What will bring wotlk w/o RFD

Don’t ya be worryin bout that, O’ Kylanda been tinkering with the Lua…

You realize that we’d get rid of HR’s with RDF right? At least for the most part.
Without RDF though, it’s gonna be really bad.

Lol I honestly would like to know what you can “smell” or detect from “LF cloth dps” and the answer “mage here, inv”

It really isn’t. All it would mean is that everyone, including Blizzard, is fine with the system. Hence that is why no one is talking about it.

I myself despise HR runs and would never join one. But even if I were to join a run like that, I’d simply bend to said rules. Otherwise I’d be ninjaing that reservered drop. Which would be even worse in my opinon.

Lol yea, that might be you own opinion.

It’s not like the entire expansion was about THE Lich King… oh wait…

They seem to think we can simply travel back in time and everything will be like it was back then, before RDF.
They don’t understand that that damage is irrepairable. The players mentality and way of playing the game wont all of a sudden change back to how it was 15 years ago, before RDF.

Lol guess you haven’t seen pics people have taken from the beta chat? It’s just as good and nice spam feast as it is now.

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Like, not even once? Holy… Do you just scream obscenities at every one of them or what?

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Nope, as a tank you expect your initial ability to actually be able to hit the targets prior to the DPS opening up. But they don’t let you, they are all gung ho GOGOGOGO who have 0 experience of actually running any content properly.

It is one of the reasons I refuse to pug now. If you can’t wait for my first consecration to go down, then I can’t protect you. People don’t learn, you cannot cure stupid.


Unbalance, unfairness and unfun

So what is your stake in an RDF thread? You’re clearly not gonna group with any of us anyway.

I am a little curious as to how you spawned in WoW with all the friends you ever needed though since you clearly didn’t pug to make friends.


Not only this… if you dont play the “meta” specs you will not be invited in groups or it will take you 5x time to find group than other specs/classes. Sure you can always start your own group, but lets be honest, alsmost all the time you need to have at least a tank or a healer to start a group… starting a group as lone dps, will still take you ages to find tanks and healers and still they will see your class and ask for your spec etc…

This new lfg tool will only create toxicity and elitism… if thats the social interaction blizzard is after they will succeed on this for sure. FFXIV has RDF even in normal raid and the community is much better than wow. RDF does not ruin communities… elitism and toxicity does.


Since the best argument for RFD has been:

Being able to join a group without being forced to play a certain way.

Most advocates for RDF:

Despise people that makes group that either only take the best classes and or reserve loot.

You could say that they want a fair chance to particepate wihtout getting excluded because of anny reason.

Blizz decided to get rid of RDF because they feel it negatively impacts social interactions which are a core principal of a mmorpg’s (wow).

World of Warcraft is in itself a socially interactive game.

But because the game isn’t 100% balanced in the sense of spec/gear but also the attitude of players and their intellect to be able to communicate and interact with others.

So how can a player who wants to lets say play as a Ret paladin doing middle tier dps get invited as fast and quick in a party as would say a demo warlock would be.

Then ofcourse as said before there is a social aspect that makes a huge impact on this aswell.

Then what would u do to be treated better?

A: Become more humble, be friendly, talk with people.
B: Become aggressive, spread negativity, troll.
C: Join an anonymous Queue system that lets u be part of a group without anny social checks.
D: Quit the game.

PS: although im anti-rdf. I’m trying to logically quantify the state of the game with and without rdf.

It should be noted here that ret paladins are going to be kings of 5 man content with 3.3.5 talents, but we’re still going to be excluded cause there’s some stupid ds ranking list posted on wowhead that’s entirely about raids.

The minmaxing done by the community is so utterly braindead, it doesn’t remotely understand what things are about.

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Even if you are 100% right, you can atleast try to add something more usefull than go into details about something that irritates you. I’m trying to think in solutions with and without rdf. Not, but my feelings this that.

Yea, I’ve brought this up a few times too. Funnily enough I’m always met with stuff like “there wont be any meta or classes left out in wotlk. dungeons are braindead easy” from the anti-RDF people.
Like they actually believe that stuff is gonna go away.

So you’re just another one of those Blizzard got to believe in the “Classic Design Pillars”.
Good for you…

Now explain to me, please, what is this “social check” right now, that you’re talking about here:

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I’m just stating facts and all u want is to be emotional about it and expect me to explain a fact?

This is exactly why we never get anywhere.

Lol explain a fact?

What fact is writing “social check”, with no explanation to what you mean or how you think?

What solution are you suggesting to make the community less about reading rankings and defining their entire gameplay on what people on youtube say? RDF is the perfect counter to how awful the classic community has been and it’s clearly out.

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I’m guessing he thinks of these as his solutions


10 chars and all that.

Most of my IRL friends play, and along the way, I added a few people from questing, etc to my friend’s list who sometimes joined us on the first time round. Don’t get me wrong, for some people RDF is a godsend, but really if you are in a guild and are organized, you shouldn’t be having trouble finding groups. This time round we have just done all guild runs to avoid any idiocy.

My stake in a RDF thread is to say that it isn’t required for organized players. For those who are unable to commit to times etc or who need rep runs, I can see its place. Either way it shouldn’t be in place until ICC.

Duh? Who ever said it was?

You did when you asked what my stake was in a RDF thread.

Me asking you what your stake in an RDF thread is is explicitly stating that “organized users don’t need RDF”? Or even suggesting it?

Curious. In that case I’d like to apologize, English isn’t my first language and that was definitely not my intent. RDF has 0 impact on people who can get an organized group going 24/7.