What makes World of Warcraft immersive? (Student survey)

Hi, I really hope this is allowed and the correct place to post this!

I am currently finishing my bachelor degree and for my thesis I’ve chosen to conduct a study on factors that influence immersion in World of Warcraft.

It would mean the absolute world to me if you could spare 10-15 minutes of your time (I know it’s quite a lot for a survey, I’m sorry…!) to answer some questions about YOUR World of Warcraft experience. The questions are all multiple choice, so all you have to do is select the option that you most relate to.

Beyond grateful to everyone who takes the time to participate! THANK YOU! :black_heart:

Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/P1ieW2bwUKJdeeRo6


I’m afraid you’ll need to use the past tense in your question.
What used to make World of Warcraft immersive?

Certainly not a “I planned it all!” Jailer, our character chilling in the afterlife as if it’s a regular new island we’re sailing to, nor the constant phasing/sharding.
It’s also not seeing every single player riding one of the 850 “rare” mounts with flashy particle effects, making this game look like a zoo. Nor all of these players each being the “Chosen One”, and each wearing the Ashbringer.

I’ll take your survey though. Good luck with your project.


It’s not everything you described anymore. It’s a collecthon game.

There’ s no war in Warcraft.
There’s no mmo in this mmo
You can solo queue everything without speaking once
You can complete most content alone
You don’t need to socialise , message anyone or join a guild or community. I know this because when I tried to make a guild in bfa. The amount of guildless max level people also levelers , they were simply not interested at all. Also they saw no need or point.
This is how retail evolved , wether you see it as a bad or a good thing that depends on the player.

I think you need to post this question on classic forums you are going to get a far far better answer.
Why alot of people play retail is because you can play it as a single player game.
Classic you can’t not even in wrath classic.
Saying that wrath classic got group finder now so I’m guessing alot of community has gone now over convenience.


Just took your survey. Didnt take that long… :slight_smile:
Hopefully you will get honest and truthful opinions, may they be good or bad.


I completed the survey.

I thought it was interesting how I was contrasting the answers I gave now with how I would likely have answered a few years ago - funny how times change (I don’t mean just that the game is different now, but also that I - as a player - am).

Anyway, good luck!

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Completed it, good luck with your studies.

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Done the survey, good luck with it!

Completed. However many of the questions need context. For example do you play more than when you began is pretty much dependent on circumstances maybe a why would have been better. Actually a why would be a major factor to quite a bit. I have met many in game and they play for many reasons. The game its self. Social is another WoW was pre Facebook. The online experience of 20+ ppl forming to defeat mystic bosses and have a blast on Vent/TS/Discord Played as it was cheaper then going to real world events at one point there only so much sports, pubbing and clubbing etc you can do in a week and it wears you out. Plenty of sick ppl play to because they cant get out. Sad to say many of those have died and its the same as loosing a friend if you had a great deal of interaction with them. So there are many factors as to why for many questions.

Im not picking holes in it, just letting you know it goes a lot deeper. Guessing your handin wont be until March so time to evaluate :slight_smile:

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World of Warcraft is far less immersive now than it was in the past. Generally the issue stems from sacrificing the sense of self and sense of world on the altar of convenient gameplay, forgetting along the way that the gameplay to reach the gameplay you might want to play at that moment is also gameplay, or that the social connections that happen as you travel through the world is gameplay.

I think the fact that you lacked the question “I identify strongly with my World of Warcraft character” is very telling. Not even you seem to remember what it was all about. You’re asking about NPC’s and stories and combat, but none of those are what made World of Warcraft such a truly unique and emotionally powerful experience, even if they were absolutely essential to its success all the same.


The question about do i care abiut finding or farming objects the same experience as enjoying the lore, is a bit off. I dont associate the 2. Also you went a bit heavy with the lore questions toward the end, one of the questions felt very similar to another, i forget which one.

Answered - and for anyone else thinking of doing it, it didn’t take as long as 15 minutes so it shouldn’t take much out of your day to help.

Any one think that WoW in 2023 is Immersive ?

Well, that’s dumb.

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Done, good luck with your thesis.

It can be. It really depends on what you consider immersive and on how you approach the game.

Or adjust the survey to compare Classic to Retail, would give more accurate results of “immerssion” I would think.


OP should amend this in the original post. It takes less than 5 min to answer.

Completed the survey. I hope you ignore the doomers posting on this thread :slight_smile:

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Answered! I do love surveys :slight_smile:

To everyone saying it needs more context - it looks to be a quantitative questionnaire, so it will be used for statistical analysis. Qualitative is a lot more work!

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Answered in like 3 minutes, but I did address it as if it was about WoW classic so that might be a mistake on my part.

Might want to narrow it down a bit by emphasising it’s about retail for future dorks like me.

Good questionnaire all in all. Good luck with your studies

Done, goodluck with it and your studies :slight_smile: