What is the future of the Horde?

Without us youd have no foothold on EK at all . No nightborne (they and belf are best mages there are as races).

Okay, could you stop…your lack of tauren knowledge on top of trolling around is so cringy right now.


Those tribes do support Baine though…

And well, if people want to make steaks out of Baine and call him an Alliance plant, I too can meme around.

they dont, not even all bloodhoof support him. cause he rather makes anduin happy or Alliance then care about his people

Well, depose me then if you believe I am unworthy and unsupported in the role. We did it to Garrosh and will do it to Sylvanas. You would have to get your clothes dirty! If you are wrong, we may have to send the coup plotters to some frozen wasteland. Not executed, but exiled.

oh id love to kill Baine,Anduin(the actual worst single character in warcraft) and calia and saurfang. But blizz wouldnt ever let allow us to do that or allow that happen. Well not anduin and calia, baine saurfang will be once any of them is ever warchief and then is made insanly evil and/or crazy to get next one up.

I blame the chair.

As much as I love the old horde, and as much as I love Saurfang, even more than Thrall, I do not agree here.

After this Expansion, when Sylvanas leave, will she still be “a part of the horde”? Or are we cherrypicking here? Sylvanas changes the horde, not in the way you like, not in the way I like. But her actions are the actions of the horde NOW.

And as far as representation of some of our best goes:

For me, as primarily orc player, Saurfang was my hero since classic. Veteran of all three wars, great Orgimmar defender. The big mean guy in the heart of my City…

And now? What has he done?! He left THE HORDE because of his own soul peace. This is not, what I expect from my leader.

To lead means to sacrifice. At the moment when he saw Malfurion infront of him, as great tactician, as veteran of all thee wars, AS LEADER OF ORCISH PEOPLE, I expected him to be able to predict what will happen, if he spares Malfurion. How many grunts will die.

But he was not ready to sacrifice anything. He betrayed all the Soldiers, standing under his charge for his own soul peace.

Honour. What is it?

  • Keep your respect for your personal actions but let your follower die, like he done?
  • Or make a difficult decision you have to live with for the rest of your life, but save many other lives of people trusted you?

The first one is NOT. HONOUR.

All Saurfang was. My favorite hero. My racial leader. My Protecor. All this he thrown away as he met the decision that his own inner comfort is more important than live of his followers.

Later, he does same as he spares Anduin. How many Horde members died because of this human child? How many will die in future? His Argument? He cant kill his warchief. He hopes Anduin does.


He had to kill him and just after the battle, he had to stand up agains Sylvanas. And maybe Baine would standup as he see that he is not allone. Lor’themar also would.
But no. He spared the Boy. He ran away. He betrayed us.


Our lives do mean nothing to him, compared to his own perverted vision of “honour”.

So no. For me, he is not the horde anymore. Even if his rebellion will get upper hand. He is not my leader anymore. No matter what his rank at the end of expansion will say. Not for me. Not again.

Honour is not what you have. Honour is how people see you… and your actions. But I see no honour in his actions.


Nice rant :smile:.
He goes on and on about honor but doesnt have it.

This point is very valid mate, cheers for that! Most people I see here are blind to this, because hate or love to Sylvanas.

About future i think Blizzard bring to much negative points to Sylvanas, but the starting points is Saurfang and Malfurion. Even I personally admit decision Malfurion /Nelfs suffer a lot and this will be too much/ to not die by Blizzard, it’s wrong in point of war and here begin story that I don’t like, inner war of the horde.

And to be honest don’t see future warchief of the horde. Sylvanas looks unchangeable for me. Baine is too much, Baine… Saurfang, nope. Queen Talanji too much new to horde, but zandalari are powerful and old nation will be nice to rise much. Trolls don’t have leader for this, belfs, too much passive also not ready for this. Goblins they are good supporter, but not leaders. There is nothing around nightborne…


All the expansion setup points to Baine. Everything else would be a surprise to me…
Could also be a council…


Trolls don’t smoke any substances. I did quests in Vanilla and after cataclysm revamp and I didn’t find any quest, text or anything that suggests that trolls are “smoking (pot)”. Thats some strange stereotype based entierly on accent alone.

I only found one troll that was using hookah and it was in TBC. But belves have those everywhere, they even have special smoking chambers for those in their city. Belves also have described very addictive weed called " Bloodthistle"
Tauren have massive peace pipes and daily for “magic mushrooms that make you feel funny”.
Trolls don’t have any of this stuff.

Voodoo doesn’t make one insane, this magic isn’t addictive. It’s dark but it’s entierly natural.
I have no idea why people bring this up when there is really no evidence for that claim.

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Well that past was largly for lol aswell. But i reallt thought trolls smoked. But once i finish my explorer im gonna work on loremaster to refresh on loee of alot of zones.

Will be baine,saurfang or anduin imo most likly. Anduin is alliabce but you never know with blizz espcially now golden is there aswell

I know that you weren’t 100 % serious :wink: But I still thrown that info just in case.

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In this case I will delete my main chars. There will be no turn back for me. But I also do not believe blizzard will/can do it.

As for Saurfang: I think, this expansion is his big goodbye season. All his “tired” aura. The inconspicuous reference to his dead son. The quiet music in his cinematics. All his way to internal peace (hate him for that :frowning_face: ) By the end of 8.3 he will either dead or retired.

I will personally call this out to be absolutely insane if Blizzard make him a leader of the Horde.

He’s an old soldier, but the change in attitude was remarkable in the last cinematic - with Thrall. Optimistic, determined, realistic (You and I. We don’t get to hide.), I think he’ll survive and return to us.

Thrall in the same position. He will not come back. He stated It already. The two old guys fix the problem for the last time as a big good bye session.

Even if they get their happy end, It will not be in the horde.

This is referred to Sylvanas I think.

PS: All this are my speculations. Reading between the lines is never that reliable. If one of them come back in charge, feel free to demand a digital :beer: from me.

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I will! Do I get a :beer: if Baine becomes Warchief too? :peanuts::cow:

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It’s like placing a bet that FC Barcelona will NOT degrade to segunda division next season…

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