What Was The First Class You Played? šŸ™‚

A mage, on a BC private server when I was 12 years old. I think I stopped at level 8. I then played the game extremely casually on various private servers with all the silly custom stuff you can imagine, until I finally setlled on retail in Legion and mained Shadow priest, until BfA butchered the spec and I swapped to warlock, which has been my main since.

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Started as a rogue 'cause i loved the invisibility, but ended up playing as a warlock & mage for a bit.

Still remember trolling people with my doomguard. 1 noob thought it was a player character & tried to group up / trade with it.
Then as mage id duel people & turn them to sheep, good times.

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On beta I played a rogue and thought I was a giga brain killing stuff at range with the super amazing gun I had crafted.

On launch I played a undead priest.

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Tauren warrior, I had hopes I can wield totem and fight like that Tauren from the Classic trailer or like Tauren from the WC3, after hitting level 30-34, got frustrated, and deleted the character as I was not having spells to click, later realized that I had to talk to the class trainers to learn more spells to press lol.

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u can now tho

Ret pala back in 2007, in TBC. took me 6 months to lvl up to 70.

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I leveled a Sunwalker for that totem, but I cannot dare to race change my Nightborne.

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Same story with me. All my cousins talked about in family gatherings was world of Warcraft (this was back in WOTLK) when the game was really really popular. Finally gave it a chance and made a starter edition account, since I was still a minor and my mum didnā€™t wanna pay lol. Without even subscribing, the game was still fun to play and the cap was level 20.

My female cousin mained a male and I played a female so itā€™s rather funny

She was a male troll hunter. I was a blood elf mage.


mage then shaman then pala then rogue then druid then lock

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Priest, followed by a Paladin.
Played Mage in Classic because Iā€™m a lazy f.


Female Night Elf Hunter when TBC was announced.

How original, I know.

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Beta: Troll rogue.
Vanilla launch: Undead rogue.

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Why, if thatā€™s what you likeā€¦ look at me, I prefer females in about any game where I get the choice. They look much better in general and can be customized/modded to a higher degree.


its time to get back to the roots my friend

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Human mage.
Still main the mage and this rogue has a ā€œside dishā€. Been maining mage pretty much my entire ā€œWoW careerā€ only had like maybe 1-3 month(in total for all expansions) breaks when had to play rogue or healer as main.
Once a mage, always a mage :

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I lied I did. I AM A TAUREN EARTHSHAKER NOW! well at least till 10.1.

My first one was a human mage I think. I tried it out until the end of northshire and then didnā€™t play for like a year or 2. None of my characters from my original realm (Turalyon/Doomhammer) survived, I play on Outland and Ragnaros now.

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Hunter back in 2006, because everyone told me it was good for beginners. At 60 I got to know some druids in our raids, and wanted to be that instead. Better looking gear, and class looked more fun. Rolled the druid(this one), but didnā€™t make it my main until june 2007.

So, I stuck to the class I picked myself, but not the one everyone told me to play(hunter).

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My current character was my first character. Other than a name-change and race-change (Orc to Magā€™har Orc), Iā€™ve stuck with it the entire time. Hardly touch my alts despite having one of every class!

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Warrior on day one of wow and still main it

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