the only reason why blizzard doesn’t want to implement soloQ is because it would lose lot of money on boosting.
I love playing fury , lots of people love offmeta specs but cant enjoy rated pvp properly because of metagaming / soloQ will fix every single problem
yes! it’s why soloQ will give to this shi…y pvp fresh air.
the thing is most people could be for soloq but blizz for sure isnt. soloq means fewer boosts, fewer boosts means less need to buy tokens in order to pay for said boost.
true story… the monthly subscription is no longer enough for them.
and i bet if they add soloq to this game there will be TONS of players come back to game for some high quality pvp experience , and there is a easy solution to leechers / afkers too : give NOTHING to the losing team
yes, no honor points for loosers… it’s easy.
It’s because people who have a good team setup already want to face people with bad synergy and no communication for easier wins.
Im pretty sure so little number of PVPers have a good team setup / there is a HUGE random pvp community that most of them quit the game or just stop playing pvp
who speaks against SoloQ don’t want to lose their world of privileges…
Not every single problem will be fixed by adding soloqueue, but it will sure allow for some people to at least TRY AND BLOODY PARTICIPATE instead of feeling their eyes sinking deeper and deeper into their eye sockets as they watch “declined” or “removed from group” once the leader realise they play “off meta”. I consider myself sort of lucky as i play shadow and disci and they are good to me both gameplay-wise and are good to any team in rbgs - the sort of pvp activity i enjoy the most, but i will always feel for you guys like surv hunter mains, fury warrs (thought i absolutely and relentlessly hate dual wielding 2h) and other “underdog” specs.
the funny part is that not even normal bg queue is fixed, soemtimes you are 1-3-6 vs a team of 1-0-9, like, LMAO. God forbid them to put team composition, its not like we already have them in looking for raid eh?
Yup , special snowflakes dont wanna lose their abuseing team comps
Ppl who dont want Soloq are in 99.99% of the cases:
Boost buyers / sellers.
yeah… totally true.! the business is too big to loose it.
well we have a lvl 23 arguing that ppl who want this apparently “are bad”
it is a good idea do not ruin this for us
I don’t think it is because they don’t want to lose their combo…because as the meta changes, so will their combo…It’s like saying they don’t want to go to s2 or something.
It’s just because they probably … have it well enough so they don’t understand what’s waiting 1h in LFG is… And the fear that it will affect their favorite bracket , which it won’t… we will just have an extra bracket for when they want to play it.
It’s happening also in rated, different is you don’t have scripts forming group only ppl finding ppl in DF then queue…but still… i think solo queue isn’t a good idea.
It’s happening also in rated, different is you don’t have scripts forming group only ppl finding ppl in DF then queue…but still… i think solo queue isn’t a good idea.
exactly, in rated now, most of the times, we have unbalanced teams against good premade groups, It should not happen.
I couldn’t care less about solo queue, it’s just not gonna fix anything in the long term. People in the end will complain about something else as the reason they don’t climb, because the reason is that they are at the rating they belong but for some reason they think they deserve better. Yes people will be able to play but when they lose it’s gonna be about how they got underdog specs with them, how their teammates were trash, etc. or they’ll probably whine about the waiting times if you enforce a role lock meaning healers and tanks will have a fast queue, and if you don’t they’ll complain on how it is unfair not to have a tank. Solo queue isn’t fixing anything, it’s a band-aid fix for a bigger issue, the LFG system being outdated af and badly designed. Now they can implement solo queue if they wish, I’ve been around for a very long while and there’s no need to be Nostradamus to know how it’s gonna end