i dont see any valid reason for soloq.
its just the same as random bg/skirmish with a rating that would be completely meaningless.
ppl would cry after because they get teammates with low gear.
ppl would cry because their teammates play completely sh*t.
ppl would cry because they get afk teammates.
ppl would cry because of teammates leaving.
ppl would cry because the setup would be horrible.
also in a 10 man bg with 3 healers nothing is ever going to die without focus target/cc.
rating also wouldnt reflect anything since u cant win a 10 man bg alone mostly and it will be mostly just luck depending if u get decend teammates or bad opponents.
haha do you know that these bots who play bad and got no gear dont belong in there
and wont be able to queue
if they do they will be hard stuck on low rating
this is for real pvpers/players
no its not.
its exactly the same with a random rating since u can barely do anything to change the outcome of a bg alone and the rating would mostly just reflect ur luck witht teammates/opponents.
ive never played gw2 so idk about any balancing there, but in wow it seems pretty common for ppl to afk in bg since there isnt really any penalty for it. 15 min deserteur is a joke which also is easily avoidable since it gives u 1 min just to get infight. i dont see that ever changing until blizzard actually decides to ban those players if they keep doing it.
if u can still queue with 5 ppl it would be pointhless to queue alone since 2 groups of 5 would most likely dominate 10 randoms.
5 ppl is already half of a rbg group.
for me soloq would imply u could only queue solo, everything else would be pointhless.
also since gearing in pve is horrible there are tons of pve ppl in bgs now that dont really contribute nor are any good in pvp.
they just want it to get over with.
none of those things blizzard will be able to handle.
but anyhow, why arent u able to just start a rbg group with 9 other ppl and just play rbg few days every week?
It’s simple, these idiots want to tell you how to play your game, and what you will and wont enjoy…
If I lose constantly due to having crap partners, then so be it, it will surely be better than waiting in LFG for 5 hours… On top of that, I could also roflstomp worst players at similar rating, because it is RNG who you face or get after all. The system would not affect people that want to make their teams the normal way, so why care what others want to do.
The arguments against Solo Queue are so dumb, it’s shocking.
The joke is, no matter what the naysayers are saying, solo queue would more than quadruple arena participation.
Most of my friends and guildies detest pvp, so I can’t play with them. You can sit in LFG for hours, or get a game or two then your partner leaves, even after winning. People just wanna play the damn game, win or lose, and solo queue would give them that.
I’m all for the IDEA of a queue system. But in reality this is exactly what would happen. Unless they had a totally separate “solo” rating. Because it would be soooo RNG if you got a team of semi afkers and leechers. And in random bgs if someone leaves. They get replaced. In solo queue rated. What would happen? Because that would occur. People would use it to afk / be kicked from or just leave.
It’s an idea filled with flaws.
Also. I thought this was purely an RBG argument. Solo queue arena is an even worse idea.
Once gear becomes scaling in PvP this argument will end. Locking gear behind rating is the issue. Not the queue system.
In every game you have people that play the blame game. “I am really really good, but cant climb because of the system, my class being bad, etc”.
Meanwhile, you see top players rising to the top every single season. Quite a few of them are multiclassing underdog specs aswell (Boyce to name one).
And its not just top players. If i look at my friendslist in GW2 the better pvp players typically win 70% or more of their soloq games. So the statement that there is nothing you can do to influence a game in soloq is 100% false.
A statement surrounded in a shroud of vagueness. What’s “quite some”? Quite some seem to see Wows PvP environment as vastly inferior to alternative games’ PvP systems as well. So why are you still here?
We can make a similar statement about every game in the world.
You didn’t ask for separate bracket,you asked for solo queue only.
There’s no way in hell blizzard is going to make new pvp system.
People asking for solo queue,don’t actually know what solo queue is,and how solo queue is 10000 times worse than LFG atm.
Lets not fool ourselves here,only people who want solo rated queue are people who are bad at pvp,because they are expecting to get carried.Its just a mentality of solo queue (i will queue as fury warrior,maybe i get carried’’
Solo queue would bring offspecs,people in pve gear,people without any gear,people without legendary items,slackers,leechers and afkers,and that’s a proven fact,and already seen in other mmo games with solo queues (games where gear is most important thing)
Everything you see in random bg’s would become solo rated bg’s.
No one would even play random bg’s because why bother,when u can solo queue,with hopes you win at least 50% of your games.
You talk about it as if is a new idea that never got implemented before. There are literally dozens of similar games with an active soloq system. You can look at those systems and learn from them.
Soloq means:
Sometimes you get unlucky with a sub optimal team/setup. But players try harder to win so ppl tend to play classes that are better suited for soloq. Since they want to gain rating.
Very short waiting times. If you have 2 hours to play …you can pvp for 2 hours (and not sit in LFG for 1 of those hours like in wow).
Leeching or AFKing is next to non-excistant. The reason for that is that leeching has a direct negative effect on your character; you will lose rating. Ppl who play like that will sink to sub 500 rating. Lower than any player who tries to win.
I played about 1000 games spread across the last 2 GW2 seasons. I met 2 afkers in total. Both during placements games. Both are below 500 rating now.
If i play 1000 random BGs the vast majority of those games are filled to the brim with slackers, leeches or afkers.
Im a 3200 experienced RBG leader with 2200+ arena experience on 5-6 different classes.
I want soloq.
You on the other hand are a player who started to pvp this season…
The only ones who dont want it are boosters, boosted players or ppl who plan to buy a boost. Since you cant boost in soloq.
Nope. As i stated in my previous post i played a 1000 GW2 soloq games during the last 2 seasons. Met 2 afkers, both during placement games. So thats 2 afkers during 6-8 months of play. In random BGs youll see at least 2 leeches/afkers each game.
See the difference?
No. Since ppl get a negative effect on their rating if they lose ppl will try harder to win. Play better specs, proper pvp setups and next to no afking or leeching.
I can record GW2 soloq when next season starts and make a video with a side to side comparison.
The direct opposite of what you say can be noted as a negative. Since more people will try hard the vast majority will play fotm specs. So you will see a lot of boomkins, fire mages disc priests. So the playing field becomes less diverse if compared to wows random BGs.
If it gets implemented youll see some threads on the wow forums about the issue of the insane number of boomkin in soloq for example.
And u see that as a negative? Random Bgs in wow:
Uneven matchups due to insane gear gaps.
10-90% leeches/afkers per game.
Toxic cesspit due to a difference in goals per player. Some just want to farm kills, some just want to leech, others try to win.
On my 160 ilvl char that i dinged yesterday im typically the best/top performing character every game.
This is so toxic and selfish i can’t even…
Hear me out ok?
I get it that you want to play whatever you like, but why do you want it forced on somebody else? Why should i, somebody is playing a legit spec, be paired with somebody offmeta memeing for fun player?
Why don’t you search for somebody to experiment with instead of forcing somebody to swallow you shenenigans.
This is the sole reason Blizz said they are reluctant to introduce soloq, people will grief others on a daily basis and it will rival LoL on the toxicity scale.
Need i explain more?
TLDR: I`m bad/play bad specs and nobody wants to play with me, PLS BLIZZ force them to play with me.
As somebody above said, people have different goals in this game,
-some just want to have fun, and they have the right to do so;
-some want to win, and they have the right to do so;
-others want to experiment new builds and stuff, and they have the right to do so;
Now, how do you make all of this work without creating a miriad of problems?
How do you make a for fun player get along with a tryhard? What do you do if they get matched togheter?
The soloq mob argues that they want soloq added and normal arena kept as is, so why do you think somebody who buys boost should give a rats a*& about your soloq? Normal arena remains as is.
Dude , you have problems ?
Why shouldnt every spec in the game viable in some form of pvp , maybe someone wants to play BM hunter , UH dk , arcane mage , etc etc.
It already rivals LoL in toxicity too , at least people can have a chance to play 1-2 quick games whenever they want to but yeah.
Your name explains a lot
Did i say that not all specs should be viable? No i didn’t, what i said is that some spec are more viable than others, so again i ask, WHY should somebody who tryhards and finds enjoyment in wining be forced to play with somebody who doesn’t share his views? and vice-versa ofc.
Why do you think you are more entitled to having fun in this game than i do? You can argue that tryhards can go and play normal arenas, but then whats left for soloq? memers and griefers? Ok if thats what you desire.
Again, i`m not for nor against soloq, i just want to point out some of the BIG issues this system would introduce into the game.
Because people on the forums, since WoW have come out, like to look smart by saying “the game is fine as it is” or “this feature will never be implemented, stop asking” etc etc, and will blindly support the status quo for how the game currently is. A typical tactic they will use is to point out a single problem it could have with implement, regardless of how easy the workaround/solution would be, and use that to dismiss it completely.
People were saying what they say about solo queue now about faction change, LFG, transmog, PvE > PvP server transfers, raids having different difficulty tiers, WoW classic, personal MMR etc.
It’s honestly nothing new, I would not be surprised at all if solo queue was introduced.