What is your least favourite race?

They don’t even exist for me.

Pandaren. Terrible animation.
Mechagnomes. Doesn’t need any further explenation.

Gnomes. In any kind of form or shape.
Just can’t stand them.

Please share, would love to hear that :smiley:

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it was a really bad thing happent in AD, involving ALOT of drama and weird stuff.

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I have likes and dislikes among the other races, but nothing like the horror that is Dracthyr.


Now I start to get really curious too.

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Probably orcs, because they remind me too much of myself character-wise at least

Remember that questline in MoP about the panda witch who kidnapped kids and turned them into jade statues in her back yard?

Take that and mix it with the worst stories that came out about working at Activision blizzard with the main cast being Vulpera and death knights and you get the idea of what happened… The nightmares are still real :scream:


Humans. Especially the male model. It’s unwatchable! Either to be redone or better yet, be replaced by the male model Kul’Tiran. Much more likely. I see caster humans in skirts (mage’s dress, lock etc.) it’s embarrassing. The worst part of their model is the arms. Awful!

Blood elves, because they kind of ruined the whole Horde vibe imo.

Though aesthetically, I find gnomes and dwarfs to be very disgusting :smiley:

Basically imagine a vulpera-centered RP guild full of Chris Chan-like individuals with their Sonic knock-off OCs playing out dubious fantasies regarding minors and I’d say you have a fairly accurate picture.

Once upon a time you could find high amounts of player activity in the area before this lot arrived. Even years after they’ve gone it’s mostly deserted because the RP community still sees it as some sort of contaminated zone.

And yeah, it destroyed the reputation of vulpera roleplayers.

  1. Void Elves, good concept, but ultimatly ended up as an excuse not to give the High Elves, shallow storyline.
  2. Drakthyr, not that good idea tbh and very shallow storyline
  3. Vulpera, obviously weren’t meant to ever be playable, but people kept asking and Blizzard delivered

Oh… dear.

For me it’s really the allied races I don’t like mostly.

  • Void Elf is just High Elf but they wanted to troll you.
  • Lightforged Draenei is just a skin on Draenei. There is no meaningful distinction in anything but racial. Even their cultures are the same.
  • Kul’Tiran would’ve been an excellent excuse to have more than 2 body types and actually have body type mean something instead of just trying to piss off conservatives.
  • Mechagnomes, aka diapergnomes, are the least cool way they could’ve possibly implemented mechanical gnomes. Fact.
  • Nightborne is just a lorelol, as is the rest of the Broken Isles. Well, most of it anyway. There’s a non-lorelol here or there, but yeah - 99% of that whole continent is a lorelol. Play Warcraft 3 TFT to understand why.
  • Highmountain Tauren, same deal.

So, which one of these is my least favourite? I have no idea.

Pandaren… Garrosh would have sorted that out.

Vulperas. I don’t like the way they were suddenly shoved into the game as a playable race, don’t like the looks, just don’t like them.
I’m sad about all the hate for draenei. We are a noble race who’ve come through an awful lot but we’re still here. Though I do have to say male draenei are irrelevant. They’re so … muscly and big and I could definitely do without them.


Humans and Blood Elves. There are the most played races, and they are so boringly IRL humanlike.

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Humans. I know Kul Tirans are humans too, but WoW humans are really ugly and boring looking.

I don’t like elves that much either, especially Blood / Void elves. Just a theme that is not interesting to me, they’re also overhyped and overplayed, I don’t like when things are too mainstream.

Dracthyr… not a fan. Cool on paper, but the end result is rather disappointing, visage as well (it’s a combination of two races I don’t care about).

I used to hate them with a passion when they were to be released. But now I’m kind of neutral, I really don’t mind them. :fox_face:

I’d say mechagnomes here. Sadly never really got into the whole “diaper” vibe, and didn’t ever really like how the torso was changing into the mechanical limbs. Gnomes are great, on the other hand.

Very true! Honestly there had always been something very beautiful about the race to me…

Ouch. I do agree that they are very bulky and would consider them a race that could use more bodytypes probably the most, but they can also give a ton of those big but adorable vibes I love.

Dont be sad, its never too late to race change into a holy cow :wink:

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