What will be the TWW legendary?

I could see it being a Caster or Healer Legendary. Either some sort of Azerite Enchanted Staff or Hammer that channels Azeroth’s powers. Or some purified Void Artifact.

Another 2h axe ofc.

If I’m being honest; I don’t want any new legendary.
It will only lead to whine threads.

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They’re the best kind :popcorn:

From a certain perspective; you make a good point.

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To be honest, if it were my decision, no more legos end of story.

For 20 effing years, every single legendary except possibly Sulfuras has caused nothing but drama.

Thunderfury? Good look on getting the second half…
Ateish? have fun fighting with every other caster in the raid who gets it first
Warglaives? Have fun getttjing the second one
Thor’idal? This one was actually comparatively tame, drop and go…
Shadowmourne? See also Ateish, replace “caster” with “plate melee”
Tarecgosa? See also Ateish
Fangs of the Father? Have fun fighting the other rogues for the elementium clusters or even just the chance to pickpocket Hagara… Still relatively tame because nobody plays rogue in raid.
MoP cloak for everone? More drama than all teh others combined… “I don´t wanna PvP”, “What´s so legendary if everyone has it?”
WoD ring? “What´s so legendary if everyone has it?” also, why dear god give everyone in the raid access to a raidwide dps /healer or tank cooldown? 90% of the time in Pugs you would have been better off with a normal ring with better stats…
Legiondaries? “Boo, I didn´t get my BiS, now I have to reroll”
Ashra’Kamas? “What´s so legendary if everyone has it?”
ShadowLegos? “Boo, I don´t wanna Torghast /M+ /raid /PvP to get my BiS memory”
Df Legos: My class is designed around the lego, and that´s why I can´t clear +5s with 400 /440 /520 itemlevel"

Seriously, no matter how they do it, wverybody that doesn´t have it whines, and half the people that have it do as well… so, screw them all, screw legos, stop investing time and effort that your players can´t appreciate and just pump out another generic epic instead :wink: :beers:


You missed the Ulduar mace :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, that happens when only 1 class gets a legendary or when they are not how you want them.

Hence I liked Shadowlands Legendary system. Because every class got their fair share of legendaries and you could determine the function and stats.



I’d LOVE if we got some high proc rate trinket that transformed us. Similiar to Death Bringers Will in Wotlk.

I know people will complain though that they don’t like not being able to look at their character or w/e.

Imagine if they made a legendary trinket that you could upgrade like a very small class skill tree, and it was all aesthetic. You could change and switch out the colours and spell affects of when the item procced. No power related BS besides the initial legendary trinket grind.

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Hilariously enough though, the only 2 legendaries that didn´t cause constant drama were Thori’Dal, and the Fangs of the Father… One Hunter “exclusive” (warris and rogues could still “use” bows back then), and one rogue exclusive.

All of the others (except Nasz’Uro) are useable by multiple classes, and that´s exactly where the drama usually starts… :wink:

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The troll dps that just had to press it lol :smiley: worse legey ever tbh :smiley:

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Aye. Arguably on teh same level of competence as allowing Hunterpets to BL… because there´s always some duncecap /troll that macros everything onto one button incl BL /Ring /HoA /Any other use eccect or CD they might have…

No offense meant to hunters, One of my main alts is a BM… but when I get an unwanted BL when a trashpack just died, or on pull or at some other completely trollicious moment of a bossfight that everybody should slowly but surely understand after 2 years of practice, it is almost universally primal rage… And it simply happens too often for me to consider it coincidental. :wink: :beers:

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All offense meant to hunters, it’s them pretty much every time something like this plays out in keys:

He says I mass dispelled power overload. I didn’t, I didn’t even single dispel it. I MD’d purifying blast from the adds.

Then he left the key when he died to a very telegraphed effect.

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