What would make you want to play a healer?

  1. Improve UI:

Modern wow UI is not adjusted for healers. How should I know when sb HoT is about to expire without 1000 addons that hinder my screen and look like excel spreadsheets.

Same goes for poison or debuffs. As a newcomer you have to learn by heart when and what can be dispelled.

  1. Improve gameplay:

When playing a dps I can see my rouge doing stabs, lock casting bolts.

When I play my tank I see my orc in plate blocking with his shield/charging into the battle.

When I play my druid I see an excel spreadsheetlike addon and sometimes look under my feet. This goes back to point 1. as bad UI makes it worse but the over use of spiky dmg makes it even worse.

You can’t rly look at the battlefield, see your Druid casting all those cool spells as sb will just die.

Gameplay should enforce the class fantasy, what are we role playing here? Accountants?
Excel vbs developers?

  1. Add more healer related fantasy to game

I would like to play a healers… that heals.

When the party can have 100% health for long periods of time (aka forcing the healer to afk or dps) the game has failed to provide for this role

Not removing the only way to play exclusively a Holy-Power-based Healer with 10.1.5 skill tree changes.

They will take away Radiant Onslaught for the 2nd crusader strike and the Avenging Wrath/Crusade extension passive “Zealot’s Paragon”, alongside with nerfing Avenging Crusader, making the skill build I did play last season basically evaporate.

I’m never touching Holy Paladin again if I am forced to play casting-hybrid.

And Holy Pala was the only healer spec I actually played and enjoyed ever in WoW.

Hellooo Srav!

Let me have a think
Disclaimer : Haven’t read previous replies, just going straight in

I would say the learning curve to heal is higher, with mistakes being more punishing. I say this as someone who has overwhelmingly played DPS at lower rating.

On a healer , I would argue it is more important and mandatory to understand the game more, learn all offensive and defensive cooldowns, and have a solid UI setup with supporting addons. (CD management etc)

I’ve mentioned it plenty of times before , but I think a completely revamped in-depth PvP tab in game could really help in multiple areas.
This can be taken further, by Blizzard partnering with some Arena veterans ,to do Class guides that you can find In-game that give you a link , or on the launcher. So it benefits the players that sit on this game for a job, by being given another opportunity and small sponsorship, and in turn can help players find reliable adequate information regarding PvP faster, without needing to google and find different information from different sources. Streams can also be promoted.

What would get me to play healer more?
To rattle off a few suggestions off the bat:

Gearing being faster for healers , with a catch-up system Only available to healers
Cannot be exploited from people trying to gear as healer and swap to DPS. The fast gear pieces are Spec locked. I HATE being behind in gear, as I’m sure many do. Honor blues vs 4 set with enchants? Yeah no thanks

getting more rewards that have meaning and purpose that will encourage me to improve and reward me where I think , yeah that was worth it

  • Previous Elite PvP appearance Token - 1 per season (requires 2k)
  • When you reach Rating milestones i.e 1800, able to get faster queues on DPS for a limited time. This will assist in burnout and reward pushing and playing as a healer to then take a break and have some fun on DPS

Other than that Idk mate
Still haven’t tried that Rdruid but I’m trying to get Xavius shoulders and he hates me, along with Goblin mount

AI group members.
I’d still probably prefer to tank but would give it a go.

thats again the pace of game at fault.

normal people dont play with razor naga and 216478326432 mouse buttons and keybinds.

you know how most use their defensives ? they click on them with mouse.

and often they just dont click on time.

to many abilities to many buttons to fast face and mistakes happen.

  • Better healing trinkets especially in dungeons.
    Kinda bored of every season just being “stat stick X” and 99% dungeon trinkets sucking absolute *** for healers.

  • More well designed dungeon fights for healers. I want more bosses like 2nd boss in VP, 3rd boss in Halls of Infusion, last boss in Uldaman that are well designed fights for healers to actually test our capabilities.
    Getting kinda tired of fights like 1st boss in Brackenhide, 3rd boss in Uldaman where you may as well just throw up your hands and let jesus take the wheel because most of the deaths there are up to your teammates pressing something to not get 100-0d instantly or deal with a bleed that does 150k DPS and enrages the bosses.

Those are just my main 2 “issues” with healing since I started doing it back in mid-legion. Other than that, I typically enjoy healing but even so, I still at times get burned out from it because I feel like I have to full focus 100% every time I play, while as DPS I could just go full catjam with music in the background and ignore half the things going on and still do fine for the most part (basically my exaggerated way of saying playing DPS occasionally would be a good way to wind down because you don’t need to perform in every key to time it without stress)


A monthly paycheck to put up with the stress.


Yeah, that would be the solution.
XIV has nailed healer difficulty, all i do is heal in that game.

It’s relatively stress free, slower combat and longer GCDs works well for healers.
Powerful individual heals and many of them. No need for a combo or a crit to heal efficiently. It’s very relaxing.

When i want a bit more speed to the gameplay, i play Astrologian where you shuffle tarrot cards around to give buffs.

It was absolutely amazing in it’s original form when it was released in Heavensward. You had so many different buffs and each card did something special. They neutered it later with a rework.


impossible to recreate in wow - game is just to fast to allow it.

Yes, it would require a complete rework, and it would change the game completely to the point it’s not WoW anymore.
FFXIV does what it does best, and so do WoW.

But they could add more healing spells, and lessen the reliance on crits and combos. It would also allow the people who want healer complexity to keep their style of play.
While giving extra tools to the new players.
Afterall, as long as everyone is alive. Healers are doing their job.

It’s the social pressure, but also the percieved difficulty that scares people away.
Tanks have gotten a lot easier to play, and it shows in the dungeon list, tanks are plenty.

Yeah, I mean I also wouldn’t mind if the game was a bit slower and more chill in general. I’m young (early 20ies) and after a M+ run I feel like going to sleep earlier in that night. I don’t really have any ego attached to my perfomance. I kinda just play for fun epic encounters and gearing progression, so if it was easier, I would like it. Too easy would be bad though, but just slowing down the gameplay a little would be a welcome change, and it would make healing way more relaxed overall I believe

this pretty much lines up with what i saw last night… went into a bh 5 last night on my shadow spec we wiped on the first boss and everyone piled on the healer yet no one was dodging mechanics >< kinda puts me of healing in m+

Healing is most fun when people know what they do. People in most pugs just dont know anything.

I do most m+ with friends now. Has given up on pugs and i play most healers

It’s a 5 tf u expect. I have ran multiple 14-17 dungs and hardly has anyone ever flamed a healer lol. Infact it was either healers or tanks rqing cause they got talked back to for f’ing something up like a pull (pulling too many mobs) or not dispelling spirits (dps were dispelling). Context, most times when anyone flamed either, the tank or healer started the argument

It’s really not that deep, just fix the dampening in pvp, leave it as it is in pve.

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Just tools to being an awesome support giving buffs and preventing damage.

Such as haste, speed, disarm etc that makes people happy to have you in the team and not just there to keep players up.

Should be more of a backbone of the team since they can’t tank or is expected to kill the boss with their damage.

Healing is boring… Why would you want to heal some pigs from your group?

Man, these comments are terrible :eyes:

when I first came to Warcraft, I wanted to help people so I started as a paladin because that role is to protect your buddies from harm.

I then wanted to try out healing because you would be more useful and loved.

if you don´t want to help others, then healing isn´t for you.

hahah :smiley: its the opposite… :stuck_out_tongue: Healers are most hated.

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