What will bring wotlk w/o RFD

It’s all good, just a misunderstanding. Your English is very good :slight_smile:

Yea like people use common sense… even if the group was for fishing, people would still ask for “things” they read on the internet etc…

Sadly, they will find out in game soon… but it will be too late.

Nice. Why is ulduar the raid of wotlk tho? Because it was before lfd? We all know that icc was the best raid of wotlk because it was against the lk. Ulduar was nice aswell but icc was the thing back then.

Ulduar is widely acclaimed to be the best raid of WoW cause it had some of the best mechanics around.

On top of that it had actual gameplay based hardmodes that required you to make choices, not a simple toggle that basically just increased numbers. Hell, to do the hardest mode of the last boss you even had to skip bosses, bypassing loot along the way. Algalon had 1 hour of progress possible per week, after that he just went “nope fools, you can’t fight me no more”.

Ulduar was the raid where they really gave it all and tried to make a unique experience. They followed Ulduar with the utter junk raid that was Trial of the Crusader.

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I don’t think you skipped bosses to do yogg hardmode you just didn’t talk to the watchers after you defeated them asking them to assist you in the fight.

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Yeah, you had to beat them in hard mode to get their key.

I think he ment for yogg. But ye for algalon u needed the keys hehe

Still you had to defeat them to get to vezax

Yes I agree

The “last” doesn’t mean the best.

Ulduar was one of the most enjoyable raids Blizzard have ever made.

You didnt skip them lol.
No talk =no buffs during the fight against the all mighty old godddd.

Could be. But if it was enduring the same length as icc(1y same raid) then it could be a different story.

I remember SoO as a nice raid @ start. The raid was there for a big year, which influenced the raid a bit and began to get bored of it.

Ulduar looks nice and can understand that so many ppl like the raid. I hope blizzard does something about the ilvl jump between ulduar and toc since there was no point doing ulduar after it right? I never played wotlk but heard some decisions about it.

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