What is the point of the Glamora selling PVP Elite Ensembles?

Im having chiili

Awh missed me already… Guess who’s obsessed now? :')

Kind of ironic, that you can’t even spell “dumb” :slight_smile:

But thanks! Appreciate it!

Do you like chilli? Did your parents make some nice chilli when you were younger?

No comeback, assumed as much :slight_smile:

Nice talk. Good evening to you!

What a comeback sir a legit mic drop i forgot how to spell dumb and you put me in my lane ,your country would be proud for your services. Rest of a good evening.
I feel like you are growing attached do you my want btag?

You tried. Thanks for acknowledging my comeback, was a good one if I should say so :slight_smile:

I do enjoy you starting by wishing me a good evening, yet can’t help yourself responding to my good evening. It is nice, let’s see if you can stick to your own goodbye this time and just accept my farewell respons (like any other person saying goodbye would), or if you’ll respond as usual :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t think I was clear, but again… I am not interested in talking to you outside of the forums mate xD Regardless of how many offers you give me to voice or btag. Thanks though!

Are tou sure you are not looking for a friend?
Maybe you are just desperate for the last word?
Maybe you cant resist the need to send another passive agressive smile?

You literally jumped back in and started up with me? You tell me goodbye, and I do the same… Then you reply once again? :joy: And you call me desperate? Stick to your goodbye then? ez pz

But sure, keep projecting your own insecurities on me, it’s fine. I can accept you not wanting this conversation to end, but I will still not add you on btag sorry xD

Well that makes me quite sad. i was hoping you cloud tell me about your day. You seem quite stressed.

Not really, pretty content. Thanks for caring about me though. I know you’re sad about it… I’m sure once you stop projecting your own problems onto others and try to behave you’ll have people accepting your offers of talking or btag! I believe in you!

I was hoping we could move past this pookie.
Lets make a victory royal and become friends.

Ah I see you struggle accepting a no… Hope it’s only here and not in real life, as it is a very bad personal trait to not respect another persons “no”.

Did you catch the elctions?
How do you feel about the results?
Im not american so i dont really have a side

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Appreciate your attempts, really flattered! But once again, not really interested in conversing with you :slight_smile: Solely replying when you for some reason can’t seem to leave me alone even though you tell me goodbye :joy:

You still here no?
I have hope in our relation

If you read the last part of my comment you’ll have your answer. Can be tough I know, but hey, maybe this time?

Why do you need the transmog so much? It’s just a transmog, get over the fact that you won’t get it. It’s okay to have some exclusive stuff in the game.


Making everything obtainable in some way actually creates engagement with the various modes of the game, and that’s always a good thing.

PvP is the main section of the game where things disappear forever after a few months. Imagine all the old raid appearances becoming unobtainable outside of their season. :expressionless:

I’m going to highlight again that noone is asking to just be given stuff just for logging in, just to put an end to this weird double standard.

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Transmog is literally The Reason why many people play the game.

Also, “It doesn’t matter.” is not an argument in your favor. If it doesn’t matter, why not give all elite PvP mogs to everyone when they log in next reset? It’s just transmog, right?

Personally, I would support similar system as the Viscious Saddle.

Winning games above 1800 rating grants you progress on “Elite Ensamble Token”, once you grind it out, you can purchase one elite PvP set from the past.


I love how this post has 200 replies when i wasn’t even really asking whether or not Elite Cosmetics should be obtainable after the season ends, i was just wondering if they intended something else but made a mistake or if they just added those ensembles to the vendor for no apparent reason lol.