What is the point of the Glamora selling PVP Elite Ensembles?

Had you asked about it, prior to disproving it, I would’ve. I have done so with several people in here asking about it :slight_smile:

Same goes to you, it’s a give and take. Don’t really feel like engaging in a conversation that starts off with “Nope you are wrong” xD

that’s exactly how our conversation went do?
nope your wrong!
actually you called me out for not providing proof when you yourself have provided 0.

Nope, you said “You’re talking out of assumptions!” and then I said we both were… You then said you had evidence but you wouldn’t share them as “they are easy to look up”… Please don’t mix things up :slight_smile:

this you?
first answer a lot of big words masking a that wouldn’t work why assumption. my take is a known fact.
participation is lower in the end compared to the start of the season people run out of things to do.
Your started whit assumptions.
fact is i called you out much later .we lying now?

Like mate… At this point I even tell you WE WERE BOTH ASSUMING… and you will go “This you?? you assumed”… Come on…

im not based on assumption it is factual inflated pvp seasons have more participation.
i simply told you to look it up

For the love of god… Let me try again…

You state people: “People stop at KSM cause there is nothing else after”

I say "Exactly. So why would players play, if you could just do KSM once every expansion but gell all rewards from previous seasons and expansions all in one go? That is my point.

Opening up retrospectively, trivializes the whole thing, and would just mean a part of the player base that do play for the rewards would simply just lose interest."

Meaning… That once people have all the old mogs they will lose interest… You know… your “known facts” I literally AGREE with you, and yet you are still trying to say I am wrong and how I am assuming and you have facts… Like come on…

I think this says enough… Think we’re done here mate :joy:
you patronized my way of playing you called me toxic?

Nope… Read just above the quote… I can help you out:

“And of course fires the good old anecdotal evidence to back your claim:”

Never patronized the way you play :slight_smile:

i just said there is a gap of rewards and i gave a suggestion some one mentioned 1 reward extra per season i feel like that’s a good start whit nice compromise from both sides
you would know that if you actually tried to have a conversation.

Pretty hard, when the person I am trying to converse with calls me delusional, out of touch or fried for not agreeing with them :slight_smile: Maybe you should try? There has been two people in this thread I’ve had pretty lengthy and good conversation with. We did not agree, but was civile. Ask yourself why ours didn’t go the same way :slight_smile:

Might have broken him. poke

disc is broken?
how about you stop being so arrogant quit floating around the pond and maybe start actually pulling up whit a good structure point and some facts?
I’m gonna be honest i was trying to attack you abit i didnt know the meaning of anecdotal evidence like i said bad English and such il once again apologize.

Arrogant? Because I say I am speaking of assumptions because we can’t prove a hypothetical case?
How about you actually read what I say?

A bit? Brother, all you’ve been trying to do the last few comments have been trying to attack me… I’ve known this for a while… You can’t stick to being civile, so you result in attacking. Glad you finally prove me wrong and admit it.


EDIT: All I do at the moment is reply to your comments. I even wrote “Now we can put it at rest” if it wasn’t sign enough that I have no interest speaking this topic with you due to above reasons, I don’t know what to say :slight_smile: You are however very interested in keeping the talk going with me, even after you call me “obsessed” and I try to stop xD

dont put words in my mouth please. i attacked you whit the this you? all I’m apologizing for in this instance.
arrogance having or revealing an behaves in a proud, unpleasant way toward other people.
I’ve gotten nothing but attack and belittling from the start I’m giving you a chance for redemption move past the hand out and the bad names i called you and give me a valid point relating to the argument.

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Lol imagine saying you’re giving ME a chance after that… xD No thanks. I told you earlier, I am not interested. You had your chances, but kept on going. Next time if you want a proper discussion, be civile and drop the toxicity, I’m sure it will go further, if a topic like this really interests you :slight_smile:

A good eving to you may you spread more of your rich and factual takes.

Thanks - may you exceed in your reading comprehensions and learn to control your toxicty ^^

May you become a beacon of knowledge for all dum unaducated people let the light shine bright you special ittle star.

mmmm donuts.