What will you do when WoW dies?

Not saying WoW is dying or dead. But all things end at some point.

So what will you guys be doing gaming wise ? Look for an alternative mmo ? Private servers ?
Play single player RPGs ?

Find another hobby ? just curious

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Why don’t you answer your own question first?


This for sure:

Plenty of games out there, we’d be just fine me thinks


Play all the other MMORPGs and various games I otherwise play.


Have single player repack ready to go, at least bots won’t reroll when the next fresh server launches.

That and well, you know, just other games i quess?


Play old RPGs like Might and Magic VI and VII for the… hundrendth time, some old RTS stuff yeah. Probably try out whatever new MMORPGs come out like I tend to until one maybe manages to keep my interest.


Don’t think it will ever die. I mean, maybe the retail business model will change/die/whatever, but the game as a whole, as well as it’s past iterations will probably live forever, one way or another.
There are literally hundreds of private svrs with all versions of the game, some are 10-15 years old and still going strong. So if there will always be people that like a certain expansion/version, there will always be supply for it
Just like there are MMOs or games from the 90s still going on today, even with playerbases in the 10s of thousands, probably 20 years from now there will still be wow servers, for a playerbase that demands it, be it on retail or otherwise.
Just play whatever makes you feel good at the time, bro. Don’t worry about the future that much.


you tried age of empires 4 ?


Nah, didn’t catch my fancy. Didn’t like the general theme of it and gameplay, and the campaign ‘documentaries’ that were basically just RL with some weird overlay I thought was pretty lame.

I will continue resting in my grave, 'cos WoW will outlive me.

But in case it doesn’t, I’ll just play something else. It’s not like WoW’s the only game I play now, either.


“What will you do when WoW dies?”

We all gonna be long dead before WoW dies.
Tell your grandkids to bump this threat in 50 years.


Considering how frequently Blizzard changes their forum system so old posts get gone I don’t think there will be one. (Not to mention posts auto-close after 30 days with no responses)

Wonder what the WoW Forum iteration will be like in 10 years.

baldurs gate 3 then get back in to swimming

It will never die. In-depth explanation here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7N1djjZt_U

Move on to other games…

Not logged into classic or retail in forever.

Blade & soul is getting all my attention currently.

wow is only one of the games i play ( I would assume this is true for the majority of players but i might be wrong), so I’ll simply keep playing other games.

Will need to find another fun forum.

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First off. Wow is dying. Lets get that bit straight :).

Me, I’ll continue to enjoy living RL, and probably just find something else to do with my relaxation time.

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I expect to live atleast another 40 years and WoW will outlive me, so…