What would make the alliance more popular?

I guess that’s because not enough hordies pick tanking or healing even though you literally don’t have to do either. I just check all the boxes for this queue on all my alts since it really doesn’t matter.

We are trying our very best to get undead and change their alignment from chaotiv evil who woud harm and destroy any other race and flora and fawn to chaotic good: any humans who suffer this fate or other elven creature now got a faction and another credo/way of life and also fate than be spiteful of anything and be hated and hunted by everything in return( what I would quaify as scourge and not forsakens) ( and bringing, light touchead undead, dark ranger high elves and kaldorei skins among the process to the undead race)

I am sure You understand such change is uncertain and take some time to change the mentality…, especially of most hardcore undead players… You basically can’t speak with them about anything they never agree to anything not even 16 years after and still cling to the banshee be it a good or a poor choice at this state it isn’t the reason of thiis post… *

heck, even this Fish Humans from Nazjatar would be better than mechagnomes.

But seriously

If you have ambitions to play this game at a higher skill, you have to join the horde, because there are more like minded people.

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Remove human male paladins with Alliance bias having the best looking mounts and casting move’s .

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Blizzard should offer big pp guilds / normal peple guilds to xfer to Ally for free and ontop of that Buff Ally racials even more

After so many years playing Horde, investing time and effort into getting achievements, reputation, faction unique gear and even role-playing as part of the Horde, I see no real reason to switch factions.

The removal of the exalted reputation requirement for Allied Races was a great start, but even with that I wouldn’t want to switch. Heck, I barely want to play other characters besides my main char due to a “fear” of missing out milestones in that character’s progression.

I think it’s more aimed at getting the Alliance players who switched to come back again.

Although I’m sure they’d appreciate new recruits from the Horde too.

Unless the alliance player base allows for proper mythic raid progression on our server, that’s not going to happen for me. As much as i’d love to, there simply aren’t enough people able to progress through mythic Nyalotha. Half our raids were being cancelled due to people not showing up, and gearing people up was kinda pointless as well, as people bounce after getting Curve.
We just gave up at 5/12 and called it quits till Shadowlands.

So yeah, Shadowlands onward, we’ll be raiding on Horde side.
Levelled this character in advance. Nothing left to do ingame till then :confused:

I do understand it’s a dilemma for raiders. We have several regulars who have made the switch for a larger raid pool.

so we would be stuck with everyone still being horde and being unable to swap back for the buffed racials?? great idea, everything is solved.

they used to have better racials, for the most part its pretty balanced now.

plenty of people want to play mechagnomes, just because you dont like them doesnt mean no one does.

the fact that you think people are faction changing their accounts for anything less than better progress and more people being horde is insane. the majority of the top end is horde, if guilds want to get better they need better players and most of the better players are already horde, its as simple as that.

wouldnt be surprised with calia menethil being around again if there isnt some kind of lightforged undead AR at some point.

undead best casting animations.

buffing racials would just push more people to move aliance, causing the balance to just flip meaning the exact same problem is there other than it being the reverse.

And? then they could just reroll. I don’t see what the problem is about it. Closing Faction transfered would also do, if a hordie that had rerolled but regretted going back to ally. For specific reasons.

Then wouldn’t be able to go back to horde again unless they also rerolled. If faction transfer was not closed they would just faction transfer again.

I’ve been playing WoW since the very beginning as a hordie, which wasn’t popular in vanilla compared to the blues. Here in the present, I’ve levelled a handful of Alliance characters here and there to play with people I fought against way-back-when, but the inability to share wealth or resources from one side or the other to help out a fresh alt kills the idea. Sure, you can mail account-bound items and heirlooms etc are account-wide, but you can’t mail regular items, can’t play with people on X side (or Y side), etc, so unless you actively play both factions regularly, there is no real incentive to start now.

I’ve levelled a few classes to max on Alliance here and there, noticed how dead the population was on my server in terms of keys and raids, crippled myself into having to re-build faction-specific wealth from scratch, and decided that this was not worth doing when I could just play my main-side and have all the luxuries.

Shame, because I love Worgen animations/sounds, quite enjoy KulTiran, and miss my old Goat Mage from WotLK, even if it was just to say hello to some old friends (rivals).

I genuinely think some form of cross-play would be a huge help, even if it was a Mercenaries mode for PvE. The only alternatives to help make Alliance more popular are things that would simply flip the scale and leave the other side damaged in return. That doesn’t cure the problem, merely inverses it.

Well, I still play Alliance, but I don’t like the faction anymore. For me the loss of of a lot of Nightelven areas and increased focused on the humans ruined it.

Playing classic a lot at this point, and this is one of the things that made me realize how much I really do miss focus on various aspects of the world and not just the humans. The nightelves is what got me interested in the lore after all. Human lore never interested me(besides the forsaken), so it feels pretty bad that the Alliance is now all human.


It’s hard to argue that these are “high elves” when you don’t even have blond hair options for them.

Not sure what game you played, but after losing all wars, losing multiple times as many leaders, and being forced to follow a genocidal and stupid maniac not once but twice i’m pretty sure Blizzard couldn’t do more to make the alliance feel good except enslave the Horde completely and tell every horde player he’s sh*t as login screen text in place of the funny little tips.

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then again the more I have been looking at how SL is working, and what has happened or most likely will happen, you suddenly se a pattern.

Blizzard is most likely going for a faction change.
atleast one big indication is the new starting zone, for new players, it directly indicates that all are at same line.
I would not be to supriced, that sooner or later when you make a new char, you dont choose horde or alliance, but you choose something similar to a covenant, that gives you stuff from start, but at same time, everyone is one big group instead of horde and alliance.
considering if they kill off Sylvanas, and probably Tyrande and maby Genn, there is none left to stop this from happening.
Maby Talanji, but she doesnt seem that vendictive now anymore, considering it seems like Sylvanas tried to get her killed also.

I am not sure what factions/groups could be the new ones you joined if this was to happen.
But some that I can think of.

Cenarion Circle, if you make a druid, you can choose this faction, or instantly become part of the Cenarion circle.

Deathknights and demonhunters already have their own.

matter of fact is, all classes actualy do have a group/faction they belong to already, if you look back at legion.

for pvp specialy bgs, this would not be a problem at all, heck rated bgs and arenas already work like this.
for world pvp, this could be lil more tricky, and could cause problems, but one way it to make it FFA, or group vs group, what could be intresting.

I do know many are against this totaly also, but I am not, it could be good if it is done right, and what people saying this goes against what warcraft is about, well yes and no
warcraft at start was orcs vs humans, whit some mix of trolls, elves, ogres and dwarfs, but this is long gone, now there is so many different races involved, and it it literaly do not make sence to make alliance and horde fight eachother at all anymore, just look at bfa, it didnt work at all, people are fed up whit it.

but there is currently no reason for people to go to aliance, other than aesthetics,

horde have more raiders overall, and generally most of the best raiders meaning you are getting better progress on horde,

as well as horde generally having the advantage for PvP as well because there is more of them.

And over time horde got those kind of big brain people from when blizz made ARs, like Zandar, Mag’har having cool looks + OP racials. Before that, yeah sure. They was still there, but it exploded alot more with them after BfA had released. So yeah.

Racials did have a part in why it is that way now for horde side and long term bigger pop.

the initial cause of the hrode aliance divide being so messy and unblanaced was in mop when horde had the op racials. since then the vast majority of top end has been horde, so if you want to improve and get better progress you basically have to be horde, as well as top aliance guilds needing to recruit, but all the best recruits being horde,

it has nothing to do with allied races, and it was more noticable now because of war mode being such a big boost that people felt it was neccesary to keep it on

Ok, but my experience of this imbalance is not the same as yours. So i stick with what i told you about it.