What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

No but jokes aside you’re right.

I used to get very upset at forced DEI and would go out of my way to not consume any of it (I still do that but I failed with WoW, but I am not upset anymore)

But when I was really savage about it and would fight people, I learned that the main reason was not because I hated something or someone specifically.

Main reason of my savagery was the inability to have normal dialogue without being accused of some sort of ism.
The building sense of frustration when you cannot express yourself can really harm you and others.

The entitlement of some of those so called minorities their bigotry, prejudice and double standards made no sense to me and I wanted to fight it.

Now? Who cares man, life is short.
Vote with your wallet money talk louder than swords.