What is the easiest role among the three

DH and BM dps are the easiest.

I believe healing is the hardest to do really well.

You know i am contributing a whole M+ level of dps to my group, and i also am in the stun rotation. And without crusader strikes i am healing nothing. You totally forget our preactive shields and stuff too.

Just did an atal. Rezan after every fear i am baiting together with the BM hunter the pursuit to max dps. How about doing mechanics as healer? You think i do not have to stack on yazma? Am i not doing transfusion bloods? :thinking:

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Just a thought:
DPS is kind of the easiest role and the one with the least responsibilities, but that comes with a price. DPS have competition, while tanks and healers way less (if any) and that means:

  • If your spec is not fotm, you’re gonna find it more difficult to join groups. You might have to consider atleast re-specing, if not changing class at all if it’s a disaster.
  • You’re going to be judged a lot. Since you’re expendable and easily replaceable, if you don’t do enough dps you’re gonna get kicked. Too many people in a group? Kick dps first.
  • You might have to consider maintaing your RIO well updated, and constantly do runs just to keep your score up. If you don’t have a good score and the Dungeon you’re trying to run for in your already run dungeons list, you will have a hard time joining since there will always be other DPSes who have it.
  • Making a single mistake, despite what others say, it’s gonna cost you. Sure tanks and healers usually get the blame but that’s half the truth: if you pull something by accident, forget to watch behind you and aggro something and so on, people can and will kick you. Tanks and healers are much more difficult to replace, you’re not.
  • People think, and they’re right to some degree, you are overall an idiot, otherwise you wouldn’t play a brain dead role, so they will treat you accordingly. And just like before, they can kick you for anything, even trivial reasons.

All this makes me think that sometimes, and from certain points of view, tanks and healers are more forgiving roles in the way that people is willing to take some risk with you since tanks and healers are scarce. DPSes are not.

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Claiming a spot doesn’t imply “difficulty” of role
 it’s just a fact of there being more DPS than the other roles, and that mostly falls down to people not wanting the responsibility of those other roles.

And that’s why I still say it’s the easiest role, but you may want to consider those things before going dps.

The OP is starting to delete posts :thinking:

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If you consider doing every job correctly, then it’s Ranged DPS, Melee DPS, Tank/Healer being hardest, but every job is vital for the party. DPS done right with interupt and dodging fire, is not brain dead.

Also, OP is obviously trolling. He created a low lvl alt to post with.

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Easiest role - Afk. You won’t even notice sometime you got kicked.


DPS is the easiest role, as long as you don’t stand in the wrong stuff. The second easiest is where the contention lies.


I imagine ranged dps and then melee dps are the easiest but it depends. If you took a group of 4 people, I would think you can carry a DPS or healer very easily but not tank.


What. I do like 20-30k dps if the group knows how to avoid damage when I’m healing.

To be played close to max potential, dps is hardest by very large margin.
Tank easiest.

I am baffled why some think being a healer is the easiest role. DPS by far have the least responsibility in the group.


DPS, you learn your rotation and stick to it

Tanking/Healing is more reactive and no two fights are the same requiring more thought into gameplay


Not to mention people going “but muh DPS check” in dungeons are supported by two others and if that check isn’t met you simply have to get better at your role.

Any half-way decent healer is multi-tasking, not just topping up the group but doing damage as well, knowing how to prepare against big damage abilities/phases and overall requiring a high sense of awareness.

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Tank, and it’s not even close.

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The one you play the most I think.

Having played all 3 I find them equal, some mistakes are just more obvious than others.
Once gear becomes irrelevant due to key difficulty only mechanics matter, many of which can 1-shot DPS/heal unlike the lower keys where it tickles in comparison.

P.s Look at damage taken more on Details! Not DPS!! So many people oogle the dps meter when the other tab is probably more important to your progression.

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For some reason I think it is easiest for the tanks. I think people are overthinking when it comes to tanking and they feel like tanks have a lot of things to do and so they prefer not playing as tanks, but in reality, to me, it seems tanks have actually the least things to do and because of that, they are the least reason why raid fails. DPS is always the role that gets hit with sh#t and has to deal with extra mechanics while also having to output damage and those why it is mostly DPS fault when raid fails.

On high end mythic bosses, it’s a common thing if 1 dps fails something, it’s a full group wipe. On the very top pve level, it doesn’t matter what role you play, you can’t slack.

Basically easiest role to perform, not even close indeed. Download route addon and just follow it.

Exactly, derpy dps is easiest by far, but trully min-maxing dps while doing all the mechanics/cc/etc., is hard to master, and bashing head to taunt button is so much easier.