What Was The First Class You Played? 🙂

I started as a Warrior in 2005, and i still play warrior :smiley:


A undead mage. I did stick to it and got to 70. Then I changed server and left him there. I still update him though, He has lots of alchemy recipes which are hard to get now.

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Hunter (this character), during Vanilla period. I asked my RL friend for a suggestion. I liked the Amazon in Diablo 2.
He suggested a Troll Hunter.

During TBC this character became an alt and my Forsaken Priest, became my main.
It was easier to get invites for raids and dungeon groups as a Holy Priest.

During Legion, I played a BE Hunter.

During BFA, I played a BE Paladin (another account).

At the moment, I play: 5 Warriors, 2 Paladins, 2 DKs, 4 Hunters, 1 Shaman, 1 Druid, 2 Rogues, 2 Monks, 2 DHs, 1 Mage, 2 Priests and 1 Warlock. All around levels 64 to 66.

It’s easier to level all of them at the same time. Because it takes so long to do the rotation, they all have rested XP all the time.


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Undead Male Warlock, cause undeads > everything else: and also their /dance is just the best.
Straight after I made this druid.
I mained my warlock through vanilla and tbc until the end-ish, while keeping my nelf druid up as well on the side as an alt…
Then idk, I switched, cause I could do all roles as druid and I found myself in need of doing so as I was a raid + guild + class leader; a lot - through the years.
Only recently “retired” due to less feeling of eagerness to play, and I kinda wish ALL my stuff was account bound rather than character bound due to the weird stuff that just holds me back from playing other classes now…

… but I do love being a bear and cat. :black_cat: :bear:

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My first ever character, a Priest, also became my main - at least for vanilla. With TBC I rolled a Draenei Shaman, which started me on my weird journey of playing every class that can be a goat as a goat.
My old main is still around, but I don’t enjoy Priests as I do some of the other healers.

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I am my first played.

A Tauren druid back at 2009 :metal:

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Technically a Hunter, if you count the brief period I played when I was 9 or 10 in Vanilla. Otherwise Paladin since Legion

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Tauren Warrior all the way back in Vanilla.

I was a huge warcraft 3 fan as a kid, loved the rts genre. Didn’t want to play wow because “I knew warcraft 4 would come out any moment now right?” gave up eventually and picked up wow. Tauren Chieftan was my favourite hero unit as a kid so Tauren warrior made sense to me.

Never played a rpg of the sort until then so I didn’t know anything about the basics of rpgs like class roles (tank, healer, dps)… You had to pay to learn spells back then and they were expensive. At some point taunt showed up and I remember thinking “are you crazy why would I want aggro, what is this dumb ability”… :sweat_smile:

PS: blizz wc4 when? Ty byebye

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Hunter. And yes, I definitely stuck with it.

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Back in 2010, an old work colleague pestered me to give this game a go - so i got the vanilla/TBC battle chest and WOTLK. Created this guy, and stuck with him ever since. Played around with prot and arms specs but finally settled on fury during Legion and here we are…

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Mine was (and still is) a hunter…

TBH in any game I play I will always pick a hunter, or a ranger or a beastmaster, etc!

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Gnome warlock and then i got to level 30 and made a troll priest because I thought I would feel really important in a group playing a priest.

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I started with Warlock and I have tried other classes over time, but like you I always end up back on Warlock. I’m a Warlock main through and through.

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Well… absolute first was a rogue, followed shortly by a mage. (Tried the game with my cousin, and we began on a fun server - he bailed to another shortly after and so I followed.)

Then I started again on a completely different server with a priestess, staying there for a bit more than a year before coming to Retail.

There, I first made a hooman pally (as I liked tanking), and maybe a week after Dunkiee too was created… this was at Spring 2019, mid BfA.

By the end of the expansion, I decided this girly makes a much better main, which hasn’t changed ever since. :smile:


Priest/Rogue or Rogue/Priest hell it was back in 2005 so vague.

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Worgen, Druid.

And no, I didn’t stick to it obviously.

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First toon hunter :grinning: ended at lvl 14^^
Then a rogue, he became lvl 32 :sweat_smile: first lvl 60 was a shaman, also first toon I did a raid with ^^ after that Warlock and druid, warlock became main until wotlk, then druid was main until today =) in classic main is also warlock and druid :grinning: but love to level so have most classes :sweat_smile:

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This Warlock as Undead


The very first one was a shaman, on a trial account, but it didn’t last long. The first class I leveled to max was hunter. Still my co-main (other one is this mage).