What is your opinion about the Void Elves ?

OOC, the Velves are visually quite cool and I enjoy their theme. However, integral details missing has lead to shake foundation lore has lead me to not believe the way they are currently represented.

IC, my character’s are still very dubious. As cool as they look to us, the players, but actually they look weird and unnerving (especially with their tentacle hair!).

Which leads me to the RP, they’ve become another bandwagon (waves at Death Knights and Demon Hunters) where people want to be one but not have (intentionally or not) taken on the baggage they will have or don’t know how to play it in a believable manner. Blizz are partly to blame for this as all NPCs have accepted them without really knowing the full extent of their physiology being almost rearranged by the Void against their will. I mean, it’s fine, right?

TL;DR I think their kinda cool, but handled poorly by Blizz and a lot of RPers.

Why didn’t we just get High Elves?

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As there will always be and as there are many who hates All Humans without exception and discriminate us here and in game.

You shouldn’t care, I for one don’t negativity doesn’t touch me just like void can’t corrupt you.

Enjoy your time,focus what’s important and on those who genuinely accept you and your people without interest in this time of need.

Something was taken yet something was added once again you are welcome in the Aliiance.

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Or why didn’t we have all High Elves transformed in Void Elves to extinguish the High Elves demand? Maybe with a switching form to make everyone happy.

Possibly. Something I was actually hoping for, as it doesn’t seem that difficult to do.

That said, I wouldn’t use the word ‘extinguish’. People feel High Elves deserve their own starting zones and such. I would say they stake they have had in the lore should be enough, but that doesn’t stand for much nowadays… :pensive:

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“The Void Elves have proven themselves useful time and time again but I wonder at what price. They’ve toyed with powers they couldn’t hope to understand, let alone master. I’ve seen people, good, -intelligent-, people driven insane by the influence Yogg-Saron back in Northrend. Isn’t the Void supposed to be many times more powerful, more terrifying than the Old Gods? I fear they don’t stand a chance, and if we’re not careful they might doom us as well.”

Roessler pauses for a moment.

“That’s not to say I would advocate slaughtering the lot of them, but we should least of all be cautious and keep a close eye on them.”

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They may have proved useful but they cannot be trusted. You cannot wield void powers without consequence.

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The alliance brings in elves that have betrayed their own kind and also wield the powers of the void yet still claim to hold the moral high ground.


We are certainly not all traitors! I understand our powers scare you, because you do not understand them…

Marizsa smiles smugly…

Well, and because these powers are very potent and dangerous, and can corrupt or take over those who wield them…

But that was the case with warlocks, and death knights, and demon hunters, as well.

Now, I agree that the powers of the void are superior to all these…

Another smug smile…

And that it is wise to keep an eye on… us…

Perhaps slightly more of an eye than what you keep on those other dangerous classes, since… well, they are less dangerous.

A wide, mischievous smile spreads across Marizsa’s purple face.

I can imagine some of my fellow Ren’dorei might be inclined to return to the Horde - for various silly reasons - but I assure you; I am definitely not!

After everything our people did, sanctioned by our leaders… Dangerous and immoral practices…

My kind is exiled, on penalty of death! …For seeking the strongest power we know - to use it against enemies of Azeroth, of course.

I always felt that all elves belong in the Alliance, and I, for one, am happy to have been accepted into its ranks.

I will not eagerly fight my sister or my old Sin’dorei friends, but as they follow the Banshee Queen

(surely more evil and dangerous than any void elf, with her capacity - and eagerness - to make people serve her in death or undeath, regardless of their faction)

I will stand unwavering with the Alliance, and wear my tabard proudly.

Don’t let them cast a spell.

Their magic hits hard, even for elves. Do not recommend trying to withstand any of it directly.

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“You seem to have short memory warlock”
Shalim sits down at the nearby chair and puts his glaives on a table
"You know, I remember the times when all elves were under Alliance banner. Then under certain circumstances, you were forced to leave the Alliance and join the Horde. I never called you traitors, because I knew that those reasons weren’t minor. I can underestand that humans from the Alliance had a great part on this.

But look, now you are repeating the same thing. You are kicking your own kind away just because they use powers you fear. Don’t you see the similarities?
And where should these exiles find shelter than in their past allies? They have no other possibility, they do what they must to survive and to fight evil forces…
You are blind and can only call them traitors. But believe me, many of them would rather live in Silvermoon with you, but they can’t because of your regent Lord."
Shalim then stands up and points his index finger at warlock
"You should be careful when you call somebody traitors. From my point of view, you betrayed your kind and refused to help them when they needed it most. "

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People, why are you RPing here? I’m pretty sure this was an OOC discussion.

I say ‘RPing’, all I see are plain characters rants which aren’t engaging or involving.


What a surprise … There is a judgy night elf.

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Yes, it’s called a “personality trait”. Have you… heard of them? :thinking:

If you don’t like it nobody forces you to RP with us.

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That’s the thing, I do want to RP with you. But you are actively making it difficult by having your characters behave in a nonsensical manner, rant about lore we all know about already or Power RP displaying how “wonderful” your characters are.

What is the point of RPing if you are not interested in other characters?


Terintha has already summarised all my OOC views, but I’m going to let you in on something.
Have alot of you ever considered you also do the exact things you complain about? Any of you ever tried posting on a traditional character? You get treated to alot of preconceptions about judgement, based on lore misconceptions, that a lot of you wouldn’t have if you didn’t RP in the madhouse that is Stormwind.

It’s seriously quite frustrating; it’s also further frustrating because it’s like looking into a mirror, one that leads back to when I started RPing. Alot of you are making very common mistakes, but I don’t think any of you will learn from them and improve if you’re not called out on it. Bare in mind, even if I am frustrated by the state of things, I don’t dislike any of you; I just think that everyone [ya’ll included] would have a lot more fun if you researched the vibe of the lore, worked from that. If you all channeled more positive character growth and consideration.

Alot of old RP forum community pillars have at this point unsubbed or left, but from talking to a few that were my friends I know they share these sorts of thoughts.

Anyhow ya’ll do you, take my advice or don’t, but if you do open yourself more to the setting as a whole you will have a lot more fun.


So teach me master roleplayer how to be such a superior character that I would be worth your precious time to roleplay with.

Your ego is so high that even I wouldnt want to roleplay with you. You think that you can roleplay the best and you are frowning on everybody who doesn’t seem to entertain your needs.
You are a perfect specimen of elitist player in roleplaying scene.


Dude, Terintha is like, the nicest guy in this whole place; this really isn’t Us vs You or You vs Us. If you’re pleasurable to RP with, more people will want to RP with you; there is nothing elitist about that. If you don’t want to learn, or consider others thoughts, just like real life, people wont want to be around you.
It’s not elitist, it’s just basic societal interaction.

If Terintha -were- atleast, you’d not be getting the time of day, or advice. But there you go, you get advice, but because it’s not stroking your ego you act with open hostility. Just because you partake in something doesn’t make you good at it, Roleplaying takes a degree of writing skill, specifically characterisation. If you don’t seek to progress, you’re just gonna stagnate and get bored.


I haven’t got a single advice from any of you. Only the list of things that you consider being wrong. It is like giving feedback without possible advice how to improve it… Useless.

Look, as I read reddit and these forums, I see many players crying about lack of players that do roleplaying in one hand. On the other hand those same players are also making it hard for new people to join. Those new players are then washed away and they never want to experience RP.
If you want the roleplaying community to die just keep going and bash everyone around you for bad RP. But then don’t be suriprised when only few “good RP players” will remain for you to play with.

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Where did I say I was a “master roleplayer”? Where is it said that I have a “superior character”? Where was my “high ego” shown?

Like anything in life, in RP you cannot simply do what you want. And reply of yours is immature because you’re being called out for it.