What we do now when on every aliance 5 horde?

The game is not playable if you aliance. Horde players abused vulnerability that blizard left and created horde chars and now aliance gets punished. Create then layers for exceed horde only. Let them enjoy 0 aliance content.

I propose solution to create 1-2 layers for horde that will be filled in first priority. i dont know how else to solve this issue.

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go to pve servers, or don’t cry

i play fair. creating horde char imposible without intensional abuse. its not about cry its abot bug abusers ruining experience. lets create horde only layers they will enjoy result of abuse.

as alway normal people that dont break rules get punished. while hackers enjoy game.

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there are no bugs and no abusing. Anyone knew 80% of alliance won’t be bothering with PvP. So 50/50 balance is 80/20 in PvP.
Go to PvE server where alliance has a domination

You fail to realize that it doesn’t matter which faction you play, you play with Eu players against Eu players…

The only thing that’s different are the racials, sure i agree in a battleground it doesn’t matter that much in the grand scheme. but in wpvp it absolutely does. you picked “beginner difficulty”

Just wait till next week when BGs open then it will be fine again

Racials don’t matter at all. It’s all about player perception.
If everyone on the server is being told Horde is better we are going horde to PvP, there won’t be any alliance to fight back.

On SeasonOfMastery the opposite happened, Apes and all other PvP guilds said Alliance is better we going Alliance - Alliance dominated the entire server 80/20.

Beginner difficulty = you get to play with Horde racials while not having to deal with them (you)

Normie difficulty = you get Horde racials and fight against horde racials (duels)

Expert difficulty = you don’t have Horde racials and have to deal with horde racials (me)

If i was an Orc warrior i would have an much easier time against rogues. way higher stun resist chance while not having to deal against Undead rogues so i can actually utilize my fear. that’s just one example.


it is literaly abuse. you have to spend 15-30 minutes breaking client for it to glitch into horde chars.

Is this actually a thing? Because yesterday after honor update i was actually winning.

What layer do you play? On all layers iv’e been in ally is camping everywhere

nice joke. literaly at every fly master horde raid camping.
fly to morgan vigil or try travel any ship =D

In the same way that min-maxers will tell you that an item is absolutely essential compared to another considered waste just because it brings 0.01% more dps…

Horde racials only provide a symbolic and situational advantage and ally racials are also far from bad depending on how they are used and the circumstances.

Stop thinking that what is BiS makes everything else crap, it is this belief that leads to the only horde advantage in PvP, the popular belief that Ally = BiS for PvE and horde = BiS for PvP… obviously if the players who favors PvP mostly finds themselves in hordes, ally fans only of PvE will have difficulties.

Alliance got ZERO stun resist, horde got 5 classes with 25% resist and more for some warrior who use the talent → this racial alone provide a billion of micro-actions that gives advantage to horde

25% = 100% ?

Because you will have to explain why I am constantly stunlock by rogues, that I almost never see the word “resistance” appear above me when someone tries to stun me. And it won’t stop you from being: root, fear, sheep, slow, desarm, blind… etc etc.

I’ve played a lot of orc rogue pvp in vanilla. I guarantee you, you just don’t notice when you DO resist. When I started paying more attention to that, I’ve resisted so much warrior Intercepts and grenades

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you are just un’stun’lucky :face_holding_back_tears: , seriously most of resist you don’t even realize it as you are the orc.

gnomes can, CD 1min

undeads can, CD 3min, real nighmare for alliance priest

druids can, so it’s both faction

paladins can, but it get quickly purged, and horde have equivalent by using FAP, so it’s for both factions

pay a blacksmith

dwarves can, 3min CD, and trust me you get blinded every 10minutes+ on the battlefield, so you overestimate it

ORCS can permanently resist(no CD), it’s a billion of micro-action that you don’t always notice

tremor totem dont forget. how much cc it counters

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literally 0, it has a 5 second pulse. If the enemy is not braindead it’s not even worth putting. Only if it’s not you in the fear