Well, I have the physique of a Blood Elf (Yeah, I’m not doing bad for a gentleman of certain years) the accent of a properly voiced Gilnean, and am diplomatic as all hells like Humans are supposed to be. I have the drinking capacity of a Dwarf (A fact I am trying to forget given the punishment I just gave my liver yesterday on my birthday) and a bizarre ability to retain knowledge and learn new tricks like a Gnome…It is tricky! A posh sounding, suave, clever, hard drinking athlete, yet with a slightly addictive personality. No, blow it. I basically am Brigante…
I feel I could be night elf being quite tall, aloof and loving the moon. But I don’t like animals getting close to me, so… Maybe not?
I can imagine not all Night Elves are fond of animals. Druid mostly care for the life of nature and all, but I assume Kaldorei can also have some personal preferences.
I found the most convincing argument on the internet.
Paraphrasing, I’m devoted to interests that while legitimate and entertaining, are acts of pure leisure. I surround myself with these luxuries, these expensive books, instruments and objects. Being of a creative bent, I fancy writing, poetry, music and art over traditionally productive pursuits and spend a great deal of time on these frivolous activities, taking a long time to refine and get it right.
I’d regard myself more intelligent than many, which is a numerical, statistical fact (oh goodness, arrogance?) and the fine manipulation of my arts and archery would suggest a decent dexterity score. As a fantasy gamer, storyteller and roleplayer, my ancient and glorious culture is in decline and arguably dying.
I am an elf and probably, so are many of you.
Well, I’m tall, vegetarian and a bit of a spiritual and wildlife nut so I guess a tauren? Thankfully, I don’t have the voice of one… shudders
Im tall, pudgy and kinda hairy…
FML I’m Pandareren irl!!
Yeah… Pandarens would be a pretty common race ahahaha~
Likes eating, sleeping, never in a hurry~
Just chill and bounce with big belly
Void elf, deffo void elf here.
I like the dark things, the occult and i have love for coffee. oh and add in the joys of having to deal with dispair for a while in my past. Feels fitting.
Night Elf or Mag’har because I had a neo-pagan phase as a teenager leading to a lifelong fascination with tribal eurasian culture and religion
When I Think of Mag’har I Think of the Turan Altai tribes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rPtuCvbUtw
There are elements of the Altaic people, the germanic people, the mongolian people, turkic and the finno-ugric people to them, a really neat blend of it all in general. From the Odin-like eye sacrifice of the Bleeding Hollow chiefs, to the forge-obsession of the Blackrocks. The animistic qualities of Shamanism in general and the aesthetics of wolf-skin hats. Coupled of course with the horse-nomad influences.
Blizzard really did a good job at drawing from so many influences that you could be anywhere in the world, and feel some degree of relation to the orcs
This is true I noticed as well they have some Nordic influence and germanic paganism with some of their rituals for some specific Clans. Nevertheless as I Think it’s really cool I would never dare to live in any Orc/Mag’har society knowing I would most likely die :)))
Animals not getting close … ? No way, just bring 'em on :xD
That probably settles it, i.e. I am a Night Elf at heart (who also loves the stars and nature, always did, even way before World of Warcraft :p) with the physique of a human being. That’s probably why no-one can tell irl what lies beneath ^^
I’d love to be an orc but lets face it I’m Scottish so a dwarf probably.
I’d love to be a troll, but I have more in common with Pandaren personality wise.
Blood Elf or Nightborne.
I love both Silvermoon and Suramar and I love the lore surrounding both Horde Elf races.
I’d most likely be a male Night Elf (druid) because I have the slim/athletic build and my degree is in animal conservation which fits nelves pretty well (though my addictive personality, grooming habits and poor facial hair would make me more akin to a belf).
I think a Draenei might be fun. They live almost forever!
Although I dread the idea of trying to play volleyball with a pair of hooves.
My horns would probably ruin any doorframe I passed through on a daily basis.
And I’d probably knock over even more stuff if I had hips and a tail like them!
But near eternal life doe…
Sounds horrible.