What will be the TWW legendary?

So what brain juices have you put towards what could be the next legendary, that will see this coming expansion?

I’m going to say a polearm or an armour piece!

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Hopefully less randomness involved.

And with a questline after obtaining the starting item from the raid or something.


My uncle knows a guy who went to school with someone that used to live next to the dentist of a family member of the company that does catering for events one of which a Blizzard employee once walked past and he said it’s going to be a healer legendary.


Hopefully not for a class I play.


A new warband background that gives access to the bank

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Hairstyle options for the eyebrows :crazy_face:


Legendary Unabrow


Legendary Hunter ammo. Yep.

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This is what I’m hoping for. Like it was in MoP, everyone could get that cloak. Time invested in a character feelt nice.


Dagger, definitely time for a dagger

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I can imagine a legendary quiver! And it clips through gnomes.

That’s fine. This is just an alt.
I’d never waste a lego on an alt. :blush:

What about legendary quality transmog?

Knowing mail aesthetics; no thank you. :stuck_out_tongue:

A legendary hunter pet though… Mmmmh.


I should not be saying this because i know its true but do you remember The Heart Of Azeroth ? Its coming back without azerite powers

How about something better still : NOTHING ! :slight_smile:

Legendaries are a bad move. Period.

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Legendary items are good when they are given on a plate just like the heart of azeroth

Larion and muigin’s legendary boots, you jump twice as high and can stomp anyone below you killing it instantly

Even better: A legendary battle pet!

On-topic: They should do something not done before, and go for a legendary shield for Prot Warr, Prot Pala, Holy Pala, Resto Sham, Ele Sham. And give it something like:
All healing abilities spreads a shield equal to 10% of the heal and divided to the present party members within 30yrds from the receiver of the heal.
All shielding abilities spread a heal to the group equal to 10% of the shield and divided to the present party members within 30yrds from the receiver of the shield.

Incidentally my primary alt is a tanking warrior. (no, I’m definitely not biased /s)

Not going to lie, I’m actually thinking about doing the pet stuff again. I need to beat the amount of pets my wife had on her account!!