What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

Is it just me or is there no more human-like final bosses that are actually males? Apart from the Stonevault where it’s a short dwarf… I feel like it’s all “women power” nowadays. Heroes of the story, main villains, main cogwheels of the storyline all female. Im all up for diversity but this is getting out of hand. Don’t even get me started on Anduins sidekick in arathi. Female + black + cripple. There’s a fine line between being actually inclusive and really forcing it.



Do we need another thread like this? We already have the thread about not enough masculine males.

They’re discussing it here:

And discussing it here:


Think that’s Anduin’s girlfriend to be - the one armed, one legged darker person - I’m sure they are doing a Harry and Meghan media story. As a woman I want someone hunky and chunky to look at, I don’t ever need to be looking at females or Anduin - this aint America. You are correct there are NO men in WoW.


If this gonna turn into another Netflix “Romeo & Jamal” kind of love story, im seriously unsubing and gonna play counter strike 2 again. At least dealing with the toxic russians and polaks would be less painful then watching that play out.


Are you saying there aren’t any female, people of color with a disability out there? The special Olympics would like to differ on this.

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And they can stay out there. I don’t need em in my fantasy world. Thanks.


You have a point but It does not mater what we think.
We are just customers that subscribe to a service, the only value we have are money.
Therefore if you do not like the direction that they are taking, you know what to do.

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It’s not any of our fantasy game. It’s Blizzards fantasy game and we pay to play it. We also know Blizzard only listens to Blizzard unless it’s bad press or a lawsuit.

I’m just tired of this same topic beating everyone over the head every weekend for 700+ posts when we already have threads to facilitate these gripes.


No one is forcing you to stay on this thread. I can speak my mind whenever I feel like it. Unless you have a way to contribute to the conversation, you can move along to the previous posts about it or make a new one.


Oh no, a different opinion, some criticism, what ever shall you do?


Seriously, the worst part about this is that you can literally see how all this inclusivity is totally empty and false.
Just typical corporation using mainstream trends to appeal cool and increase profit.
They would be building death camps if it was more profitable :smiley:


Where’s the opinion and criticism? You just came to be the edgelord and say someone else already made a post.

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Someday I have to leave town to go exploring the game outside of spamming dungeons and random bgs to see what all the topics popping up of the expansion are about. Cant say Im bothered about anything else in the game than the 7 weeks off season period we had but that gets fixed next week at 10.9 I believe

Said there are examples of people like Faerin who are absolutely kickass and amazing for overcoming things.

The whole point of this expansion being called “The War Within” is people overcoming their personal, internal struggles and overcoming it. That’s literally what a war within is!


Yeah for sure, but take a look at concord, the game that was shut down after a week of release because the “modern audience” did not show.

Money brother, money.
Why are you paying for this game if you already know that it has been going like this for a while?

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Play something else then and save us all from your woe is me crap.


After thinking about it for a long time ive come to the conclusion that the story was written for women.

It has all the markings for that, sensitive and vulnerable men, empowered women.

Now that i understand that the story and characters just wasn’t written for me, i know to just let it go.

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if it was a short female dwarf you’d proclaim it a woman and cry ‘where is the male dwarves?’

and surprisingly she isn’t a stereotypical netflix character. we don’t spend half the expansion apologising to her for us not being crippled or listening to her tell us that we don’t understand anything because we’re not black. this is a rare example of a black character who isn’t just there to be a totem for the writer’s ideology. she doesn’t mention her race once as far as I recall and if she does bring up her arm its in response to someone else trying to mend it for her, while hes happy to carry on fighting.

did you give the character a chance or just write it off as a god awful DEI ideology insert and ignore it?


I think Faerin’s voice actor does an incredible job and she sounds super cute, but it’s so wasted on that character design because I literally avoid looking at it every time she’s near.

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