What kind of role-play?

Hello, I’ve actually been on Die Aldor, a German-speaking roleplay server, for years. Unfortunately, our community there has become a bit inactive. I remember checking out your server years ago when the “Gutter Runners” were still around—a guild somewhat inspired by Oliver Twist.

I wanted to ask you as a community: Do you still have any guilds focused on underground/criminal roleplay? I’m also a fan of logic and not always over-the-top power RP. How would you say your server handles that? Could someone give me an idea of the general atmosphere? :slight_smile:


I don’t have a good answer for that, as I’m not familiar with the Alliance RP scene and the closest thing that I’m aware of Horde-side are goblin cartel guilds.

I can try to help with this though.

When compared to Moon Guard, the primary English-speaking roleplay server in the US, Argent Dawn is seen as being more serious about the lore, and more grounded and interested in realism. This server also has a habit of focusing on racial themes, with a huge amount of guilds that are racially exclusive - human-only guilds, orc-only guilds and so on. However, there are a lot of different roleplaying spaces on Argent Dawn, each with a different vibe.

  • Stormwind City: The most popular roleplaying hub on the server. However, its popularity means that it isn’t very focused on any particular theme and the quality of the roleplaying there varies a lot. If you are just looking for somewhere to roleplay and don’t know anyone, Stormwind City is a good starting point.
  • Stromgarde: Also known as the North community. They are known for being human-centric with a relatively low power level, and they are probably the most grounded community. It’s a good place to go if you are interested in a grittier and more “realistic” experience.
  • Duskwood: Home to roleplayers with an interest in darker and edgier things - warlocks, death knights, dark rangers and so on. The power level here is relatively high with a lot of powerful characters, but it’s a good place to go if you’re interested in horror or playing a controversial character that wields dark powers.
  • Dalaran: Though Dalaran has been destroyed in the latest expansion, it was once home to a thriving community of Horde and Alliance roleplayers. These days, this community still gathers for weekly market events in the town of Dawn’s Blossom in Pandaria. I can’t speak for the power level, but it’s a good community for mercantile roleplay.
  • Orgrimmar: The only Horde-exclusive hub, due to the Horde’s lack of popularity compared to the Alliance. It sees the most activity when guilds are passing through, otherwise it’s typically not very busy at all. Brawling in a common past-time, enjoyed outside of the Wyvern’s Tail tavern.
  • Goldshire: In case you aren’t informed, Goldshire is home to the server’s ERP community and it’s a good idea to avoid it unless you want to write smut with strangers on the internet. The harbour in Stormwind City has gained a similar population at this point, but not the point where it’s a no-go zone.

There are also dozens of different roleplaying guilds based on all sorts of themes scattered throughout the world, who can’t be found in these hubs, with racial themes being particularly popular. In the end, whatever sort of roleplay you’re interested in, you’re almost guaranteed to find a guild or a community that can provide you with it, especially with your preference of logical, low power level roleplaying.


Check those!

Though you have plenty others around from Booty Bay to Stormwind. Old Town should still be populated also. You also have thematic discords but I’m not sure how active they are.

There’s also a guild that organized a very interesting black market recently.

No. Don’t avoid “unless”. Just avoid. Let’s not soft tone that debauchery please.


Not going to tell someone what to do with their subscription, though hopefully the way I phrased it makes it clear that they will rightfully be judged and looked down upon if they go through with writing smut with strangers on the internet. I imagine that they’re already aware that it breaks terms of service.


As an ex Die Aldorian myself (and a german too) i can sadly say i don’t know the guild you speak of.
Also as far as i know there is no open guild that advertises themselv as criminal.
But i hope i am mistaken, we do need more of those.

There are several gang type guilds that operate out of Gilneas that I’ve heard rumour of although not having RPed up there yet the only one I know of is the Blackwood Syndicate. Similarly I believe Booty Bay has a small guild or two as well.

The newly minted Gilded Dagger community has a fairly good representation so far as well.

In Stormwind I’ve seen a few guilds running criminal activity, and with a shameless self promotion, my own the Guild of Thieves. We try to encompass most criminal activity from the lowliest beggars and pickpockets to the most highly skilled, debonair con-artists. Send me a message in game if you’d like to know more.


Though not a guild itself, there’s also the Smuggler’s Cove community that focuses on criminal RP. Might be worth a look to see what guilds you could find there.

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