What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

we’ll see how fast feminism dies out again when the next war hits up. Women will run to their kitchens and wokeism will fade out quicker than a wet fart.



lets go via a process of elimination - if it was a male character, everything else unchanged, is it now okay?

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There have been women militants since back in the 1500’s. Look up Wikipedia’s article on Women in Warfare. Fa Mulan. Joan of Arc. They have always existed.

you havent been in a fight since school yet you think you’ve got women beat on courage, many of whom are fighting in wars right now


Rotlf, yeah 1% of woman through history were militant, 99% were home breading and cooking, what is your point.

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:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I can’t say why on the forums, but the reasons people dislike the character are quite obvious and it is pretty unanimous considering all the posts made about it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Erm, do you know what is going currently in world. Im just saying cause my internet feed is full of situations happening with soldiers of both men and women right now in the world. There is countries example that have mandatory 2 year military service for both women and men and some of them have been in active war.


okay so black then. right, the character is now white, female, crippled, has a bussin zoomer cut and has the exact same storyline and voice actress.

the character is better now? thats what you’re trying to say? appreciate the honesty if so

Well I love how she looks and I wish we had those character customization options.

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This exact quote can quite literally be said about you complaining about him sharing /his/ opinion, too…

Staggering lack of self-awareness.


We’ve discussed this to death but it is true, there is almost no male presence in the expansion. Why does every OP talking about this topic get reported? People go around falsely reporting posts that they disagree with too much.

There were even multiple examples of male characters having a story where they die and pass on their role to a female. Anduin is the only male with a significant role in the expansion’s moving story and he spends most of it being carried by or having therapy from the 1 armed Lothar girl, who is confident and fearless.


Ah today? I tought you were talking about Mulan and Joan of Arc.

Ofc today woman are in the army, ask any soldier how happy they are of having them watch their back.

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And yet their names live on in history and we still talk about them and see them in media to this day, even before the term “woke” even got popular.

And you’re ignoring all the modern age women militants who are out fighting on the front lines these days.

Or even the Ukrainian women who were at home making molotov cocktails to be thrown at those who invaded their homes.

again - the character itself is fine and I enjoy listening to it, just her design is garbage, maybe if at least she had a longer hair to make her look somewhat feminine that would make her a LITTLE better? this is just my personal opinion, obviously.

To be fair she is the better looking character in the expansion atm.
It seems they also gave her a big chest for some reason, I was like… wait wth is going on.

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To be fair Joan is a massive outlier.

She also wouldn’t have fought on the front lines in a shield wall.

I hate it when people bring her up as an example of “women on the battlefield” because she’s very much the exception to LITERALLY all the rules.

…and she was still burnt at the stake for it.

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Sorry but I am not ignoring nobody, but you’re saying “celebrate woman fighting”.
Sure, meanwhile men have been fighting singe mammoths where a thing.
Do we celebrate them too?

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Vikings had shieldmaidens as part of their armies if we mention other than current.

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That’s just what the male dominated 1700-1800-1900’s historians wanted you to think.
They’re re-evaluating ‘evidence’ to this day and finding lots of proof that women were a lot more involved than what were we led to believe throughout history.

This whole ‘women cook and stay at home’ is actually quite a recent thing if you look at human history. Just like classic historians and archaeologists were seeing ‘greek and roman influence’ everywhere, because the natives could never be able to achieve such things on their own. Yeah… :person_facepalming:t3:

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These kinds of subjects really make me laugh given the percentage of males that play females in games.

Personally I think the current expansion campaign story is pretty good and the characters are very believable.