What keeps you in horde side at the moment?

If I don’t remember wrong, even in Before the Storm it was stated Sylvanas did care about the Horde.
You can correct me, I don’t want to read this mess again.

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Classic. I serve Thrall.


it’s like people who like to listen pop music :slight_smile:

the Horde rocks.

When I’m not playing the alliance, I’m on the Horde and enjoying the narrative.
Horde got a better storyline. Loved it.

I personally don’t like all ‘kumbaya’, let’s all be friends rhetoric.
The Horde and Alliance are best when on opposite sides.

I wish the Alliance wasn’t at the events in the last cinematic. Would have been best if the Horde could sort it’s own *^@% out.

I wish Anduin would … ‘disappear’ and Dwarf leadership could take over.


Since I main Goblin on Horde side - AND very specifically non-playable Steamwheedle Cartel - I am “fine” (as in resignation) with whatever Blizzard cook up. I have long, long lost my faith in these cretins to write a good - leave alone coherent - story.


The only thing that wasn’t IC for her was stating it loud enough for everyone to hear. She should have kill Saurfang, then tell the rebels and the Alliance to leave “her city”. And that would have been the only slip of tongue from her.

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I like to think of forces like “The Honourbound” more representatives of the Horde than Sylvannas ever was.

Rexxar, Valtrois, Garona, Lasan, and then Lorthemar and Thalyssra… they are badass and they can get the killing done well as proven by War Campaign, but they also have sense and try to filter their actions and have doubts all along.

So I’d like to think I’ll strive and move forward for them.

Plus, Talanji.

Perhaps the most balance leader (though relatively new) as she has compassion “I fight to protect those who cannot protect themselves” but is also fair, and just and Loa save you from her wrath if you get on her bad side


Have you ever heard the tale of the scorpion and the turtle?
Are the alliance players entitled to have a long sip of “I told you so”?

Alliance players can, but still for me Forsaken - Sylvanas connection is 15 year strong and deeply rooted. That’s is main problem and wtf is Blizzard doing to iconic undeads. Ok let it flee, let it horde be nothing, but not the Forsaken. :frowning:


According to the cinematic, they were not and only “view”.

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Trolls, and faffing around with Zandalari/As a Zandalari.

If they make the combat not dull as dishwater and the level squish makes it so that you don’t have the same toolkit without any upgrades for tens of levels at a time, I can just try and enjoy the leveling process on my alts and try and ignore current lore and story… Just stay in my little time bubbles…

I am suprised people still act like Sylvanas ever gave a sh*t about the forsaken. She used them to get her revenge on Arthas, and after that she was willing to say “Ok, cya, I am out, have fun with that cursed existence!” and killed herself…

And what did she do after she learned what awaits forsaken after death? Used the Valkeries to create MORE forsaken to help her look for a way to make HERSELF immortal.


For the Hope that Silvermoon will finally be restored.
But honestly just hoping that now after it happening again and again and again we will no longer be used as the villan bat for conflict cause blizz cant write a decent evil alliance character.

More like" I really wanted it to be so."

And lo and behold, the villain-batting reaches new heights.


Man its us and them that have been going around doing all the work , they just get a cinematic…please

I didn’t want to see it, it was obvious right from the start when she said “they’re just arrows in the quiver”. She was the narcissistic type even before she was killed by Arthas for frick’s sake.

I think this fits Sylvanas fanboys a lot more, that are so delusional they actually think Sylvanas cares about her people through ignorance of countless hints to her selfish desires.

You can’t change a fact, no matter how hard you try to be ignorant of the facts presented in the lore. You probably didn’t even watch the newest cinematic…

You thinking it “fits” is also another reason I could be using to reinforce the argument I made earlier.

The fact is what you guys were talking about and what I, at least, was talking about when we discussed caring were two different things.
Another fact is you didn’t listen then and you are not listening now either, which really underlines the fact that you really wanted it to be so and now that the writing team bent everything backwards to make it so you gloat. Enjoy it while it lasts.


There are several quotes that point that she does in fact, care to some extent about the Forsaken.
Even after the cinematic, we have her dialogue with the loyalist PC.


Why did you go so defensive all of a sudden now?

You’re literally comparing my statement on Sylvanas fanboys to reinforce your point that I:

First off, I like how your very point here is an assumption, which is quite ironic and thwarts your argument.

Secondly, comparing one of my assumptions with a conclusion based on facts makes you look like a strawman.

Thirdly, my argument was based on:

and then you say:

Do you even know what you’re talking about? Let’s hope that you’ll clarify it because I literally quoted your statement here. You can’t change it up to save face.

What am I not listening to? The voices in your head?

I’ve also come across a fact here that you’ve repeated. Here it goes: you really want it to be so that I want it to be so. That clarifies your defensive arguments here quite well.

I see now. You’re just mad that things didn’t go your way. That explains why you don’t care about actual lore facts, and instead rely on your imagination that somehow your queen Sylvanas was doing good deeds and cared about everyone.

Amazing how you make an assumption based on the posts of the “fanboys” and when I do the same it’s not ok. You are right and I am wrong, just because. However your conclusion is based on the multitude of posts on these forums with the same theme which was the favorization of a certain character which often attributed certain positive traits to a character that might have lacked the respective positive traits.
At the same time I also draw a conclusion based on a multitude of posts with the same theme concerning the vilification of a certain character attributing certain negative traits to a character that might have lacked the respective negative traits.

There are no strawman here, just a lot of irony.

And perhaps you are confused, but the issue of Sylvanas caring was debated quite often. The detail I was pointing out is that one side of the argument had a very different definition of that word while the other had another definition for it. If it’s still hard for you to understand, just ask instead of jumping to dumb conclusions.

And yes, I’m upset but not because things didn’t go my way, they just went the way of the haters and thanks to that they created huge discrepancies in the current story and the lore itself in order to accommodate some superficial notion of peace and shamelessly ignoring several groups of characters and players at the same time.

But the story isn’t over yet.