i play only classes that have a tank specc i hate spending 1hour in tool before i can play the game and on tank i just farm both bis pieces
its just cool to get insta invites for m+ and lets be real as a tank u dont need to have that dps race i can relax and still push high if a group leaves who cares u just get instandly into a new one
and its a really good feeling to not dps race outside ofraid
Yes true but not always achievable
I remember in season one with the first boss tyrannical I pulled with a judgment and the DH just fried eye beamed the boss with all the mighty cool-down he had. Ofc the boss took that offence personally and his attention span shifted away from me. Boss just one shotted him and the DH blamed me
I can’t BOP stupidity
I must be crazy, but after 11 years of playing DPS i’ve recently started tanking as a Prot Warrior, and I must say: I love it
It’s probably because I a) Play with at least 1 friend per group or b) Am not doing high enough M+ keys yet, but for now I have not been too bothered by anyone.
i want to tank, but people dont invite you for +15 if your alt with 255 gear dont have the score.
Thats the main reason, why i dont pug in m+ and do 90% with my guild.
From my point of view as an always tank wow player who plays all tanks and switches tank mains each patch what i can say is that Tanking shouldnt scary ppl at all from all points of view… up to 15s content u dont even need to have a proper route. Fixing ur route you can do it on your own during your tanking dungeon farming and eventually you will reach a lvl that u know all dungeons and what to do. What you must know and its a must is knowing ur class and how/when to use all your CDs on which packs etc… From my experience is way harder to find good dps instead of good tank… DPS roles are way harder… its not just smash buttons to kill things… if you dont know how to use all your utilities as dps in order to help your group then its FAIL… a Tanks/Healers job becomes so easy when the rest DPS players know how to manage trash and make things easier…
I’ve been pugging M+ as a tank for all of SL just to change up from healer, S2 I pushed to 10s which was good for me, and S3 I’m aiming for my first KSM. I took my time climbing up levels, getting gear, learning the dungeons better etc. Here are some of the things that really make me want to take a long break and add to the scarcity of tanks:
DPS doing less/no interrupts on important casts
Groups who focus the wrong relic then blame me?
Groups who dump on my route when I share and try collaborate before starting (mentioning skips, reasons I chose x over y, etc)
DPS who demand I pull more. Its a pug, I don’t know you. I need a few test pulls to get an idea of how competent you are. You might be good but our healer might not.
Waiting for someone to CC marked add then getting yelled at for not going fast but also not waiting for CC (surprisingly no-one interrupts the add either…)
“TROLL TANK DONT MOVE FROM MY AOE” kk but then I/you/we all die due to mechanics
DPS that refuse to focus boss adds on tyrannical and we wipe (see Plageufall/Necrotic Wake)
“Your route is trash” then say so at the start when I asked you all for feedback
“Your route didnt have a skip” yes because you didnt bring a rogue, and you said no one had pots
“You pulled too much trash” no, you didnt focus Wo like I asked and we therefore couldn’t skip trash like we planned before starting. Or else it was a dps butt-pull
DPS that INSIST on bursting down trash before I got threat up (pillar pulls in Spire, opening with weapons in NW)
POSITIONING: I’m supposed to not move the boss because you dont want to move all the time but I also need to move the boss because of mechanics but its also my fault you died due to not moving from the mechanics…
People who get to the last % of the final boss, go brain-mode-afk cuz “ez gg” too soon and wipe us then leave and we don’t even get to finish dungeon
Bad eggs this week alone:
Hunter who refused to hero because we didn’t bring a hero class then blamed me for missing timer by a few sec ?
Hunter who failed 2 hooks on NW and blamed me for dying against 3 adds on Tyrannical with no CDs
Warrior who died 4 times (with CRs) to last boss in Spires then blamed me for not moving him?
A warlock who left because there was not CR class, like perhaps a warlock?
A shaman, who was doing almost +20s last season, but left midway because DPS was too low (he was lower than me, the tank)
A Druid who failed on tentacles in Plaguefall and blamed me for moving the tentacles?..
The biggest issue if you can overlook all of this is that you a 1 person leading a team of 5. Anything they do wrong you have to adapt to, they pull extra/unplanned trash. Adapt so %% isnt too high/time wasted. They get angry over anything, try keep it cool so they stay to finish or at least time it. Anything goes wrong, wether im at fault or not, as the tank I get the blame. I very rarely see anyone get blamed when a run doesnt go perfectly.
That’s probably the issue. I’ve always found the middle ground the worst in wow.
So the low keys are chill, high keys tend to be not too bad, I’ve seen 15s get screwed and people just go right ok we’ll let’s just get it finished then. And then 10s oh my, the new world first raiders ready to pull off world class strats….
It’s like that on any online game, I remember in my days of csgo exact same in the mg’s / dmg brackets compared to lem’s etc
Just started my bear tank and went for my own Plague +5 to get some practice, had two guildies with me. I miss some slimes on the way, one random dps starts asking about % and says that he thought I knew the route. I said no, not really yet. He then says that I shouldn’t be doing “random” dungeons via finder Seriously, maybe YOU stop queueing up for randoms where people will be, well, random, instead of expecting a perfect group for a +5 run haha
I don’t know anything about Prot Paladin but I know a fair amount of blood dk and even though blood dk has the worst AoE aggro out of all tanks in my opinion and the chances of, for example, a warrior getting aggro is really high I do believe that giving tanks a few seconds to get initial aggro helps a lot.
At this point I have had friends that advice me to let DPS die if they don’t wait for the pull to be ready. I’m even plying Necrolord to get more aggro as the start of the pull but it’s really annoying when DPS blow all their CDs while I’m trying to build my resources and position a pull that actually makes them do more damage.
I only play tanks, Guardian, DK, War and DH - and pugging has become so harder over the last 2 years. Blizzard made sure that tanks need healer by incraesing auto attack damage, added more casters, added a lot more tank busters and removed most anti-magic medigation defensives. Meaning focus killing tank busters, interupting and using externals and kiting has become a increasingly bigger part of the game.
But by far most dps is oblivious to these facts.
Most dps is not hitting the right targets, they forget to interupt, they never use stuns and they forget to use knockback/root/binding.
Kicks and focus damage on the right targes makes keys 20 times easier.
If I pug 4-5 keys in a row I dont feel like playing m+ with anyone for at least a week.
At most times I find myself babysitting all the dps with moving skull, green and ornage marker around for what to focus and kick because without its becomes full mayhem. Yet, if I’m in a pug at least 2 dps ignores the markers
As off now I only play with friends and guildies - mabye 1 pug - but only one pug.
I can tell them what to do on voice, and most of the time they remember it for next time.
So please, interupt the tank buster casters, focus dps the tank busters from the start and use slows / knowkbacks 20s into the pulls and more tanks will spawn.