What will be the TWW legendary?

None hopefully. They can’t make a good acquisition system for them. They never have. They never will.

Eh i think how we got mop cloaks back in mop was pretty good


Valanyr and dragonwrath were much better than just pure random leggos too, but would not work in today’s WoW because would be “unfair”.

Also I think legendaries and seasonal design dont go well together

Same with DS dagger and ICC axe both had good quests and lore behind them , FL staff was ok too but Uldar mace was just collect shards , combine and then shove them in yoggs face kinda boring.

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True the ICC axe was pretty good in terms of timeframe and process of how to get the things needed to make it.

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A 2H mace called sulf… wait nevermind…

It wasn’t an issue unless you were like top 1%. People were just overly dramatic like they are every time there’s a slightest inconvenience. Tbh it’s always funny threads when this happens people just don’t like mmos anymore

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Believe it or not, I preferred the system we had in SL with being able to craft the legendary instead of finding it.

I hope something like MOP cloak for everyone :smiley: i hate specific ones cause last time pala get one we were undertuned for half of the season 3 it was horrible to play without leggo in s3

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Maybe but having to grind Torghast especially after they made it way worse made the system kinda annoying

I’d like something like the MoP cloak or the BfA ring, everybody can get it without reliance on guild politics or excessive RNG, but there’s a significant time-investment involved over the course of the expansion, that way it can be made impactful without leading to a “haves/have nots”-situation, with all the issues we’ve seen the Fyr’alath debacle lead to.

Debacle. You mean an mmo drop mechanic?

I hope for a shield as a legendary

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Just hope it not take 4-5 months into the tier to obtain it …

Or add it in last tier where oh ( i just got in the last week before the next expansion )

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Make it last more than one season.

Still think a shirt or tabard is a good idea :smiley:

Monk legendary agi wep would be nice, I don’t think we ever had one, or DH.

I mean it providing a big chunk of DPS, which in itself is fine (It’s legendary, after all), and as a result having the thing being a common demand for groups.

Basically anything that puts such a strong division between players (Even in the same itemlevel-range) is problematic, especially with the players being what they are.

“Any item that provides a strong dps boost is bad for the game” shall we remove bloodlust too?

This gives me another idea… What if there was a series of legendary profession equipment?
Or a legendary item that didn’t give a bonus to combat but some other “overpowering” ability? For example…

  • Instant teleportation to any point on the world with minimal cooldown
  • Repair costs reduced up to 99% at final upgrade
  • x% bonus to all currencies earned that does not work against any cap in place
  • Increased chance for rare drops from all enemies, including in instances (ie. possible to get more than 1 item per boss if stars align or from the end box in M+, higher chance for rare mounts or pets etc.)
  • Increased movement, mount and flying speed that works even in PvP (so someone with the legendary item can get to objectives faster)
  • Infinite Vigor for skyriding and no cooldown on that swirl ability (allowing for very fast travel and also for getting gold on every skyriding race without even knowing their layout)
  • Find treasure boxes in the world and inside instances that only players with the legendary item can see and interact with
  • etc

I type like a drunk when at work… I should read my posts before posting…

Something for mages probably