What would make the alliance more popular?

Alliance baised people sharing alliance biased opinion. Disgusting. Delete the Alliance from the game and make it Horde only. That would fix the problem for good. spits on the alliance tabard

The factions are what made the game, you can’t delete either.

It’s why faction war stories are so bad and they should be removed…like, forever.

But what shouldn’t happen is Blood Elves and Nightborne suffering because a night elf mage fan doesn’t like the current night elf story and somehow, it’s the fault of blood elves and nightborne. His intentions are clear:

Push the forsaken and blood elves closer together - have blood elves practice the very magic that destroyed their homeland
Remove nightborne from the horde and they ONLY have lore moments with night elves. No other race, just nelfs.

That’s what he wants and Blizzard isn’t delivering on it - thank goodness.

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He’s a fanatic. Just don’t listen to what he wants or says. It is ridiculos.

But, you included, seem to like/want faction war stories and both MoP and BFA have ended so badly.

Like I say, don’t touch a faction war story again. It’s bad because neither faction can be destroyed.

We dont have high elves we got blood elves :man_facepalming: and trust me its us horde players that is hurt that we are stuck with you blood elves that dont belong in the horde

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And the blood elves have stabbed the horde times in the back several time in the past so trust me blood elves are not wanted in the horde exept from you ally players on your horde alts :stuck_out_tongue:

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You don’t belong in the Horde. Now get lost.

You don’t belong in this game.


Yes i do belong so go away yourself

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No you don’t.

You’ve been reported for trolling and hopefully, your suspension this time, is permanent.


Yes i do and like i told you before i dont troll and i have never been suspended for it either so stop talking trash about people you know nothing about. But then again you have shown several time you cant behave like normal people so its no suprise

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I know, I’ve read his little fantasy. And it’s pretty much what it boils down to every time. People who feel like they kinda chose the right faction but it does not have this and that and that other thing and so on.

Then they invent situations that are meant to justify a literal demand. They pretend they are asking for stuff but it’s not true. When they don’t get what they want they pull out the bias card, or the “not loved” card. If they are not given what they want then it means Blizz is biased and the only way to prove they are not biased is to give them what they want. If that’s not a demand then I don’t know what the hell it is.


The removal of faction barriers, simple as that.


I guess you cant understand sarcasm. You dont sound like horde player, you sound like alliance player who is very salty he cant live his RP dreams because he cant have blonde hair.

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But him on your permanent ignore list. He’s not worth the effort or time.

Oh ok thanks i will :slight_smile:

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Yes i do. THen stop talking trash if you dont want responds . And you have nothiung to report on me so have fun being reported yourself cause all you do is spreading lies and being toxic. And clearly you dont talk since you are the one here who cant have a conversation as you keep writing insults just because you get proven wrong when lore shows that you cant back up the garbage you write

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Yes i can understand sarcasm and no i dont sound like an alliance player like you blood elves do

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Have you managed to put him on your ignore list?

I would edit that out, circumventing the language filter is the same punishment as typing it out :wink:

Sorry - have done.
I just get annoyed when people start trolling like that where said person’s intent is to be toxic in threads surrounding talk on Blood Elves.

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