What would be needed for your faction surrender to be acceptable?

Of course the Alliance should surrender. No demands from their side taken. After all the centuries of troll genocide and land grabbing they should be happpy if we let them live at this point.

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Author of the horror genre with a movie adaption that is quite popular today. With a few many other ones that hold up well.

Tell me you aren’t being purposefully misunderstanding? I genuinely have a hard time understanding joking or sarcasm in text form.

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I dont believe that they are intentionally sending that message but:
The orc’s have waged 4 wars to destroy all life on azaroth, the trolls seek to go back to there glory days of blood sacrifice, the tauren blood oath die with caine but they still support the horde crimes time and again, Same for the blood elves.

Thrall’s horde was the execption not the rule.

So we have the orc’s who cant stop themselves from trying to kill everyone(And wod making them evil all along).
Trolls who praticy blood sacrifice and would if they where top dog again show zero care for the other race’s.
Taurans and blood elves support the horde both in garrosh and sylvanas war where if they simply stood by and did nothing the horde would lose 40% of its manpower.
Making the complicent in all of sylvanas and garrosh crimes.
Now the nightborne are ignorant of the truth nature of the horde and the pandarian are just a few dozen visitors who’s loyality are to pandaria.
And zandalari are trolls.

So we have a faction who simply cant stop murdering people.
Atleast 3 race’s(orc’s, trolls, and forsaken) who cant stop murdering people.
Despite several attemps at peacefull coexistance.

And now in this faction war we have a boy king with zero militery experiance wanting to save said murdering race’s from that lich queen.
And the rest just goes along with it.
I am 90% sure if it wasnt for the outcry tyranda woudnt even care about darnassus.
No revenge for the death of thousents, No plans to dismatle the horde(aka destroy the entire faction).
No desire to put race’s with a history of going to war every chance they get to the sword.
There is only so much mercy you give before you remove the problem permantly.
The simple truth is:
The horde will get away with this.
Just like they got away with tharamor, stormwind(warcraft 1), They lost in warcraft 2 and where allowed to live(despite them having murdered a city full of people and the serounding country side) and in warcraft 3(which i dont count in the 4 wars against all life on azaroth becuase those wars where about finding a land to live on and not going on a crusade to destroy all life/the alliance) Had there own land to live only to go to war again after thrall leave’s.
Then the alliance having lost many lives and tharamor being nuked helps them take down garrosh and our reward?
Sylvanas burning tedrassil.

Time and again the alliance suffers at the hands of the horde.
And time and again we give them a chance.
Like a wifebeater’s wife.

I am 99% sure this isnt what blizzard is attempting to send but it is what they are sending.
That the good guys refuse to punish the wicked.
And before the say the horde arent wicked.
They had 40 years and 4 wars to prove us otherwise.
Not so much as a single ork refused to fire that catapult.
Not to much as a single tauren redrew from a war that the alliance clearly blames sylvanas for.
Not a single horde took responsiblity and said: This is to far.
Saurfang had to be talked into it.
Baine needed to see derek being raised.
Neither had any problem with the horde until it effected them personaly.

I am not misunderstanding.
I am pissed at the sheer stupidity of the story.
It is one of my flaws.
Stupidity always makes my blood boil no mather where i see it.

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I’m sorry, but as I agree with this, I can’t help but say and try to point out where your difficulty comes in from.

I’m not gonna hide nor defend that the Horde has done some pretty grim things, villain-bat or not, but to outright say things like dismantle them for the sake of having a sensible story is just silly.

Elaborating: Silly in that the post implies you’d rather want to alienate half the playerbase because you are salty of something said playerbase has no fault of.

You might feel like being a wifebeater’s wife, but neither do I feel like my character’s decisions is being decided for me. The Horde’s players have their own difficulties too, y’know. The grass isn’t greener on this side.


I said that the alliance shoud want it. Not that they shoud succed. The issu is that the alliance never seem to want payback for decade’s of crimes against them.
Have the alliance seek its revenge. Have it destoy horde cities and then have the alliance lose.
All blizzard need to do to fix this mess is let the alliance be angry and agressieve.
Make them act like people who have been wrongend too many times instead of parents punish a child with a bad grade.


Well. I would really, really like for the Alliance to take a more aggressive stance. It would definitely feel better to fight against an at least halfway dangerous enemy. But let’s be real, it’s not going to happen.
Blizzard wants the Alliance to always and forever be the good, flawless faction and this has never been more obvious than in bfa.

Even with superior military power you cannot win - and remember, after Dazar’Alor the Horde was losing on all fronts- when it means your actions would make you sink to our level, if only remotely so.
That’s the downside of claiming the moral higher ground. The higher the horse you sit on, the deeper the fall. If the Alliance would fight like the Horde, and answer genocide with genocide, they would cease to be Alliance.

Would that be worth it?

I mean, I understand that people want revenge for Teldrassil. But just imagine Tyrande doing what her namesake here suggested. Go full Nightwarrior mode and wipe out an entire Troll tribe in cold blood. Not offscreen, but in the most dramatic way. Have the pc accompany her on her path of vengeance and help her kill them all. Not just warriors, mind, but also women and children, slaughter them and burn down their villages.

Would that feel good? Really? Trust me, compared to the Horde pc in bfa, you still have it good.


It would be for me.
I rather be evil and comptent then good and incomptent.
Ofcourse i am rather good and comptent but that apparent doesnt exist.

I mean you have to keep in mind here that this troll tribe(wierd that you didnt just mention darkspears or zandalari)
Has shown generations of killers without remorse.
This isnt a tribe of innocent people who just want to live there lives.
These are murderers in training.
If i believed the could be taught to be beter i woud prefer that outcome but after years of endless war against them i just dont see them ever changing into decent people.

So it is beter to be a victem then a murderer?

Any pity the horde had died with tedrassil.
Tharamor was already to far and with tederassil they turned it up to eleven.

I dojn’t really think that the willingness to do genocide should be defining for either faction. Especially since you can do this particular evil out of very different kinds of convictions.

Neither do I. I was simply referring to the person suggesting the annihilation of an entire Troll tribe would be rightful revenge for Teldrassil.


Yeah, punitive genocide sounds stupid no matter how you look at it. But that’s not what the Horde did, either. But I do think there is quite a lot of room between what we have now as Alliance and killing random tribes, just because. For example, I don’t think Daelin-style politics would have to threaten the Alliance’s identity.


Lmao night elves and other alliance races started this cycle of murder since ancient times until present times. Stop acting inoccent ya hypocrite. The empire of Zul was nuked down with a magic attack from the queen. Nothing the horde has done to you, comes close to what your team did to trolls all over the world.

Fair enough. I’d rather be good and incompetent than evil and incompetent but here we are.

That seems like a rather questionable approach to me, but okay. Kill them off then. Better safe than sorry.

You tell me.


Both trolls and elves wanted to rule the world and the elves beat the trolls.
Get over it.

Being a victem is worse.
Atleast as murderer you still have some control.

Elves murdered their way over another empire that already existed when they started their attacks. So no. I will not get over it. Get out of our lands. You can’t even fight on even grounds but tend to use magic cheat codes when it suits you. Well of eternity. Fire storm in Alterac. Medivh ex machina in Stormwind. You never won any battle on your own without handy plot devices.

No. YOU need to get out of Black Empire lands.


So you worship old gods now? Good, less to feel sorry for here. :slight_smile:


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Dont remind me how crap blizzard is at writting compent heroes.

It isnt your lands anymore.
You lost that war.
Orignal ownership means nothing.
It is your if you can keep it.
And before you call me a hypocrit:
If the horde could hold kalimdor it is there’s
Likewise if the alliance could stop being idiots we could finaly win this war and get to rebuilding.

Erevien don’t bait. You made quite some of the needless dramas over trolls before. I agree that they have been done dirty but there is no need to write it in such a hyperbolic way to taunt the others.

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Next you’ll tell him not to breathe! Have some mercy!