What is your least favourite race?

In my Opinion

5 allied races: Void Elf, Lightforged, Highmountain, Mechagnome and fox

And 1 core race Dracthyr

Reason: They come from nowhere

But Neutrals for me are:Humans, Draenei, Pandaren, Darkspear, Orc, Goblin, Tauren

Something I have Blood elf paladin tank

But I can use a toy to be “Worgen paladin” in each alts with 1 hour xD

Nothing can stop me

Every race besides Forsakens and Worgens.

My character selection screen is littered with Undeads and I have one Worgen that I can’t bring myself to play because… Alliance.

Tbh it makes sense to why there is enough of em, a void elf is basically a blood elf then let a void thing suck on em.

Given its a sub race of a existing race, it simply doesnt take the same amount of time for it to multiply. Because it doesnt need to breed.

What made 0 sense was, they existed for less then a single season prior being launched as a playable race prior much longer demanded races.

There was just 0 solid lore to exactly why theyd join the alliance past the leaders banging a human.

Void elf was blizzards last attempt at faction balance basically. While people have wanted the fish race from MoP for a decade now go without, and even after promise at further races being added has been forgotten, we are still sat here waiting.

The right angular shins creep me out on male draenei :nauseated_face: dont hate the race, but my god are male draenei a harsh sight to behold

Zombies and Trolls.

Wouldn’t be caught dead playing either one of them (pun intended.)

Probably the first alliance monster race, night elf males.


Have to agree, this emm… “race” is just wrong.
2nd prize goes to mechagnomes, it’s traumatizing to even look at one. Thankfully not many people play them.

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They just look way too goofy with the new models.


I’m simple alliance guy. I see orcs - I hate them instantly.
Same applies for undeads, but in less measure since they were humans back in the days.
Taurens and Trolls are chill bros tho. Zero hate towards them, just wrong faction.

Forsaken and orcs. Never had any char of them.

I dont like furries in general, so vulpera are a close second.

Alcohol tasters!

Why all the hate for belves… :frowning_with_open_mouth: at least we aren’t savages, only addicts because I flooded the local market with cheap herbs!

Anyways… my least favorite race is probably goblins, mainly because of their greediness and looks. Their engineering is remarkable and funny but… that’s about it. Their quests in old Stranglethorn and Tanaris are decent too.

That said I don’t hate them, just I could not really imagine myself playing them. Gave them a try years ago, but deleted them before level 10.


Wish we could feed them to the Ogres.
An absolute insult to the Horde.

Nightborne, they’re a retcon. They should’ve been dead at the bottom of the ocean.
There’s a piece of archeology hold up in the mighty halls of Ironforge where a team of dwarven archeologists recovered one of their globes on the bottom of the sea.

You’re going to tell me that they missed that big purple ball and decided not to investigate it?

I actually dislike all the subraces to that regard. They’re either lazy, not make much sense or are straight up an insult to the fundamentals of this franchise.

Tauren, it’s like they were designed to be boring or something.

Gnome and Gobblins - these people ate backbone of both faction for sure but doesnt fit as race or might warriors.

Worgen - we need werewolfs in game; thats the only reason they in game.

Nightborne - just horde side night elves (atleast they introduced them with good lore atleast)
Void elfs - Alliance side blood elfs.

Evokers - they just dont deserve hero class respect so far.

Worgen, because I prefer playing female, and I really dislike their female model.

You actually think jinyu would be popular?

So strange… why don’t I feel welcome anymore after this thread. :wink:

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You are welcomed anywhere!
We are awesome!