What is the point of having hybrid classes

But the itemization and the spec costs dont support that

What you’re overlooking is that every spec wasn’t intended to be able to do everything; some specs were simply intended for levellers, others were intended for farming and some were intended for fighting other people.

Based on the initial talent trees and their multiple overhauls, that doesn’t really track.

I rolled on defias brother back in the day, about a week after it opened (level 20ish was the highest char on the realm when I joined… raided with destined for glory, a second chance and helix in vanilla before switching to other guilds after tbc rolled out. So ya, I kinda was in vannila. And every apart from the freaking kid snowflakes presumed those specs were just for healers to level in. But cheers for the personal attack and general patronizing comment because something I said hasn’t lined up perfectly with your personal bias and memory.
don’t believe me? Ask me anything trivia related from ally side on defias in vannilla

Ret was intended to respec holy for raids

Check the post above, I replied to the wrong person… old fat fingers I’m afraid.

Look at the logs, the data shows that pala is not a class that can dps enough to justify its spot in a raid as such

just because you have 3 specs does not mean that all of these are suitable for every aspect of the game… 1 spec may be best for leveling and solo farming… other spec is best for pvp, other for raid. Thats mostly true to every class.

-Rogue Combat spec is best for pve, subtlety/assassination is best for pvp… rogue cannot chose to raid as assassination or subtlety…

-Mage must raid as frost until AQ and then as fire. He cannot as fire in early raids and cannot play as frost later on.

-Hunter Beast Master is best for leveling and solo farm/grind. But they must play as MM in raids

you got the point… I personally play Druid and I love it. I can play feral and level up fast, tank in dungeons and zul gurub(when it will be available). Thats ok for casuals. if I want to raid I will go Resto, like mage go frost, hunter go MM and rogue go combat.

I am dying for a TBC announcement tonight at Blizzcon :stuck_out_tongue: Definitely my favor expansion by faaaaar

Hybrid classes have the benefit of being able to perform multiple roles, they don’t force you to commit to one role only.

Specialized classes force you to commit to one, maybe 2 roles, right from the start and have the benefit of being really good at at least one of those roles.

How is this concept so difficult to understand for so many people?

I have an alt which is druid , so far in dungeons i played tank, dps, healer. I have fun and that only the thing which matters.
I m 40 + years old , i used to play vanilla and bc, nobody will tell me how i will play especially when i pay my subscription.

Hybrid classes are limited in pve but you can play what spec you want in PvP.

Yesterday on my realm i saw guilds asking for feral and boomkin druids… I was surprised but as you can see ppl are changing their minds.

Find a nice guild and you ll be good

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But the game was practically finished, it’s just the lead devs changed after Kern left and Pardo wanted a different direction but had to work with what was there. Kaplan cranked out the 40-man raids in just a matter of weeks and they went completely against the design of the classes that had been established over 5 years of development, only to get trashed. They dropped stuff that was almost done so 40-man raids could be shoe-horned in. It’s why unused features like ‘dishonor points’(not linked to the honor system) that determine ‘criminal status’ are featured in the very detailed physical manual but raiding is not.

Talents were not added until the betas, with one class at a time getting them(correction: some patches did two whilst others gave classes partial talent trees). These had to account for the problem of the dev vision diverging from the original blueprint even while most of the game was built on it, enabling classes to be adjusted by players themselves according to the type of content they were doing. For raiding, the classes had to be more homogenous to fit the strict holy trinity of tanks, healers and damage, something which Kern had wanted to avoid.

Had the original vision been stuck to, WoW would have been completely finished on schedule and it would have been World of Warcraft rather than Raid of Raidcraft, with the world itself playing almost no part but aesthetic wall-paper for instance-hopping.

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No, Jeff Kaplan made absolutely no secret of it.

Raiding is such a minor part of vanilla though. And i say this as someone who has been clearing mc since first reset

Yes, because most of it is Mark Kern’s game. Pardo could not change the entire game, but he wanted a more polished Everquest-clone, which meant large raid-groups having to form to go into exclusive instances and play Simon Says for 4+ hours each night. He thought it was fun, the playerbase disagreed: only 25% of players who got a character to lvl 60 ever even saw Ragnaros according to the only figures Blizz ever released about it shortly before the release of WoTLK. Those figures were revealed to explain their decision why Arthas features so prominently in WoTLK, because Illidan was almost absent from TBC despite being the main draw and only 10% of players who got a character to lvl 70 during the period even set foot inside of the Black Temple.

Following massive protests on the US and EU forums, Kaplan would try to justify the heavy investment of time and resources into purely PvE-raid content on the basis that ‘Karazhan is the most popular instance in the whole game’, ignoring the fact it had a raid-lockout and the genuinely most popular instance of Alterac Valley did not, which people played because PvP was actually fun.

They thought it was worth screwing over the class-design during vanilla for the sake of content that makes up less than 5% of the game and which only 25% of players at max lvl had any serious interest in. They thought it was worth spending most of their resources on such content, neglecting everything else which was delayed or watered-down. The Emerald Dream story-line that runs through the levelling experience was forgot about, with leaked pictures revealing it way far along in development as a new zone, but it was instead made a brief world-even out of pre-existing assets and had no effect on anything. The Mount Hyjal zone was also scrapped, only to be later repurposed in TBC as…yet another raid instance, set in the Caverns of Time.

Mc takes <40 minutes. That is nowhere close to being raid of raidcraft

Less than 40 minutes? In what circumstances are you imagining this to be the case?

Litteraly every week guilds are clearing mc in <40mins.

So you’re speaking in the present-tense, that MC is being cleared faster than a lot of 5-man levelling dungeons. I’m presuming a lot of trash is being avoided because even on chain-pulls what is generally considered a fast run is 3-4 hours.

Did anyone clear MC in that time during 2004-2006?

Also, do you think Jeff Kaplan designed MC to be finished by anyone in less than a few hours?