What would make the alliance more popular?

If no guild from Alliance pulls the foot out and start doing mythic progress, nothing is gonna stop the faction change, also Horde has way better racials for world first, Alliance only has passive stats while a Tauren has 3% more critical damage, Orcs and Trolls have a third CD trinket, Blood elves now can regenerate resources every 2 mins, etc.

  • Recognizable character that isn’t Arthas that was in Warcraft 3: :x:

  • Shaman Class from the start of the Vanilla: :x:

  • Locations that isn’t objectively worse in design and time consumption in compare to Horde: :x:

  • Racials that doesn’t suck: :x:

  • 2 more Animal Races to balance out Tauren and Vulpera: :x:

  • Development Team that doesn’t openly hate Alliance from the beginning(Metzen, Diddier, etc.): :x:

Alliance cannot be saved.


Ethnic diversity. Look at your races - all of them are very humanoid and have similar aesthetics. Sure, there’s purple elves, but at their core, they have the same beauty standards as humans. The Alliance can only attract one specific type of player, aesthetically. The Horde can really attract anyone - wanna be a brute? We got you. Wanna be a skulking creep? Bones sticking out? Disgusting, but we got you covered, fam. Wanna be a cute little critter? The Horde is for you. Wanna be a gorgeous elf for some weird reason? We also have that.

And most of all, we have Jamaicans, mon.

I hate to say it, but the reason why the Alliance is always fledgling is that they attract the type of players who want to “play themselves” in an MMO. Those who roll human in a fantasy game.

And I don’t mind humans. In fact, human women are terribly cute in WoW, they’re one of my favorite character models.

  • Prince Farondis - was the best alliance race based new character in Legion, use him, he isn’t human
  • Introduce Elven aracne elemntalists (their version of shaman, but based on the arcane, - new expertise brough by Moonguard & Duskguard), Humans/Forsaken learn from Elves.
  • Rebalance druids - open void elves to druidism - they help druids protect the Emerald Dream from the void, and find ways to utilise the void to augment nature or work with it in cases it cannot be eradicated.
  • Buff alliance racials a little bit more
  • Worgen counteract Tauren, Night Elf worgen returned, how awesome would it be if they somehow changed from worgen to Sarbaeron ? Cats always fit the elves better - kills 2 birds with one stone, you get a worgen allied race, and a pure elf forsest race, these returned now Sarbaeron worgen fromt he emerald draem also have 2 forms, but unlike Gilenans, you can fight in either cos the elf form is unique.
  • Development team, needs to stop doing really cool things with alliance races (like Nightborne/Suramar) then handing it to the horde instead. Elves were always an alliance thing they have never felt at home on the horde, and they are the biggest draw for alliance still, start minimising the horde elves, and actually make the alliance elves glorious again. Let’s see Night elves & Highborne, Void elves & High elves become really cool .

Blood elves and Nightborne should be the allownace for horde to have pretty options, not for re-defining the horde as the new elven home. So I’ll just switch main elven development to the alliance henceforth. Let the horde develop Trolls, Zandalari, Vulpera, Goblins, Tauren, Orcs, Forsaken, and make more use of San’layn/Darkfallen and Illidari blood elves instead.


More types of gnomes. And horse mounts.


If I see another elf asking for more elf stuff in game that easily can be renamed to World of Elves at this point I’m going to vomit.


Worgen shouldn’t have been a race, it should be a class. Worgens are a symptom of the Alliance’s core problem - there’s no variety. All the races are same-y. Worgens are literally human, they’re a duplicate race, yet somehow are in the core races. The Horde doesn’t have duplicates in its core races.


if stuff really gets out of hand then stop factions at all

we already got eluded for the cosmic fight that can last 5-6 expantions, where horde and alliance need to work together
why keep faction separated by then?

because its an exponential swirl increasing over and over

Story-wise I want more edgy stuff. I feel like the Alliance has a cool image there that often gets buried beneath the standard knights and castles theme of the Humans.
But Alleria with The Void, Tyrande as The Night Warrior, and Greymane as Doggie, that’s a cool and pretty dark lineup. I kind of wish Blizzard emphasized that even more.

I think the Alliance also just needs more time in the spotlight. It’s been a lot of Orcs over the years. A lot.

And they need to preserve what’s theirs. Khadgar was a cool guy, but having him hide away in Karazhan because Blizzard don’t want to commit him to the Alliance is weak. Turalyon, Magni, etc… They’re born within the Alliance, and then they become shared characters. I still have to play Horde if I want to interact with almost any character originating from there.

The architecture needs to evolve. With the loss of Teldrassil, then apart from The Exodar, there’s really just Human and Dwarf places left. Stormwind, Ironforge, Boralus, even the Garrison in WoD is more of the same.
I feel some envy toward the Horde that explores new Iron Orc styles, new Forsaken Frankenstein buildings, and cool Aztec Troll pyramids.
The Alliance sticks too much to Human and Dwarven styles, which are already very similar.


I don’t think it’s that, the horde races being diverse is made interesting because they are developed and given stories and nuances. Sure it might be a little straighforward given tehir races are so different, but WC2, had no problems making humans interesting.

We live in a world that only has human beings and yet the diversity, the stories, the events are the source of all fiction and award winnign dramas… you coiuld make hte world interesting with just humans, don’t tlel me it’s hard because night elves, draenei, dwawrves look similar?

The groundwork lore for the alliance races alreayd has so much to allow for depth and complexity. The Ngiht elves have an entire Night civilzation, ranging from an ancient magical empire that was more advanced than anythign today (as you can see in Suramar) to 10k years in enhcnated forests - they have magicians, drudis, priests, demon hunters, night monsters, naga, satyrs, forests and cities - with a star focus that’s barely been touched, - and what do we see them most as? either tree hugging or being human yes men. The problem is not their race or their original lore and genesis 0 it doesn’t get more awesome than a magical well that magically tranforms you from a “hideous” troll to a gorgeous elf - and then the heartwrenching story of magic, acecleration, perfection and a fall, and now the pieces…that allows the night elves to be such a diverse group - yet, only the tree hugger side is shown - Illidari, highborne, Moon priestess casters - almost entirely missing - (until recently -) that’s a writing decision.

They could be so much more interesting than the humans’ yes men.

[/u] Draenei [/u]
Another one, you mean the demon rulers were actually originally a none demonic race, but rather a holy race, enlightened, advanced technology and gifted with magic too…?

And you mean all you can use them for is with regards to the light as human back up?

Seriously? With Man’ari Eredar, Broken, Magi-tech crystals, complexities with thorde, crashlanding on Azeroth (which ashn’t been explored since starting area ended), friendship and kinship with the night elves? They’d get on amazingly with the Highborne don’t you think?

And what about the Man’ari? Those who joined Illidan’s Illidari team? Those who wanted out of theLegion? Those not destroyed in it’s defeat - surely there are roles for them?

Whata bout the Broken, Krokul and others too, don’t they bring a different flavour side to the draenei, worth exploring, expanding upon, opening up. In the broken you can get a pseudo orc/draenei mix, and a way to show another dimension… how they deal with the “broken” condition - perceptions on both sides- TBC started exploring this, Is it stable? Is it deteriorating further?

Their are also other connections to night elves from a different angle, via the Illidari and Akama… all that wealth is squandered.

Let’s go back to the Light stuff, Turalyon , rebuilding, settling, how it interacts with the humans, doesn’t have to be all cosy, there can be nuance - humans need to be less perfect. I can see Draenei willing and loving, but some humans resenting their holier than thou aura, makes them feel lesser.

I mean, i’m barely scratching the surface, and i haven’t even delved into the Dwarves… and the stuff you could utilise.

  • it’s not the humanoid appearance that’s the issue, it’s the choice not to write them right.

With goats being dangerously religious zelots, comparable with the Scarlet Crusade…

Free horde transfers from low pop servers to mid pop alliance servers.

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Hmm… should it be one way only? Free from Horde to Alliance, but not from alliance to horde?

That’s EXACTLY what I said. Free from low pop horde to mid-pop alliance.

Ah, I was thinking free faction change but only if you are going to the Alliance. You have to pay if going to horde.

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Yrel is actually worse than Scarlet Crusade.


WoD Yrel and many alliance players are not aware of what she did.

The army of the light was always bunch of fanatics.

It doesn’t really matter how good the lore is. Nobody reads the quests and that’s sad. The Alliance’s lore is pretty good. What’s lacking is visual diversity. The entire Alliance exists within exactly one aesthetic, where the Horde has something for everyone. When someone is making their character and browsing through the races, they won’t know WoW’s lore, they won’t know what stories the game tells. Hell, they won’t even bother to read the quests once they create their character. So all the variety has to be visual.


I’m sorry but that is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.


Garrosh was pacifist.