What we do now when on every aliance 5 horde?

the only class(not race) that suffer in horde, are rogues from the human perception every 3min, but it affect only one class (and druids but it’s different they are less dependant of the opening)

but it’s “half suffering” when they got WOTF or stun resist as orc

resume → only troll rogue suffer in horde :rofl:

it’s not just a little advantage. In battlegrounds perhaps but in wpvp it matters a lot.

In any case, I have always played horde for the atmosphere, the style and because never, ever, the atmosphere leveling in the Barrens will have an equivalent in ally zone. Not for racial or supposed superiority in pvp. In 2005 the players were happy and naive, had fun and did not ask themselves this kind of question.

I know, i played mostly horde back in OG Vanilla/TBC to Cata begining → then stopped WoW for ~10years till 2019 where i rolled Troll rogue day1 for the nostalgia innocently

but min-maxers that min-maxed the game during ~20years on unofficial servers make the rules now, and people follow like sheeps

i got enough of Vanilla for a decade again, i would prefer TBC’s PvP, the wait is too long…

yes totally true. cant find any aliance. we run 40 horde raid and dont see any1.

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