Mine is around the 10% area, what about you?
What is success? Timing or completion?
Probably over way over 80% but it depends a bit. Pugs I only sign up for keys that look like they have a good chance of succeeding and are within my comfort zone.
Friends / communities the bar is a bit lower - sometimes they are smooth as silk, sometimes “stuff” happens.
Just for reference, about 80% of keys that are completed are timed. The success rate in DF was quite a lot higher (which is one of the reasons this season is a bit of an L)
I complete at least 95% of my +10s successfully, as a tank. Pugging only.
i don’t really fail anymore on anything under an 11. I helped my cousin get 2k io yday and we failed 1 as people weren’t doing tactics properly on the first boss.
I don’t bother trying to pushing anymore. 12s are a nightmare for pugs. It’s not worth the hassle.
If we are talking pure completion I’d say the bulk of keys I do are finished whether in time or over.
100%, since I avoid it like the plague.
Depends on what keys I do.
Weekly vault keys and “helping friends in lower keys” keys, about 99%.
Push keys (doing 13s/14s on my Disc), probably about 10%.
I only pug keys between 4 and 8 and around 10-15 keys per week on 2-3 chars; I’d say I’m around 75%, and it varies strongly between fort and tyra weeks; this week was horrible, last week was quite good. Next should be better again.
(DF and SL were definitely higher, unfinished keys were a rare event, now - not so much and one has to pay way more attention to whom one invites or applies; makes running keys less fun and more exhausting.)
At this point with my main at 636 ilvl and this monk approaching 630, success rate is like 99%, most of the times I +2/+3 even 10s
If you really only complete 10% of your keys when you are not even at 2k score, ask yourself some questions…
It depends on whether I’m gearing, vaulting, etc…
But overall I think the completion rate is around 95%. In-time a bit lower, but probably around 85%?
99% of vault keys and 60% of keys 12+ rn.
Last season it was maybe 1/3 title range keys was timed.
As a PuG Tank; anything but Stonevault is over 90%. SV is 100% failrate.
As of the last two resets I can’t finish SV +9-10 with PuGs at all and IDK if it’s me, or the group.
12s keys are 2/3 depleted
Where do you check? It was great runs for me!
better and better.
Have some tanks who pull too big, die and then insta leave.
But been mostly fine these past few runs
Not like the 4 failed runs in a row i had a while back
Well yes, in 14 a single mistake basically rips the key and mistakes often happen in PuGs.
Just recently had a Prot Paladin tank just jump off the bridge in Grim Batol during a pull. It was hilarious but key shattering.
Another Paladin tank decided to just eat the frontal of the third boss in Grim Batol instead of side stepping it and without using a defensive and just got blasted.
Another Paladin tank decided to throw his shield in the corridor before the third boss in Grim Batol and the shield decided to just pull everything…
A Lock pet decided to pull both skipped lavabenders into the third boss.
Fun times…
Depends a lot what key. Had 2 full wipes and 18~ deaths in a 14 NW and missed the time by only a couple seconds. People are 2 chesting 14-15 dawnbreakers / AKs I’m sure they’ve got time for a fumble or two.
What kind of crazy DPS did you have with you?
I’d generally assume that, in the context of a PuG, your DPS players aren’t incredible pumpers.
In my experience one full wipe might be salvagable depending on the DPS and where/when it happened but as soon as a second full wipe comes in, somebody dips anyways and the key is rip.
That might be different for full premades because you can just continue but I haven’t had a single PuG in 12s and upwards that continued with the key after 2 full wipes.
Well, just once but that was under the premise of not timing the key anymore and just completing it for the experience.
True, DB and Ara are the 2 outliers I’d say because their timers are really lenient.
Aug enh sp disc ppal.
After we missed the 14 we did it on 13 and had even more deaths + full wiped on the first pull to accidentally pulling double gatekeeper. Timed that one with minutes to spare.