What is your opinion about the Void Elves ?

Did they have proved their loyalty to the Alliance? Are you still hate them ?

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I hate them, they must die…


The Horde? It’s there still a Horde? I see only Sylvanas and her puppets…

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Oh, well, you’re not that wrong…

For the memory of horde… That one good horde…



I have no problem with the voidlings
We hear the same whispers, just a bit longer than they do…
The world need such a visionaries as Umbric or Thal’kiel!
The Ren’Dorei fragile mind eventually will break, some of them lost it already (just see those guys in Boralus travelling island to islands for Azerite…)
But they are usefull and loyal and somewhat honorable… well, as much as an Elf could be usefull and loyal and somewhat honorable
Go Team Tentacle ™ , go!

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We are clearly the best~


Ugh, the void’s grasp is strong here… The Elements, answer me!


You are Rogue :joy::joy::joy:

Well, Rogues are known for deception, right? =D

Who knows what lies beneath this Rogue!!!

Which is revealed, Shaman… Muhahahaha

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I recently had an unpleasant run-in with a void elf. I suspect high treason, but I assume they aren’t all traitors…

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Every race have traitors… I think that Humans are the worst in this case … But at least King Anduin it’s different and noble …

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The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you… :octopus:

"I respect your kind. The Sin’dorei are strong and determined race. Maybe the best of all elven races. They are willing to pursue their goal and do what must be done for what they believe is right. Apart from idle Kal’dorei and Nightborne.

Look at their history, what they endured. They tried almost everything to survive. Fel, light… And now fraction of you choose to tap in to void magic. It is a shame that your race is divided because of it. I don’t draw differences between Sin’dorei based on what power they use. It is silly to me to call part of you void elves and the rest blood elves. I honor you more than Kal’dorei and Nightborne, because I have seen what you are capable of.
Many of my fellow blood elf demon hunters were and are one of the strongest from our Illidari order. Because of their arcane affinity and determination.

The only stupid thing is, that you fight each other. Why can’t you get all along, like us, the Illidari?
You kill each other, spill blood of many good elves just for a boy king or Banshee Queen? Or just because you are slightly different, because of the power you use? "

Shalim shakes his head
" What a shame"


Lady Alleria military service state and also her people at the battle for Lordaeron already proved than it wasn’t just word but their loyalty, actions speak louder than words.

The Rendorei are a good surprise and refreshing often played by decent players unlike the night elves hippies vermins.

Except imbeciles trying to lick the bu** of the lesser degenerate junk eves who outcasted them.

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Like, out of character? I think it was an odd choice and just putting in High Elves would’ve been better. But they’re here now, and the lore isn’t awful, so I’m embracing them. IC:

"They’re my people, so obviously I’m a bit biased. I think we’ve proven ourselves, and if you’ve met Umbric you know he’ll keep on proving our worth well after it ceases to be necessary. He’s got a bit of a complex. I think people have a right to be a bit wary around us, since what we wield - what we’re infused with - is inherently evil, probably the most corrupting and dangerous magic in the universe.

"But we’re loyal. We didn’t just join the Alliance out of gratitude or convenience. We’ve seen what power can do in the wrong hands, and the Alliance knows the same. We won’t let monsters like Sylvanas turn the world into their plaything. We’ve fought and bled, and we’ll keep fighting and keep bleeding, for the Alliance.

“Soon it will be our enemies who fear us most.”


OOCly I will also go ahead and say you’re one of the few people who seems to get the point of them

Well there are many wich don’t like us … Or discriminate us

“You need to get used to it. It is a burden that everyone wears with their power. Look at us, without Legion coming back to destroy our world, we would never left the Vault of the Wardens. We were released only to be used as a weapon and we are only good for people as a weapon. Not as friends or family.”
Shalim shakes his head
“No, you need to focus on your task. Or the sacrifices you made will come in vain. You have a great power at your disposal, but it comes with a downside of people not liking you. Use the advantages of this bargain and do not look back at the disadvantages. You have your Rendorei brothers and sisters who share your faith. You are not alone.”
Shalim offers the void elf his hand
“And if you will be in need of allies for a noble task, you can count on me and other Illidari, who will be willing to help. But remember, I am not interested in fighting useless faction wars.”


IC, it’s a wild mix of terror and sadness, upset at seeing her people divided again with several people to blame.

Then there’s the risk that blizzard canon says anyone working with void power was exiled long ago in which case Mari has been a void elf for a while already.

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“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till.”