What is the point of the Glamora selling PVP Elite Ensembles?

I have some exclusive stuff, would I care if other players would be able to get it ? No.


excuse me but in the same notes i called you fried i explained why i called you fried.
i feel you undermined my argument by not taking me serious, the trading post is a hand out you get it by just existing (laughs in complete 10 quests)in the other hand vicious mounts you still have to gear and play the 100 games.
i edit my posts because my writing is not great and i want to get my point across.
if i offended you by calling you delusional/ fried I’m man enough to apologize.
I’ve proposed a voice discussion so i can redeem myself and my bad writing.
if i was here in bad faith i wouldn’t try to defend my point and elaborate.

Same tbh. Seems antiquated in terms of game design.


Agreed. Ive already had the stuff for years, no one cares about my mounts or mogs, nor do I care about others mount or mogs.

Wait… are you actually trying to say that it is okay to name call people if you explain why? xD Oh lord…

Oh I guess it’s okay that I call you stupid if I explain why I call you stupid? No of course not… That wouldn’t really result in anything but mud throwing would it? xD

You get it by playing the game… That is not undermining, that I point out that Trading post is not a handout… What you are doing would be the equivalent of a R1 player saying Vicious mount is a handout because you get it by just playing PVP…

This is literally nothing but ridiculing… You know it just as much as I do… Now trying to back paddle…


The fact that you can’t just put your point across without calling me delusional is where your bad faith comes in. That is also why, I wouldn’t trust a call with you… I am pretty sure the first sign of disagreement you would result in calling me some version of what you already have here, and that’s a big no for me xD

Next time, maybe just stick to giving your points without the name calling. Might help people to actually read your point and not your pokes.

Yup, got almost all the mage tower skins. Wouldn’t care if someone else got to unlock the original werebear now.

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I’m not trying to back paddle ,i didn’t deny any of it i apologize i can see you cant move past it ,all you are doing is surgically dissecting my posts that’s fine i feel like I’m not gaining anything from this.
also i got my points across then i called you delusional.
once again il summarize try to move past the hand out talk.
I’m at 2500 io there is no incentive for me to keep playing mplus
all im saying perhaps blizz can create an incentive for me to keep playing
same goes to pvp if i feel rewarded form my time il play more its a easy concept to grasp currently we have both balancing and consistency problem i feel like those should be fixed aswell.
when i called the trading post handouts i wasnt trying to offend or name call a particular set of players but i feel like 100 pvp wins might be slightly more demanding and time consuming then the trading post can we agree on that perhaps.

i have mage tower skins, elite sets ,exclusive mounts and guess what if it means making the masses happy bring them all back

Nah all I did was refuse to jump on a call with you because you can’t keep it civile. You then tried to justify name calling with your “Well I explained why I called you it!” xD

Mate… xD You didn’t understand my point… I will try again… You don’t have to call people delusional… All you’re doing by doing that, is say “Either you agree with me or you are out of touch or delusional” you see how undermining that is? You leave NO freedom to disagree with your opinion, you boil it down to mud throwing, which I am not interested in.

And that is where I say, retrospectively giving mogs will only be short term… Once you have those as well you will have no incentive to play again… Back to square one… But in the way we just took away the “story” from so many people…
They can add new rewards to incentivize without trivializing a whole reward structure.

Of course we can. Just like we can hopefully agree that Gladiator is more demanding than Vicious saddle… That doesn’t mean I can just call vicious saddle a handout… You did that however… Just because the trading post is easy to you, doesn’t make it anyway less “earned” than the vicious saddle…

That is my point. You have your own opinion and your answer to opposing ones is ridiculing and talking down, rather than focusing on giving your arguments.


Can’t believe you could say something like that, how scandalous

In all seriousness, whats the harm ? I genuinely don’t get why others think like it is, not you, ofc, the felbear is ugly as sin, why not let people have access to the original

The argument that “Its unique!” Doesnt even apply anymore.

No, it genuinely doesnt, I managed to get to 1.8 with surv hunter bfa season 1, does Jimmy getting the elite set tarnish my story or experience? No.

Does my 50+ wipes on Kruul to get tank appearances get invalidated because now someone else would potentially go through an even -worse- time ? No.

Anectodal evidence is really not a compelling argument… Just because it doesn’t to you, someone else may feel that their first set that they grinded out for, is now being diminished to a token…

If I say it ruins my story, are we then equal and call it a draw?

alright this is for sure not going anywhere, i tried to have a decent debate i tried to redeem myself from my actions, i can see you have nothing valuable to offer.
lets see 90 words on defining handouts once again followed by short term rewards wouldn’t work source i made it up ,btw we have like what 25 elite sets per class minus hero classes perhaps.
short term you say.
i suggested to get on voice since i find this topic quite important to me, wasn’t really trying to open a portal of toxicity.
offer still stands i only wish to ear valid points from some one whit a different view.

No, because you said, and I quote.

So how many are many, do you know how many would care, and who wouldn’t?

I gave you a lot of text. You just decide to skip through that part because I explained why I wouldn’t jump on a call with you.

This is really golden…

You once again result in ridiculing and poking rather than answering xD Ah yeah sure you weren’t answering in bad faith… xD

Loooooool xD

Mate, there is no way I am jumping on a call with you, when literally in the same comment you try to say you weren’t trying to be toxic and how important the topic is, you spend the first half ridiculing my comment rather than talking about the topic xD

And you replied:

If your anecdotal evidence is enough to rule my statement out, my anectodal evidence should be enough to keep it in. Nice talk!

For plenty of elite sets, they are just the opposite faction color. Like the cataclysm paladin set. You can still get the blue aka alliance colored, but screw you if you want the red one for your horde.

No one really gains on this. People who fancy certain old sets but not the current fomo ones won’t be incentivised to participate in the content. But if they could still get the old stuff through systems like saddles, then they would most likely participate to get those.

And if someone is just short of getting it in one season? No problem, they’ve gotten practice now and are ready to try again next. But now, why bother cause again the new armor might not be in your interest at all.

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where is the toxic part?

I’ll keep it short… You jumping in now after ridiculing and calling me names earlier, to try and answer civile is a ship sailed. You had your chance and decided that “numbskulls like me” couldn’t be rationed with. Thanks for the conversation :slight_smile:

Except it is not, you claimed something, and it is up to you to prove it, not for me to disprove it.

If you can’t see it, I am 100% sure I was correct when I wrote:

Thanks for proving it.