What is the reason some people don't want soloQ?

It will be hard to get boosted in soloq unless you let a booster play your account (and risk a bann). In GW2 ppl get recruited to team/tournament play partially based on their soloq rating. The same could/ should happen in wow.

In wow we base it on rating/achievements from a ladder that is filled to the brim with boosters. Playing at 1800-2200 = playing 50% of your games against rank 1’s.

If we had soloq there is no way to hide that they’re bad players.

Id trust me over a guy that is hiding behind his classic character. I know why…since youre that Stormcrow guy again. The only guy on eu forums who is against soloq.

Try hards will not play at the same rating range as ppl who dont try hard.

I might sound like a broken record. But in GW2 youll play with 100% try hards once u break platinum 1.

Ppl who dont try hard will sink to the bottom…and ppl who play to win will rise to the top.

Don’t see the point of solo queue… just get rid of this RETARDED upgrade system.
This has brought much longer queue in Random and people HAVE to play rated nowadays to even be competitive in any pvp…
Random BGs and PvP has always been for casual players mainly… then People who wanna get vanity items would do rated (and get a slightly better sword and shoulder for the Glads… but like 10 ilvl avove CP)…
That system is no longer PVP has there is a far to high difference between gears…

Stop argueuing about SOLOQUEUE it is not really cleaver… just remove those system upgrade and lets have some fun…

Anyway if they wanna keep players they will have to do so or put an ilvl cap on gears in random bgs… AND PLEASE PUT THE PROPER PVP GEAR (Resillience as versatility you may found BIS in PVE and Several spec scale far too well with it than others…)

It’s a max level char, how is this hiding? i don’t get it, stop making stuff up pls, it’s not how things work.

Do you start in plat 1? Because i played GW 2 aswell and from what i can remeber you don’t start in plat, and there are alot of leechers in soloq there aswel, if your team is losing, just AFK in the spawn point, almost every other game has one of them, even in high ranks…You start losing, the thief just flames and wonders around the map doing nothing, the bunker AFKs in spawn, yadda yadda. You are not the only one who played other games, so stop making stuff up.

I never said anything about being boosted in soloq, i specifically asked about normal queue. How can soloq stop me from buying a boost in normal queue?

2 posts above i have stated quite the opposite, did you not read or did you not understand what you have read? This is where you lot lose me, you keep making stuff up.

How am i the only guy in EU who is against soloq when i simply have some questions? Is it not allowed to be skeptic around here? Are we not allowed to ask questions and have concerns? Who are you, a wannabe Austrian painter? Give me a break.

It’s hiding since for a classic character you cant check retail alts and pvp experience. You know that and that’s why you post in a retail thread…on a classic character. Not obvious at all ;).

You get placed in a division based on your placement games combined with the MMR from last season. If you do poorly you’ll get placed in bronze or silver. Comparable to 0-1200 rated in wow.

Afkers and leechers sink to the bottom and end up in those divisions.

Check any plat + streamer on twitch. Watch their vods …see how many afkers you can spot.

5 hours of gameplay at plat+. 0 Afkers or leeches. Are you really going to compare this to wow random BGs where the vast majority of games has it least a few afkers.

Shows you’ve never been decently rated in GW2. The only thing that does happen is disconnects. But they typically try to reconnect showing they didn’t intend to do it.

It doesnt. But a guy that is 2700 in arena or RBGs yet hardstuck at 1400 in soloq is an obvious boost. So hell have a harder time to benefit from his boost. Apart from the gear.

Since you’re obsessed with it and post in these threads on all your alts. And try to hide it’s you by posting on classic wow characters.

Sure. But you counter every point otther ppl make with stuff like…

No i haven’t. But does that mean that i can’t have fun because i’m not the best? Didn’t i pay the same money as a plat dude? I did play hundreds of soloq games in GW2 across the years and this has been constant, griefers, griefers, grifers. And just a side note that you will most likely ignore…GW2 is not WoW, nor is LoL, DotA, CS, etc, etc.

Thank you. Now can you stop using that stupid argument?

I swear to God this is my only char that i have posted on regarding this topic.
You can easily match my writing style and expressions with the one you acuse me of being and determine if i am or if i am not the same person. Untill you can make such determination, stop acusing me without proof.

Do i need to be rank 1 to be allowed to post here? Again, who tf do you think you are? Go back into the cave you’ve crawled out off.

tbh boosters… if soloq becomes available, there will be less people to buy boosts and there is an option (suggestions) that solo Q should be seperate bracket and every player want to use solo Q has to Q solo (no premades) that will entirely kill boosting in pvp. they are afraid of losing their income but I am sick of playing against multiglads, duelist gear people at 1400-1800cr. Even okay for that but finding people for pvp is crazy long, takes me literally 2 hours on average and after a lose they just quit.

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So you basically want us all to suffer the same faith?

Right now you have the following options in wow:

  • Random BGs with 99.99% leechers, afkers and toxic behaviour.
  • Rated pvp where 50+% of the community is boosted. The rest of us have to sit in LFG for an hour just to find out that 50% of your team are boosted apes. People think they are entitled to some fun as well…but at the expense of others.

There is no fast and fun way to do some random pvp in wow. If i have 2 hours to play i cant do rated wow pvp. Most of the times it goes something like this:

After 30 mins to an hour get a group together with similar experience. After the first game you’ll notice that half of your team has nfc what they are doing. Mages that claim to have 2400+ experience who dont land any proper burst or CC. Moonkins that don’t do damage. Healers that insta flop vs a single player. Ive seen it all. But like you…they all “want to have fun”…

Too bad it’s at the expense of all legit players.

Thats like saying “i have a succesfull career, but since youre not me you wont be able to do the same”

The games are very comparable.

Kinda curious why you ignored the entire boosting part behind it. :wink:

We both know why…

Ye “trust me bro”.

No ofc not, everyone can have their opinion. But how do u know how toxic the wow system is at 1600+ if youve never been there.

At 1800-2000 youll play against at least 50% boost teams, if not (much) more. 3200 rated players who drop their rating to boost for euros. Almost everything is either boosted or booster. Had a series of 15 games in a row with only boost teams the other day.

Soloq would offer a way to get away from the sh*tshow that current wow pvp is atm.

No its not. GW2 has a different pvp enviorement. You can do rated pvp from the get go with template “gear”, and the pvp is 5v5 bg style not 2v2/3v3 deathmatch.
You are comparing apples to oranges.
You are just cringe. Stop making stuff up.

Edit: I’m done talking to you, stop replying.

People who ask for solo rated queue don’t know what they asking for.

They can’t see past ‘‘instant queue’’

They are listening to other rank 1 players,who won’t be relying on solo queue to get the gear.

They gonna do premade with their rank 1 buddes same they are doing now.But…

They will still join solo rated queues to oneshot you and to prevent you from progressing,all for the sake of ‘‘good streaming session’’

But you,who expect to gear in solo queue,wont be able to progress,and its going to be worse than it is now,only upside is instant queue and literally nothing else.

You think people won’t get boosted in 2vs2 premade and then join solo rated queue?You are naive,and you are not using your brain in the way it should be used.

I pray for your sake you aint hoping Activision is going to remove lfg and make everything solo queue,because that simply wont happen,like ever.

In solo rated queue you won’t be facing boosters,but you will face boosted people,again with their (example 226 ilvl gear) vs your 200 ilvl)

So in the end,what did you actually achieve by spamming ‘‘solo rated queue’’ for months/years?Nothing.Even if they add it,which they won’t,its gonna be exactly the same like it is now,with exception of instant queue pop.

Solo queue won’t make game better,never did in any other game.

WoW solo rated queue is private server mentality,which doesn’t belong here,because solo rated queue is made due to low population on private servers.

You are asking for solo rated queue because you are bad player/s,no one wants to group up with you because you don’t have achievements.

Instead of trying to improve your gameplay,you’d rather spam forums ‘‘give us solo queue,because we are bad,and we cant find groups’’ .

If there was solo rated queue,it would be flooded by bad players,same as you,who are too lazy to improve their gameplay.

How do u expect to win a game if you get player on your team,who’s lazy same as you,and who was not able to get at least 1750 rating in over a decade?

Oh well, you won’t tell me what i asked :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
…because I’m telling you that i can accept solo queue only as its own thing…
Solo vs solo brackets and still keep team vs team.
They don’t need new system…
They just need extra bracket…

I won’t support killing team queues…ever.
I will support new game modes,though.

No, you won’t have that many afkers etc.
Just make pre-qualification to queue solo mode to have full honor gear ( gearing will change to wod as they say…so i won’t talk more about it because i don’t know what they will do exactly)…and rewards lower than team rating for conquest/honor…like randoms or something…
That will solve it…why someone would go play rated for farming something that will get easier on randoms?

bump any soloq post

No offense, but youre a max 1800 RBG player with 1300 max in arena. Someone who started pvping this season.

Youre literally telling 3200 experienced players that they are bad, should l2p and need to stop being lazy.

Ok buddie.

No boost buying for you in soloq :frowning:

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That would lead to people getting better upgradable conquest gear without the need to play as a group. So 2 things:

  1. groups won’t be able to overgear so much random players. So less free kills in random bg.

  2. it’ screws up the income of competent arena boosters (both in gold and real cash)

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