What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

We absolutely do. More men have been recognized with medals, honors, statues, holidays, and memorabilia than women combatants, even though women have had their places in war efforts throughout history even as spies and rebels. Especially in World War 2. Many women were hung for defending their homelands. But they rarely get recognized for it.

Women militants have existed.

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That’s literally factually false.
Why are you spreading blatant lies like that?
I don’t get it. Who do you think you’re actually fooling?

My time on the forums is too new so I can’t post links, but the Wikipedia article about Women in Warfare has examples from 1500’s and onwards but of course they won’t look up the truth even if you threw it at their face.

sure, its your opinion - now imagine a reality where faerin has long hair. now what is your complaint? “her hair is too long, its unrealistic, it would get in her face during combat”

the goal post always moves because you won’t just say your actual opinion - you have a brain worm that equates black characters, female characters and emotional characters with ‘woke DEI ideology’ and when you see these characters, your brain switches off and you enter into a dogmatic attack mode, where you don’t know what it is you actually hate about the character, you just know that you should hate it, so you can’t let yourself enjoy it and it actively upsets you even seeing it on screen as you say here:


The evidence for real life shield maidens is severely limited and much of the stories are mere myth or legends of a single person.

Even in situations where they did fight wars they were the exception, not the rule.

If you’re picturing entire groups of women fighting in the shield wall then let me take you back to reality right here and now.

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There’s a difference between being a female militant and having legions of women do physical fighting on the front lines alongside men.


Christopher Columbus had female archers within his ranks, for example. In other cultures, they probably were back further using archery and other means of distant combat.

Wikipedia is being maintained by activists, the founder of wikipedia said so himself. And nobody in their right mind should refer for wikipedia for historical or any type of factual evidence.


no one is saying they were equal in number to men in war or even a large minority - they’re simply saying stuff like “all the women will run!” is ahistorical even as recent as 1 minute ago as we see in Ukraine. Women always fight back during defensive wars and in offensive wars, there are always women fighting in any army that will let them which is usually only in defensive wars once countries realise they have been wasting half of their adult population.

You’re mistaking intent here.

I’m not saying that women have never seen combat.

I am saying that when they saw combat, that it was not in a position where they would be front-and-center, playing the same role as what 99.99% of men have done.

A shield wall for example is only as strong as its weakest link. Women are vastly smaller and physically weaker than men. You don’t want a woman next to you in a shield wall for that reason.

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They link to sources within those articles. You don’t depend on Wikipedia itself. You go down to the citations. I was just giving a quick look up as I cannot remember all female militants just over the top of my head.

Wait so Wikipedia is your source of the truth.

The fact that male evolved to be stronger and faster then female it’s clearly not an indication of who actually was the warrior and who was the maiden.

It seems that for some strange reason we are ignoring that beside the outliners in history, woman were in fact staying home and cooking and it was the male duty to provide for her safety.

Why are we doing that, is there something wrong with it?

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You can’t really say that about any group of people. It’s an over-generalized statement.

There’s always somebody, somewhere that will fight back for whatever reason.

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There are thousands of wiki articles that link to different corpo news outlets. You think journalistic integrity still exists?


Go fight a female MMA fighter and tell me that again. :smirk:

Sorry they doesnt seem to be storyes of one person nor myths. I see no problem for it in today nor does seemed to be throughout history either. Its not unique to vikings only either. We will just have to agree to disagree on it then.

Three guesses why we won’t let them, though?

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average non trained male will always overpower average non trained female. average trained male will always overpower average trained female. end of story. stop bringing outliers as if they are not an exception to the rule

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Don’t do that, chances are that on same weight class the woman is getting hurt and badly too.

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Yup, ive met and talked with womens 2015 world championship boxer multiple times in gym who is also finnish, I would not want to try train with her cause I would be no match at all with my limited skills compared to her. She is a very nice person, she talks to everyone like theyre her long time friends and listens people with respect. I have nothing but high appreciation to her skills and her as person.