I am a blood elf is it my spirit animal.
Looks wise I’d probably end up either a Wild Hammer Dwarf - tattoos, pagan paraphernalia and being incredibly short and stocky. Not exactly a bad thing, but were I too choose a race…
Probably either Draenei (Regular or lightforged doesn’t matter), Dark Iron or Void Elves. While I obsess over the Kul Tirans, the Draenei I’ve adored since BC first launched, Dark Irons allow me my pyromania in WoW and the Void elves satiate my need to find an alliance race which looks good as a warlock, while also allowing my love of void knowledge to feel more at home (When I’m done grinding argussian reach…).
A multiple option answer to a simple question, but still.
I’m sure if I ever got bored of living as a Draenei I’d be perfectly able to crash my massive, flying galactic space-fortress into some poor, unfortunate planet! ^^
Now imagine if you survived that, like the Exodar.
Either a Night Elf or a Draenei. They’re my two favourite races, and has been since the very beginning!
This is a good one. Having had this question from a Tolkien perspective I’ve always said Hobbit or Dwarf, basically short and food driven.
So, let’s examine it warcraft style;
I’m 5’4 so I’m not as short as some, but having a slender fiance over 6ft who could pass for an elf any day ofthe week, i look short by comparison (Also being mostly in a wheelchair means I’m rarely seen standing anyway)
So short, dealing with gnomes, goblins and dwarves by elimination.
I like my food, and above mentioned wheelchair puts a spanner in the idea of “regular exercise”. Flattering description, I have the physique of an ancient primitive fertility goddess, not so flattering, morbidly obese.
With that we’re in the realm of dwarves, ogres and male pandaren.
Personality; tired, ability to get completely sucked into and obsessive things, bit of a magpie (I do like shiny metal, from rings to cars to mince pie tins), love my food (and occasional drinking), raucous laugh and vicious sense of humour, innate storyteller.
That covers: pandaren, dwarves, gnomes, goblins, dwarves and pandas again.
SO the recurring theme is Dwarf or male Pandaren.
Given I’m a woman it’s an easy choice; Dwarven female.
Loud laugh
Likes shiny metal
Good with food and drink
Tells great drinking stories
Just wish I had the lovely long braids, my hairs kept to a tight grade 4 all over
In one way personality wise, Gnome or Void elf. I’m practical and keep to facts and are far from religious, and can really get obsessed with something when I get into something new which I think fits Gnomes. I also can have some controversial thoughts viewing the world from an objective and hypothetical view. I’m also vain, curious, like knowledge and I have my own moral and view of “greater good” which I think fits Void elves.
Appearance wise if not human it’s probably an elf. I’m not as tall as one being 5’5.7" (though I’ve seen people tend to rp their elves shorter than they are in game). I have a good shape and am, if I may say it, objectively beautiful.
A Pandaren, to value and embrace life and everything it offers is something I can relate to. I try to remain level-headed when facing problems and not get my personal emotions in the way of solving them, as I believe less is to gain when not doing so. I’m supposedly to be a known foodlover among those around me, which I can agree to! Love goes through the stomach and I’d love a lotta love! I’m also passionate for a specific martial art, when I believe I am more known to be someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Probably because of the holiday season I do feel physically like a pandaren, I do hope the next year I can be less rotund
Honestly? I think a Draenei.
I would have said Gnome, but they’re too much in there with intelligence, and Dranei, whilst also advanced have this spirit of curiosity that I often connected with. There’s plenty of NPC’s that reflect this as they look around in Azeroth and I do enjoy a good satisfying of curiosity.
That, and sometimes when I look at something obvious to another person, I get dumb.
If I picked Night Elf, I wonder if I’d end up as a Demon Hunter too…
… then again, that demon form sure would be handy if I had to move furniture around!
And I’d be able to skip elevators completely, as I could just jump out the window instead with my wings!
… on the other hand, dating could prove to be a challenge…
Nathrezim, hands down
Oh the fun I would have…
A Nightborne. I rarely leave home so it’s almost like I lived 10000 years in a bubble, right?
I would see me as Pandaren from the personality. Lazy & relaxed in all kind of ways
Maybe a Highborne/Nightborne
Worgen-cursed Highborne/Nightborne
Who became a Demon Hunter…
Yeah, that would be cool
Or an Eredar… :3
Well aside from human, logically I guess a dwarf lol, but personality wise, hard to tell, troll or night elf maybe, enjoys nature, chillaxing, but values strength?
Void Elf and Draenei here.
Gotta say…being a Pandaren is beyond tempting. It’s such a beautiful lifestyle.
Eat, sleep, live a nice relaxed life… x)
Realistically? Forsaken as I’d have eaten the grain even if I knew it was gubbed.
Desire? Dwarve, as I’m Scottish little change of accent for me, easy to acclimate.
how about human
I would be a night elf. I love nature, trees, the moon, good manners, peace. I have a bow and I like growing things.