I have it enabled on my horde AND alliance toons, and have engaged in almost no world pvp?!?
I don’t usually bother looking for any, but still. The ONLY pvp action I have seen in leveling 4, 120 toons, was at that turtle rep hub in northern alliance territory, stormsong valley. Basically, a bunch of horde were sitting there one shotting alliance as they flew in, so I joined in.
I don’t really care for warmode, at all. Just asking what’s the point of it, other than get 10% bonus??
For me, it’s the fun of open world random PvP - I like that anything can happen. Rewards don’t interest me much, just want to kill Horde. Ey, if you can’t find victims that’s no fun. Maybe you are on an RP shard, an overflow shard, or they are just hiding! Azerite wqs for example can be a good spot though.
Been playing my alliance toon a little bit lately, on a heavy alliance server (Ravencrest), and I have seen some action, basically at every WQ I go to, there are 2-3+ Horde, with 2-3+ alliance soon to arrive.
Its interesting (albeit fun) when its semi balance.
On my main toon(s), all horde on heavy horde servers, just hardly find any alliance.
Well, it’s quite possible your Horde are on overflow shards, so that the rest of the WM shards can be faction balanced… I don’t know if that’s what is happening for you though. The only way the realm matters is if it’s a normal or RP realm, which are seperated from normal WM shards. If your Horde are on RP realms, seems like there are less players on those shards, harder to find victims anyway. It’s possible the extra bonus in 8.1 will increase Alliance players, perhaps making overflow shards less required. I suppose that’s part of their plan. We’ll see!
I’m slighty at a loss as well. Warmode could have been amazing if blizz would have bothered to implement more into it. Objectives to capture and defend, more weekly or daily pvp themed quests for more than one zone each week, and a continuation of the wpvp arena/free for all system from Legion (no idea why they didn’t just copy paste that one, it’s a zero effort job) As it stands warmode is a massive disappointment.
I played Legion on a pvp server, and there was far more wpvp to find. And if you couldn’t find any, you would head over to one of the active wpvp quest areas and stay there as long as you’d like, and because they were designated wpvp zones no one complained about getting killed either. Why they didn’t take this working concept and put it in bfa I’ll never know.
Ey, new weekly wpvp quest in 8.1 at least… a bit more interesting. Kill 25 players, get 370 gear reward. The new invasions could be fun too. The bonus changes could potentially lessen the need for overflow shards, or not always so much one faction affected. We’ll see! Seems a long way off, but apparently 8.2 will have some sort of capturable objective.
That quest is only for the faction that’s underrepresented in Warmode, so for Alliance right now. Horde will never get it if Warmode population stays the same as it is now.
We’ll see what happens with the representation. Since the bonus lasts a week, and is based on the prev week’s balance - if Alliance for example have a 30% bonus for a whole week, I suspect plenty will be on their Alliance chars that week to get the benefit. And that has potential to make the next weeks bonus go to the other faction. Interesting possibilty, the quest could swing back and forth. Just gonna have to see what happens.
Horde will very likely never get this bonus based on total player numbers on each faction across EU.
Even if every single alliance at 120 were to activate WM, the numbers are so heavily skewed that it really doesn’t matter. Horde will still have more people with WM on overall.
Yeah which is a shame, because that used to be how the fun world pvp massive brawls used to start before sharding. People calling in friends.
Now it’s just lame as hell. The extra rewards do seem to have drawn in more alliance so as Alliance I though I’d give it another go. Picked up the quest to kill hordes and went hunting.
Too bad most of the alliance seem to have opted in for the 30% bonus instead of the quest.
So you end up in a balanced shard but half the alliance just stands there watching the other half get killed and then act surprised when they get outnumbered and killed.
If they’d bothered to help out in the first place the horde wouldnt have been alive to kill you.
So after having it on for an evening and getting a grand total of 3 kills while getting killed with my own faction standing there doing nothing, it’s off again.
It’s no fun if you are perpetually in teh minority and this patch has not solved that problem for alliance.
I dont know whats the point, turned on WM to get some nice bonus exp, maybe have to fight a guy or two along the way. JK getting corpsecamped by bunch of 120s as 111. literally getting 1shot by a single spell crit so.much.fun. If warmode wants to have any reasonable idea for <120s then they should be sharded to places where 120s just dont come and roll over them.
Tried warmode again today because of the 30% bonus hopefully balancing it out. It took 2 hours to complete the tortalan emisary due to horde perpetually ganking and camping the npcs. I enjoy world pvp, but not this camping and eternal ganking of quest npcs. Never turning it on ever again, gg horde, unbalanced wm again.