway. They must be proud of their new banner, as it means they’ve freed themselves from their past. They’ve reinvented thelselves. And so did the kaldorei.
think the problem whit night elfs in general is, that they are quite scattered also, we had the Darnassian elfs (playable at start of wow), whom used a banner whit a tree on it, but then the highborne came, whom technicaly still had the old banner, what happens to be same as nightborne. and now we have more different night elfs as playable even if it doesnt say so.
Darnassian elfs doesnt realy exist now, due to burning of teldrassil, but we have Feralas elfs, Moonguard, highborne etc… as night elfs now, what pretty much meens the night elfs are more close to what they where before the sundering now.