What is your character willing to die for?

Nendrovus laughs nervously then it turns to visible fear when he is hit with reality.

"Oh, You're serious aren't you? Yeah.... no! I like living thank you very much! I don't know about them undead guys, the forsaken or whatever they're called. But unlike them, I, for one, think death is highly overrated! So please don't kill me! PLEASE!"
I will die again for my sons!
The peace of the world.
For Silvermoon and the piece and live of other Sin'dorei.
01/08/2018 13:12Posted by Elyssarain
VENGEANCE FOR TELDRASSIL! Burn that corpse of a Windrunner!

(because it's fitting with the times)

Strange. Morality? Morality, to me, is only a weird obsession of the living. When there is a conflict between "what must be done" and morality, you do what must be done to achieve an end.
"I'll give my life to help my blood elves brethren to finally see reason and leave the horde for good. The horde is rotten from its core, and nothing can change that, as we clearly saw in Teldrassil".
Freedom. Possibly someone else's freedom if I care about them enough.
Roifa idly massages his temples, as if he's on the verge of entertaining a headache that no combination of tobacco or caffeine could possibly curve.

"I'd die for this, and I'd die for that- give me a break. Unless you have already actually died, your opinions on the subject are built on a framework that has no understanding of how bad it really is."

He'd add finally- "Dying, even for a cause or family is completely overrated.

Surviving is considerably harder than dying. So I say, always try and find a way to survive. Times change, as do people and circumstance. But your transition from living to death? Goodluck bartering for leeway on that.."
Life. To live again as immortal as before the Third War.
The pursuit of power! >:D
"At each road's end, a wicked bend, a turn for few to follow. To old wounds mend, one's fate to lend and leave the vessel hollow. Such a fate, more forced than chosen, the fruit of hate, a sorrow'd heart frozen. By what lure cast to blackened deep might need be dragged ashore? As needs each will and must to close that final door."
To see the night elves return to there rightful place as rules of azaroth.
I thought I were to die in the cursed, meaningless war horde has caused recently, and I would gladly accept fate of death in defense of our home.

But our Mother wanted it otherwise, and thus arises chance to avenge the deaths of innocent and stop this madness once and for all. Or die trying.
The Dark Lady of the Forsaken.
"For justice."
Again? I’m losing count.

There is no rest in death.

"For justice." Kill the tree burners.
For the eventual demise of every single pink skin of course!
Alternatively, a kick in the head for Saurfang would be worth it.
For highness king Zylopfa the Omnipotent and for the safety of cowmums and her calfs.
“I pledge the blades of my Blood Knights to the defeat of Kil'jaeden and the restoration of Silvermoon.” -Liadrin

Kil’jaeden might be sorted, but half of Silvermoon still looks like the bad bits of Detroit and the other half is still being rebuilt by one lonely Builders’ Union worker. It’d be rude to die with the job half done, and given Blizzard’s approach to updating the TBC starter zones it looks like Annisa isn’t going to be dying any time soon. But if her death would somehow renew Silvermoon, then sure.