What would make the alliance more popular?

Well, to give you an example. I’m a hardcore Horde player but in WoD I mained Alliance because I hated the Horde garrison and I wasn’t the only one.

There is things that can and will make Horde players switch outside racials.

At this point I think the top Alliance guilds should create a megathread exposing the current issues their faction is dealing with and come up with possible solutions.

You have my support and I’m sure many others as well. It’s time to address this issue in a more direct manner. Preferably before Shadowlands goes live and things get more complicated.

Instead of just giving up and switching, you should fight for your faction. It has been proven multiple times that when the community truly wants something, it gets done.

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I agree, human is like one of the worst races in the game.

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And then

My bad for taking you seriously. Troll.
Ignored forever. :wave:

It was actually serious. I play horde because the humans are on the alliance side. I am not playing a RPG/fantasy game for playing human. That is already real life. So make alliance more popular for me, remove humans.



to be honest humans are not in the smallest the same as in real life…
they are descendant of the vrykul and the vrykul came to be because of the curse of flesh… so in a way where playing with titanforged.

He’s the Gift that keeps on giving, that boy. I suspect it would only need the removal of just one character to make the Alliance more popular, or less of a joke, rather.

Best recruiting Sergeant the Horde ever had.

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but for the most part now its not about min maxing because the horde racials are not the best in all cases like they used to be,

right now one of the better options for a lot of classes is human because they gain more secondary stats, the problem is that its not a big enough improvement to warrant a everyone swapping

as i said before the main problem now is that a lot of the top end is horde, and they dont have a reason to go aliance. which means anyone that wants to go for top 50 or top 100 or whatever realistically has to go horde in order to have a better chance, because the vast majority of the top end players are all horde already.

so now adays it has nothing to do with the min max nature of the game, its just playing where all the best options are in terms of players.

like take echo for example, they could pick up some new players whenever they wanted to realistically, but right now if they changed to aliance the pool of players that would be available for them would lower drastically because there are less top end players on aliance unless the recruited someone and payed for them to faction change everything.

It may sound like a joke to a lot of people, but this actually might work really well.

Especially if they go all out for it.

  1. Exclusively alliance
  2. Make it really attractive - best model, really cool lore
  3. Make them powerful and badass
  4. Drop dead gorgeous advanced city
  5. The best at all the things elves can do

How about instead of flipping the tables yet again, we start incentivising people to join the weaker faction? For example, joining the lesser populated faction could come with a +25% reputation gain buff or 10% extra xp gained buff. This way a faction imbalance could actually be prevented altogether.

Ok… I dont get it.
I have 1 min queue time as ally for “Coren Direbrew” and 5 min queue as horde. Why? If there are lots of hordes, the queue for this event should be faster. It ends just in 1 min. Why I wait longer with my horde characters? If there are so many hordes in the queue, it should be faster, I guess? Its just 4 men group.

You’re a dps.
More people still doesn’t actually mean it’s evenly distributed between all roles.

Too many edgy boys and girls who think that somehow the Horde represents their inner demons and darksides lol.

The imbalance will never naturally correct itself unless Blizz actively FORCE people, doesn’t matter how many buffs or incentives they give Alliance.

It also doesn’t help that world first guilds do it, and that then sets off a chain reaction for every tryhard in the game to follow suit.

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I’d make several.

I’m not joining a faction of dogs and tree huggers.
Silvermoon and Suramar unite!


the entire reason that people went horde was because it was more powerful, outside of the first week or 2 of an expansion xp buffs and a rep buff would mean absolutely nothing, so that kind of buff would do nothing.

Alliance is saved! All hail the hero Rextroy:

By nerfing horde racials, remove faction transfers and buffing alliance racials instead.


Regardless of what you think, the current alliance between those two, is because of hte 2 faction system that has races that don’t fit the horde in it.

If you were to remove that, you have no real relevance for the Nightborne to be with teh blood elves, it serves no function or purpose, the Blood elves, Void elves, San’layn, Fel Illidari Thalassians, Farstriders, Sunsworn, Magisters etc - they are a complete package - Nightborne don’t belong there.

If htey were reorganising the factions. Humans, dwarves, (high elves), gnomes, worgen gilneans would be alliance, with orcs, tauren, goblins and trolls horde.

Night elves along with Nightborne, and Worgen Nelves, with Draenei would be a faction.

Now, I see no reason why highborne and Nightborne wouldn’t have friendly relations with Thalassians, high elves or blood elves. There is also avenues for void elves to want to be friendly with night elven black moon priests, highborne/nightborne esp void knowledgeable SHen’dralar and avenues open up.

There is also room for friction, disagremeents of ideologies between high elves and blood elves - not enough to make them kill each other any more, that antagonism was created in the two faction system, out of it, even with high elves being the human supporting wing of the Thalassians, there would be no need for killing levels of conflict any longer… however friction and love can exist - love from reconciliation - which can be quite healing, but also frction for those very hurt by the past and who strongly opposed to the different ideologies.

Same with Thalassians and Darnassians, again, out right hate would not be necessary like it was when they were locked to two factions that had to hate each other, but there can be an element of it, but it can be nuanced, some hate, some love depending on groups. Many Thalassians hating druid darnassians, but some exceptions can exist - like void elves consulted to help protect he emerald dream from the void … yet priestess order split, some storngly in support of bringing all elves to Elune, others just had it with any off spawn of the highborne - despite being allied to HIghborne - but they trust their Highborne they know are pure… etc.


This is just one example.

A decent community.

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Nah, the community isn’t the problem.

Alliance problems are:

Blizzard hate us.
Horde got better racials.
Low race variety, to much humans or similar.
They never give us the races that the community asks for (Vrykuls, hight elves, legion’s Krokuls).
They have us races that none want to play, like mechagnomes.
Anduin is very very boring…

So people start to move to the horde.

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