What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

Is there a limit to how many male characters are allowed to do things /be seen /exist in society?

Can you only handle so much of these men in small doses? and the rest should remain hidden away until there’s a place in society for them?

If no then why erase them and have the disparity be 85% female 15% male?

BOOMSHAKALAKA! :speak_no_evil:

Is this Boss specifics numbers?

Dudes not be liking da Big Boss Ladies?

Your manhood isn’t under attack stop listening to crazy youtubers/doomers/misogynist’s

I feel sorry/slightly terrified for alot of girls/ kids moma’s


If you then define standing up to “wokeism” as doing good, I wonder what the OP and half a dozen other players are doing here. You too for that matter. You’re clearly funding Blizzard - ergo financing that which you consider bad.

It’s almost as though these threads are purely performative. Almost obsessively so. :upside_down_face:

Funny how you kids always go straight to insults.

I would enjoy the female characters if they weren’t so over designed and written so beyond poorly. It’s like these writers have never actually seen an actual strong woman.

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:notes: Why can’t we be friend!? :notes:

No but jokes aside you’re right.

I used to get very upset at forced DEI and would go out of my way to not consume any of it (I still do that but I failed with WoW, but I am not upset anymore)

But when I was really savage about it and would fight people, I learned that the main reason was not because I hated something or someone specifically.

Main reason of my savagery was the inability to have normal dialogue without being accused of some sort of ism.
The building sense of frustration when you cannot express yourself can really harm you and others.

The entitlement of some of those so called minorities their bigotry, prejudice and double standards made no sense to me and I wanted to fight it.

Now? Who cares man, life is short.
Vote with your wallet money talk louder than swords.

No one here is actually standing up to anything. It’s akin to slapping a French flag on your profile picture after another “truck of peace” incident.

If anyone genuinely wants to stand up to woke ideology, the solution is painfully simple: stop buying the product. It’s not the developers or corporations that dictate what’s acceptable—it’s the consumers. Money talks louder than words ever will.

At the end of the day, it’s just a game. If people are truly fed up, they’ll walk away. The market follows the crowd, not the other way around. If it gets to the point where the agenda is too much, people will vote with their wallets, and that’s when the real change happens.

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People may still voice discontent though.

And nothing will change, because talk is cheap—action is the only currency that matters. Companies are no different than governments in this sense. They don’t care about you, your opinions, or your values. You’re just another statistic. The only time you actually matter is when you can walk away and take your money with you. That’s when they pay attention—when their bottom line is threatened. Until then, your voice is background noise. They’ll only care when your silence hurts their profits.

Nothing has to change.

The world would collapse if everyone would live by the rule of “Either do it or shut the f up”.

Conversations are key to a working society.

No, they aren’t listening to you—most societies don’t even allow real conversations, and they still manage just fine. Your civil liberties are quietly eroding day by day, and they couldn’t care less about what you think. If it served their interests, they’d happily throw you in jail without a second thought. What they do care about is the opinion of their wealthy counterparts—the ones with the deepest pockets. They care about what their donors and investors have to say because that’s where the real power lies. But you? They don’t care about you. You’re just another cog in the machine.

The only real power you hold is the power to move or stay. Do you stick around with those who despise you, or do you take your business and loyalty to markets that actually value and appreciate you? That’s the choice—stay and be disregarded, or walk away and remind them that your presence isn’t guaranteed. In the end, your ability to leave is your strongest weapon.

The ability to vote or engage in public discourse is just damage control, a smokescreen to keep you distracted. To them, democracy isn’t about the will of the people or giving you a real voice. It’s about maintaining the consent of the institutions of authority—the ones propped up by their wealthy friends. The power doesn’t flow from the people; it flows from the top, where money talks and influence is bought. Your voice is tolerated, but their power is secured by those who can afford to buy a seat at the table.

“There’s a club, and you’re not in it.”

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Doesn’t matter.

Name one.

Not sure where you’re from but where I’m from my vote and input actually does matter.

Homie thinks the WoW forums are US politics.

Wait a minute? a cartoon game with little pink haired gnomes /talking cows /fox things what else take your pick…

…Is not for hard working, beer guzzling, burping, farting men who come home from working down the mines and want to pump everything in game and out game like a big pro pumping thing

damn I want my money back

grown ups are weird

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It does matter to you, or you wouldn’t be so invested, but the stark truth is, it’s not really about you. Your individual opinion has minimal impact in the grand scheme. It only gains significance when it’s part of a larger, organized collective, and even then, that collective is often too fragmented to drive real change. Most of the world doesn’t permit genuine dialogue, and Europe is no exception. We’re not some enlightened utopia; we routinely imprison people for dissenting opinions. In fact, the UK jails more individuals for social media comments than Russia does. Historically, societies have functioned just fine without open conversations because real change is driven by those in power, not by the easily replaceable masses. If you think your vote truly matters, you’re mistaken. What really counts is your financial contribution—how much tax you generate, how effectively you can lobby, how many jobs you create, and so on. You’re only permitted to vote on candidates who have already been vetted and approved by those in control.

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Somebody hasn’t played MMORPGs for very long.

Go back to Reddit homie I ain’t reading all that.

Then go back to school.

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What the hell does school have to do with this? :joy: :joy:

Yo you funny.

It’s, “Yo, you’re funny”.

I really hit the nail on the head with the Reddit comment, huh?

We’ve got a moderator amongst us :joy:

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