What would be needed for your faction surrender to be acceptable?

Wait Jabjan is erevien?
That explains so much.

Le gasp!

Yea, I was hoping that Zandalari avatar will help him adjust his attitude to be more level headed - and it did at the beginning.

But belfie inside of him is still too stronk.


But you see, that’s where you’re wrong. I had no more “control” in the burning of Teldrassil than you did. The only choices I had in this expansion were: kill my own people, or-play along and hereby, kill my own people. Welcome to the bright side.


Ow i dont want the players punished.
Just the faction.
I didnt have any control over tedrassil either yet i had to endure it.
So what is the problem if the horde gets to own up for its crimes for a change?

We have suffered enough. Take Sylvanas- and Baine as an extra free gift, and we’re fine :wink:


Ah yeah, Horde is a funny place.

Do you have an example how they can do it without to feel worse threatened than the alliance?

Sorry for offtopic question but is there any chance you’re online now?

*holds letter in envelope behind his back

On topic, I wonder how many people are still invested in this. I’m reaching this phase :

up to 18: 04

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That would kinda defeat the whole point.
The alliance had to endure years of losing battle’s only for the player to save there troops from there own incomptence, The nuking of beloved tharamor and the losing of night elven land given to the horde by the traitor king varyn.
And ofcourse tedrassil.
Having the horde walk in shame in stormwind is mercifull by compairsion.
A single cutscence in which there leaders walk in shame for there factions crimes vs 3 expension pack of getting your behinds kicked, cities you loved destroyed and your lands given away to the killers.

The horde player base (at least on the forums) has never shown the ability to accept that there faction did horrible things.
Compairing camp tauren and the purge of dalaran to tharamor and tedrassil as if it that is somehow worse.
Horse players like there npc seem to be very selective in what is and isnt a crime based on who is the victem.
Them or someone else.
To punish suchs a people without hurting there feelings is impossible.

Yes incomptent or ego slaves.
Depending on how much they deny there work is bad.

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It’s never alright to make such a big generalisation. plenty of my friends never denied that the faction was painted as morally black, but you should understand that it’s natural instinct to try to find something to cling to. And laughably the only faction that has some sort of moral “validity” Zandalari who aren’t even Horde (and arguably Darkspears).

And yet you can still find players on Alliance such as Sereluna who will make threads on what a monsters they are and how they deserved everything bad happening to them.

Also keep in mind there are edgelords on both sides that post taunts.
Kinda like some belf players that are perfectly fine to advocate for genocide while still being super salty over little purge.


Throwing everyone to same bag therefore is a mistake, keep in mind that lots of people play on both factions nowadays and they don’t have “muh faction” blinkers and unable to see problems on the other side.


It’s there a Horde version to nuke? Thought so.

Tyrande not Varian

“We’re sorry, next time we try only to conquer your lands, not to kill you all”
Like really?

And you really think that the Horde have it better? It’s their second identity crisis and much more.

It seems you’re new here. I saw it several times already.

Oh I don’t think that it are Horde players in general, just the examples which try to justify it.

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I know.
I just noticed alot of horde up until the burning of tedrassil where flat out denialist.
Changed since then for the beter.

Crossroads or brill.

Meta zone rebalancing if you want to be technical.

Sorry but what do you mean with this?

There cities still stand, there troops still kick behind and the alliance need them to fall into civil war in order to win.
That is having it beter then losing until the horde turns on itself then given them more lands for us winning.

After tedrassil yes.
Before that there where alot more denialist.
And i have been playing on and off since bc.

I admit there are less denialist post tedrassil.

Heh, isn’t this why Sylvanas started her war, and Saurfang with her?
Just seems to me like a Forsaken theme put into words.

No, you just never understood the actual issue, but that’s not our fault.


Well that was actually morally grey situation. While nuking was extreme measure keep in mind that Theramore was on active Warmachine against the Horde for 2 years, assaulting Durotar and Mulgore, and not just Barrens which is the equivalent to nelven Ashenvale.

For 2 years! Their troops are present in Valley of Trials and landing on the shores near Echo Isles, while at the same time attacking the gates of Mulgore. Try to project similar situation on Alliance. Where Horde is already present in Elwynn Forest and in Khaz Modan making reparations to raid capital.

Jaina had it coming. It was foolish to believe that counter attack would not come.
I agree that bomb was very extreme, but if we look at it from the cold tactical point of view it was a very quick way to end the “theramore problem” as Horde was being forced to fight on two fronts, one from Nelves on the north, another one on humans & Co on the south.

That is terrible situation and this is why it was important to clear one front. Theramore was military target so it’s not like Teldrassil or Brennadan. Plenty of army was deployed there together with lots of Alliance generals together with Knaak’s Mary Sue - Rhonin.

Getting rid of them at one strike was brilliant move that spared time and manpower - Kinda like Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuking ended USA/ Japan war. It’s not morally right movement but it had it’s reasoning.

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Brill was destroyed with the battle of Undercity. I hope you feel satisfied now.

Frankly the Nelves don’t need their land anymore cause their population was turned into crispy chickens.

Why even let the Horde exist of they wouldn’t stop to fight you?

Undercity not anymore :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Where can I see that Horde groups are superior?

That is not true, when Warbringers were revealed lots of player had a big breakdown to the point of either quitting the game or faction changing. This is why the “Old Soldier” cinematic was so important to give them tiny hope that not all Horde is lost. But then Brennadan questing appeared and there was another breakdown. It’s surely easier to find it on US forums than EU.

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The most in the US troll anyway so it doesn’t really count :stuck_out_tongue:

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It was serious thread with around 170 upvotes. I think it did count.

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Show it please.

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She started the war on the fear that the alliance would become invincible if they kept harvesting azarith.

Personaly: I think she started this war to prevent the horde from question why she was the warchief.
Sylvanas isnt loved but she is a master manipulator(even if blizzard has forgotten).
The burning of tedrassil was to ensure the horde needed to remain united or die.

Or atleast i hope that is the reason but i fear far worse from blizzard.

Ow do eleborate what i am not understanding?

I agree.
My biggest issu was that when the alliance “won” no demands where made.
Even something as small as an appoligie would have gone a long way of making it feel like an accauly win and not a saving face.
Which is all it was.

Was it rendered an uninhabbiltle wastland and where all the civilions murdered?

Pity but true.

That is the question the alliance shoud be asking themselves.
My problem is that they dont.

Destroyed by the horde.
Not the alliance.
What did the alliance ever destroy belong to the horde?

Play the alliance quests.
Ever quest is you saving your allies from being defeated.
On the alliance side the player carries the alliance to victory.

I will take your word for it.

No, but I think it wouldn’t be a problem to take 1000 nameless NPCs to kill them.

That’s maybe not the win which you want but that’s still a win. Keep in mind it wouldn’t be destroyed if the alliance wouldn’t conquer it.

Never mentioned it so I don’t think that it’s really important, just you who try to find an other example why the alliance sucks but I think I can counter it with scourge references on the Horde side.

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