What meal would your character offer the above?

An empty plate, for misbehaving. For Rumi though, she’d order some Pandarian noodles! “They’re really good, give them a try!”

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A reconciliatory Healthstone cookie in a heart shape, wrapped up in a neat Winter Veil ribbon.

It would even make funny noises whenever you put it up to your mouth, almost like the lost soul of a squirrel squeaking out in abject terror, accomodated by a teeny, cutesy bell hanging at the bottom to really bring out the Winter Veil spirit!

Ah dunnae… a squeaky toy? Do ye lot even eat food o’ just consume peoples shadows as they walk past ye?

Smiles broadly as he drinks

Ah’m messin’ wi’ ye lad, lass… lassie… sure there wee only one o’ ye. Do all five o’ ye eat duck? Ah can get a duck! Or o’ squirrel, just need me boxing glove.


Ah, a drinker!

I offer you beer-basted steaks with a side of dwarven cheese! Stole-… I mean a kind person from that fancy gastropub gave this to me. Smells good, though.

Well for an Orc, I should make traditional feast of meat from Draenor and…
…for an undead orc?

she rolls her eyes

Well, I supose, in the spirit of winter veil… some nice, still warm and blood dripping… ugh… human brains.
They not really using it anyway and plenty of them runin’ around and you could always blame the Horde if half a dozen of these naked apes go missing
So yeah, for you Orig, brains. With a mug of blood-beer…

“Want you demon heart baked, roasted or fresh?”
Ly pauses for a few moments before bursting out a small, playful giggle.

“Kidding, kidding. It’s Winter Veil, so have a gingerbread, I guess?”

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Mahli’ifica appears behind the taller Draenei and pokes her shoulder.

“Because we are allies, I will tell you to not eat the gingerbread. You have no idea which fel-forge she used to bake them with.”

Her eyes then fixes on Lytandrah with a soft grin, before she pulls out a reinforced lead box with protective runes adorning it.

“As for you my demonic relative; since this is Winter Veil; I would offer you this box of Reindeer Soul Gems! All freshly harvested! I know how you demons absolutely adore these… !”

He would look awkwardly at the void elf, food isn’t even something he has bothered with for years himself.

“…I can offer ya some fried bats?”

He shrugs, not sure what a void elf would want to eat aside from…Food.

He walks in, looking at Dorethien with a mixture of confusion and discomfort.

“An undead troll eh? I legitimately can’t tell if you’d thank me or kill me if I offered you a roasted leg of your own kind or not. I guess you’re into the season from the looks of things, so just take this turkey.”

“Your own entrails on a platter, human,” Rhazane growls… then grins broadly and laughs. "Hah! De look on your face, mon, lighten up! Nah, if I be feedin’ ya, I be goin’ all de way. Hope you brought ya appetite!

"We start off wit’ an appetizer, of course. Fresh-baked whole grain bread slices with a selection of jams and cheeses dat includes genuine Darnassian Bleu, not made since de tree burned! Second course be a light, refreshing soup made with de choicest vegetables imported from de Valley of Four Winds in Pandaria. Continuin’ dat theme, de third course gonna be slices of Jinyu carefully broiled in vinegar and Draenei blood, to add a subtle aftertaste dat be out of dis world!

"Ta cleanse de palate after dat we got a salad made wit’ de finest fruit and vegetable harvests of Zandalar. Artfully arranged in layers to provide de best experience, dis readies de tongue for de main course: Roasted leg of Night Elf, sautéed in arcwine for a bit of zest, and carefully seasoned with spices harvested in de Un’goro Crater. Dis combination can be lethal if used by an unskilled chef, but in de hands of a master, it’s electrifyin’ in de best way!

“Finally, we round off de night with a perfect sweet treat: Dalaran cheesecake topped with dark chocolate and strawberries picked fresh dat very morning. Each course is accompanied by carefully chosen wines that compliment de particular mix of flavors used. Bon Appetit!”


“I have heard of the troll race liking for all types of meat; so why not meat slightly cooked, not a creature with culture and it is seasoned! Truly have a bit of patience and give it a good go!”

Squid. Ja know why. Ja all know why.

Damn sucker face.


Well, let me introduce you to some traditional Argussian meals… and we could talk about your ancient and amazing culture after you are done eating
For starters, a nice Marsuul steak tartare served with onions, capers, pepper and other seasonings on rye bread
Sea Serpent Soup
Talbuk steak, with grilled cheese and as a side dish, Mana Ray, crab and orange salad
Naturally, with the best matching wine
And finally a bowl of vanilla ice cream with fruit bits, chocolate syrup and a hint of cinnamon

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probably a plate of spagethi to make it simple :wink:

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But then i see it’s a velf and i run.

She pulls out a cookbook and reads the title on the cover: How to Cook Humans
The Ren’Dorei blows a little dust off the cover, showing the title to be How to Cook for Humans
Zymara blows more dust off the cover and the title then appeares to be How to Cook Forty Humans
Lihkan blows off more dust, showing the tittle How to Cook for Forty Humans .
With a sinister grin the Draenei blows off the last of the dust, revealing the book’s real title to be How to Cook for Forty Humans and Then Eat Them

Come here little Mage, I will serve you…
…with matching wine :wine_glass:

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Ah …is a simple question. Martok has two loves in his simple life. One is innkeeper Gryskha and the other is cake! Martok will share cake with everyone!
proceeds to stuff the Draenei’s face with cake

Ah, well…
He offers some clefthoof steak :slight_smile:

To an Orc?
Something poisoned
Preferably with several kind of exotic poisons, just to be sure
Revenge is a dish best served cold
…and poisoned

I’ll toss you one chicken wing to the ground. Yes, you may kiss my gloves as a reward

I said my gloves, that’s my boots !

Then i offer you punishment of death by the steel ,sometimes i amaze myself how generous and benevolent i am.