What would make you want to play a healer?


All other players to have iq tests before they log in.

I used to play most exclusively healers. Rare I do any more.

Far too many stupid, selfish and entitled players out there now

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instant ques and extremly high demand for so again instant invites.

which we have now :slight_smile:

Loot priority.
Healer gets increased chances for BIS to drop.
And make it only count for the active role.

People don’t interrupt or use CC,
People don’t use Defs,
People have zero positioning knowledge
People have no awareness of their surroundings.

I used to have a well equipped healer as twink, but atm I can’t really bother playing them since healing PuGs is the definition of… Hell… (Trying to stay within ToS here…)


It’s funny to read some of the replies. Like loot priority and such. I never picked a class because of how quickly you gear it. To me that’s a completely distorted approach to rpg games.

I used to play healer from tbc to cata, then SL and when I realised what healing was like in m+ I stopped it altogether.

I liked healing because I stood back, had an overview of the fight like no other role. I loved to save a dps who made a mistake in the last second. Outgeal some insane aoe dps that should have killed us. But I also enjoyed the fact that healing used to be laid back. No sstress over damage meters or aggro, just heals, buffs, totems and dispels, and NO GOD DAMN DMG.

Of course that’s for dungeons, in raids I enjoyed working together with other healers around our cool-downs. Who heals what aoe phase and such. I liked mama management and the role of support.

I liked the whole nature/holy theme in shamans, druids, priest and paladins etc. it was very ‘Warcraft’ so to say.

Of course I’m talking about a type of healer and game mode that’s been long gone which is also another reason why I switched back to classic era.

Retail healing is a stress fest. After 2-3 m+ runs I feel exhausted and just want to log out and do something else. Every pull is a live or die situation separating the live from the die by globals. Also dps, interrupts, stuns, heals, dispels…

I’m really curious what todays Blizz team envisions healers to be. Do they think healing must be the most stressful thing in the game to be interesting? Very sweaty logic


It’s funny because we have the opposite experience.
I found M+ to be a really boring and sleep inducing experience where nothing happens, save for maybe a few affixes.

Healing in PvP is where things really get interesting and challenging.

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This really.

It’s hard work assembling a guild/community group rn, probably because of Diablo. But I look in the finder for the dungeon I want to run, and there’s 10 groups with a tank and no healer. I wish it wasn’t a tyrannical week, because that does force me down 3 key levels for my sanity, but it’s still better than being dps.

LFR did take 11 minutes to pop this morning; at 10am on a Friday. I can forgive it.

If you don’t have access to 24/7 organised groups, want to play the game rather than sit around in queues, being healer is how you do that.

I really like healing/support roles in games and also I am terrible in DPS - like the freedom in my rotation so I play healers.

It has pros and cons, sure, like everything I just find it as something I can perform decently.

I would bet that healers would become really popular, if they were very easy to play. Wow is the only game I’ve ever seen, where the support/healer class has the hardest job, and sometimes carries groups

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Post-Legion Mistweaver is braindead easy to play, since they removed the depth that came with Chi management and Stance swapping.

I don’t like healing or tanking and I don’t think there is anything that could be done for eihter role to appeal to me.

the reality is wow dungeons have really high pace and veyr many overlaping mechanics for many rpg players.

thats why a lot of things you mentioned happen .

for rpg game wow requires crazy high APM .

healers have only themsleves to blame for it. nobody else.

instead keeping mouths shut they whined whole SL how little they have to heal - it was literaly 2 years of contant forum whining that they have time to dps and god forbid good groups expect them to do that. (although through hundreds of keys i did in SL i have not seen a single group complainging that heal doesnt dps ) .

well now we have what we have. because of it.

I just enjoy healing, always have. I find it challenging, esp. in M+, raid healing I find quite boring and apparently it’s for some people a content who’s on top of the HPs meters.

I am not a fan of top tier specs so I tried Holy Priest and it would be nice to at least try balancing all healer specs to the same power level. Other than that idk, I tried it for the first time ever in this season after getting 40+ minutes qs as dps on the first week and healing feels really exciting and hard. But at the same I was so tilted and triggered that I played only 2 days and then took a break from Wow for 2-3 weeks.
Maybe healers should get more damage to help finish games idk, because sometimes it feels like you heal everything you can like a crazy but at the same time enemies hp don’t even move for like 30 seconds and your dps health bar is bouncing from 20 to 80 every 3-4 seconds. This stuff won’t attract people for sure.
P. S Often there is one dps victim who goes 0-6 thus leading to both healers gain 0 rating. It would be great if they at least grant healers 15 rating + for 3-3.

I am aware that big pulls are hard to play with pugs, I’m not talking about them.
I don’t even complain about them being used incorrectly. People just don’t use them at all. Sometimes don’t even have it skilled.
I had a druid heal that wanted to argue about not taking the improved dispel (edit: in neltharus) because the guide didn’t tell her to take it…
People just don’t use whatever does no damage. I see so many DPS cosplaying as carpet with all their defensives ready, not using interrupts or CC… Just to then blame the tank or healer.
I had people complain about pulling too big when I pulled only one pack and all of them died due to the lack of utility being used!?

Pve content (which I don’t do a lot of) I think I prefer healing. It’s pretty chill.

World content and pvp I prefer to play a role that doesn’t have to rely on others for constant help and can dps if needed or even go about it solo.
Especially pvp I really prefer playing a dps/healer hybrid but it’s quite difficult in wow.
Seems like the devs just want you to follow the group and act as a heal bot or just pure dps and nothing else.
Disc priest is neat but depending on current balancing it more often than not plays like a typical wow healer spec.
Ret paladin is easily my fav. Spec it primarily for healing and you can keep 1-3 player alive for a period while still dishing out some hurt.
Reminds me of the disciple of khain from warhammer online.

I want more serious effort into hybrids is my answer I guess ^^

I used to main healer… I was gonna quit WoW back in wrath and my friend let me play his priest. Tried it out in BGs - fun as hell and keeping yourself and others alive became a game of its own, and then I raided kharazan and got him nightmare lol, filling healthbars is nice. Became addicted to healing and was a disc main for quite some time…
BUT HEALING NOW? Not fun at all. I dont wanna dps as a healer. Some dps every now and then? Sure. But the way healing is now, i hate it. I hate it with a passion, blowing through a million cooldowns every time an ally takes damage and you cant do anything to make them use their defensives or anything…
It’s probably just the game being way too overdesigned for healing to be fun anymore.

If you want to play a pure healer with enough throughput to deal with all of this, why not go for Mistweaver?