What threats are next?

we are going to the dragon isles, where we will probably meet and kill the elemental lords. i dont think the final boss will be a dragon because we already had that.
we also have the ethereal and the void lords.

what are the threats that will come after that ?

its 99.9 % sure going to be Murozond then he will most likely escape to end time where he will die as a 5 man dungeon boss to our cata selves


jokes on you i didnā€™t play during cata

I am Eternal

of course not you discount elves didnā€™t even exist back then :stuck_out_tongue:

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We did actually, we just were exiled for advancing our race,

we were chiiling in the void


We should know in a few weeks. This time they successfully hid the max level addon story quests and cutscenes from us. Weā€™ll know where this is going, once we know what we are actually doing after restoring oathstones.

But yeah, Iā€™m expecting Murozond and time travel to play a big role, with the web of dragon stuff, Titan propaganda and Black Empire they are weaving Iā€™m just n ot sure whose heads weā€™ll smash. Might be Murozond, might be some historical dragon stuff, but it might as well be Odyn-aligned forces.

how many time travel are we going to do ? please no moreā€¦

Most of the time travel stuff Blizzard did was actually quite nice, I think. Giving us highlights from the history that never made it into any game to play through, while not changing the timeline at all, because we prevented interference, worked. It got a bit strange in Cata, where we did an Avengers Endgame and collected helpful artifacts from the past, but that was still fine for me. WoD and the dimensional lore they tried to put in was a mitake, of course, but Iā€™m quite fine with the old style of time travel as retroactive world building.

im just not a fan of repetitive storytelling.
at some point it feels like staling the inevitable story. like they did with cataclysm mop wod and sargeras. bfa was also mostly a filler expansion.

that is why i dont want timetravevling. but that is just me.

ā€¦itā€™s a game thatā€™s supposed to run for as long as people pay for it. Itā€™s not meant to have an end. We are long past the part where they ended reasonable storylines, and quite a bit into the part where they are struggling to find new threats to make stuff more interesting.

So yeah, as far as Iā€™m concerned, ā€œstallingā€ the story, and instead throwing stuff in to flesh out the world-building, is better than any alternative.

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Turalyon and Yrel. The light must be stopped.

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Eh i say we kill order and purge the vile magisters freedom for Quelā€™thalas

Thatā€™d be refreshing. The infestation of ā€˜LIGHT GOOD, DARKNESS BADā€™ in fantasy settings of late is decidedly puerile.

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Salty that the smart people have the power instead of the nature worshippers like with the night elves?

the power of not fixing the scar that the scourge made 20 years ago?

blood elves are too busy checking their lineage and living in the past to advance as a race


That is the fault of Blizzard being lazy to touch TBC content. Nothing to do with the lore.

You sure about that? If i recall the so called ā€œVoid Elvesā€ screwed up trying to be shadow priests so badly they nearly became Ethereals enslaved to the Void Lords. Less than ideal. And now their survival literally depends on the Locus-Walker teaching them how to not die terribly. Extremely less than ideal.

I dont know, but i still think Azshara deserves an expansion for herself and the Naga, and characters like Shandris, Tyrande, Maiev, Jarod, Mordent, Thalyssra, Valtrois and other Shalā€™dorei would get a bunch of attention. Sea level could rise and some zones would be floded and invaded by Naga and we would get to discover lost Highborne cities and other related stuff.
Main focus of the expansion would be Shalā€™dorei and Kaldorei, we could get some developement with the tree thing too, but we are already getting out of track there.
Answering to the title now.
Queen Azshara and the Old Gods.

That my friend is just propaganda crafted by you beloved regent lord

i would invite you to Telogrus to show you our research, but iā€™m afraid you do not possess the right credentials for this trip

tis a shame

The only propaganda is that alliane players think they can dictate to the Horde which leaders they should have.